Chapter 188 The place where the miracle was born

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai had a strong will to fight. He did not use the slightest hidden means, and was fighting entirely by relying on the fighting heart sutra he had just mastered.

Every move is to follow instinct, to use and consolidate the results brought by the Fighting Heart Sutra.

Not only that, Nine Cycles’ profound arts are fully utilized, and their own strength is no longer hidden, and the firepower is directly full.

All of a sudden, it was completely able to block Gong Shui’er’s attack.

Such a scene shocked everyone in the audience.

Lin Yucheng stared at Jiang Xiaobai with a pair of eyes, his face was full of shock.

“This kid, really surprises me too much, has this fight with Gong Shui’er back and forth?” Lin Yucheng said in shock.

The youngest Jian Jian on the side was also full of dignified expression: “The fighting will that erupted from this son is unique. I can hardly imagine such a will. What is he using to support it.”

“It seems that this kid hasn’t exhausted all his strength in the previous battle.”

Li Xuanlin and Lin Sien were blushing when they heard this, and they wanted to find a place to get in.

They thought that the gap with Jiang Xiaobai was not big before, but now it seems that the two sides can’t compare at all!

If they were to fight against Shang Gong Shui’er, they would lose without a doubt within three moves.

But now Jiang Xiaobai not only did not fail, but also attacked each other with Gong Shui’er. These strengths were not what they had.

And what shocked everyone most was the kind of earth-shattering warfare that erupted from Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

This made them feel a kind of illusion that Jiang Xiaobai is a man who is a man.

Indomitable, except for war, is war!

At this moment, winning or losing is no longer important in the eyes of everyone, they have long been immersed in Jiang Xiaobai’s fighting will.

Everyone regards themselves as Jiang Xiaobai, so they only feel that their blood is boiling.

This is a kind of defying strong enemies, in order to prove oneself, sharpen own fighting will!

It is able to drive the mood of everyone.

“come on!”

I don’t know when, suddenly someone in the audience shouted out loud.

After that, things were out of control, and everyone began to cheer for Jiang Xiaobai.

They wanted to see where Jiang Xiaobai could go.


On the ring, while Jiang Xiaobai blocked Gong Shui’er’s attack, he kicked her chest while taking advantage of the effort, and both sides exploded back.

Gong Shui’er looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, with shock in his eyes.

She has already used up 70% of her strength, so why can Jiang Xiaobai be able to resist it?

It’s as if the opponent is a sponge that can rebound. How much power you use, the opponent will have as much power!

“Haha, happy!”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai laughed and shouted boldly.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters and turned into strips. At the same time, the torn clothes had long been soaked in sweat and blood, all stuck to his body.

Jiang Xiaobai stood on the spot, dressed coarsely, his hands trembling as he sweats like rain.

He is exhausted!

Although I have been a Dzogchen Realm along the way, I don’t know how much my foundation is better than others, and my spirit power is also very strong.

However, the realm gap between the two sides was too big, no matter how hard Jiang Xiaobai tried, he couldn’t consume the other’s strength.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose.

“I didn’t see that you actually have such a strength, it really made me look at it with admiration.”

Gong Shui’er is holding a soft sword, her eyes narrowed slightly: “But you can see that you only have this strength.”

“This girl doesn’t want to waste time with you, so let’s end here.”

Gong Shui’er spoke coldly, although it was cold, but his voice was exceptionally nice.

While she was speaking, a horrible aura appeared in her body.

It is not a Sword intent, but a kind of aura, a supernatural power that can only be mastered in the Distracting Realm.Portray the soul!

This is the existence that can be awakened after reaching the distraction state.

Humans have divine souls. Before the distraction period, divine souls play a supporting role, but when you reach this Realm, it is very different.

Through Cultivation Base Realm, portray the own soul and cultivate the soul, so as to assist oneself and have more powerful strength.

So far, this Realm is called the distraction period!

Gong Shui’er Realm is not completely stable, that is to say, the Primordial Spirit has not finished the comparison, but it is so, once the Primordial Spirit gains power, her strength is more than that of Ascension!

The terrifying coercion made everyone present feel breathless.

Gong Shui’er at this time has completely changed, and the momentum on his body directly crushes Jiang Xiaobai!

Not only that, Realm’s suppression has become more and more powerful. Before Jiang Xiaobai could move a bit, now it is extremely difficult to be pressed by this coercion.

“Hong Shixian, this is the end!”

Gong Shui’er snorted coldly, raising his jade hand gently, and the soft sword, like a snake, struck directly.

The crowd in the audience held their breaths and stared at the scene on the ring. At this time, they had only one idea in their minds.

Jiang Xiaobai, can you block this strike?

“Come on, come on!”

“Hong Shixian, you must block it!”

“You can, who said Nascent Soul late stage can’t fight against distraction early stage, you can do it!”

Although they are cheering, everyone is like Ming Spiegel, they all know that they can’t stop it.

Nevertheless, everyone has a thought and an attachment in their hearts.

What if Jiang Xiaobai blocked it?

What if a miracle happened?

An Ran couldn’t help squeezing her palms tightly, her palms filled with sweat.

“Boss, you can do it!”

“You will win!”

Everyone’s nervous heart raised their throats, and they swear they had never been so nervous in their lives.

The entire arena was silent.

Only Gong Shui’er’s gorgeous offense is left!

At the same time, in the arena, Jiang Xiaobai faced such a terrifying attack, but he did not shrink at all. On the contrary, the fighting spirit in his heart became more and more high.

“I don’t believe it, I can’t do it!”

“Who said you can’t leapfrog the battle!”

“Who said, Nascent Soul late stage, I can’t beat you, distracted early stage!”

Jiang Xiaobai let out a furious rage, and all the fighting heart sutras flashed in his mind. While the combat experience skyrocketed, Jiang Xiaobai’s fighting will was also crazy.

At this moment, only the soft sword attack was left in front of him.

In the sky, Jiang Xiaobai tried his best to raise his hand, clenched the long sword, and stabbed straight ahead.

With this sword, no Sword Technique helped.


But with this sword, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that his surroundings had become extremely calm, and only this sword remained in his perception.

A feeling suddenly rose in Jiang Xiaobai’s heart.

It seems that this sword is enough to crush everything and break all the falsehoods in the world.

“Break it for me!”

With a roar, a sword soared into the sky.


The screaming sword, the shock of terror.

The air wave hit everyone present.

When the smoke dissipated, everything was calm, and everyone was completely shocked.

Gong Shui’er’s attack was blocked by Jiang Xiaobai!

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