Chapter 100-: Humiliation of the Sarcophagus Knight


Sarcophagus Knight's point of view.

The outcome of the battle should have been clear before the battle.

Rather, it is questionable whether the low-level sand lizards waiting in the desert city of Bifrost can even maintain the appearance of a battle.

Thousands of carrion dolls created by secret arts handed down to the Knights of the Sarcophagus, and then the elite of the glorious Holy Iko Kingdom, the Western Archdiocese――I can't say that, but in any case, they were equipped with magic guns. Thousands of powerful soldiers. A total of 10,000 soldiers subjugated the loathsome Great Demon Beast Basilisk, and they turned it into a carcass doll to serve them.

The remaining military strength of the Bifrost side was such that it could be crushed with a single touch of armor sleeves.

Defeat is impossible.

This was not supposed to be a war, but a mere trampling.

However, in front of the Bifrost East Gate, which becomes a battlefield when you open the lid, there was a strange fellow.

Commander of the 12 Sarcophagus Knights dispatched to Vanaheim, and in turn, the overall commander of this corps. Confirming the enemy forces that were stationed at the end of the highway, he furrowed his brows suspiciously.

“What is that pillar?

Many strange pillars stand long on the side. Like a wall that protects Bifrost.

And on top of that pillar were people who were obviously not of the Sand Lizard tribe. They are uniformly beautiful and have thin lines. You don't even need to look closely at his long ears to know that he's an elf. Judging from their white skin, they weren't desert elves living in Vanaheim. Forest elves.

For some reason, the essential sand lizards are stationed on the city walls of Bifrost, far behind the elves.

I couldn't see well behind the stone pillar forest, but I could faintly see that someone was waiting through the slight gap. However, it was not possible to confirm who it was from Bardo and the Religious Army.

"Haaan? Why are the forest elves here? …… Reinforcements? Huh? It wouldn't be strange if the desert elves were connected to the forest elves, who are the remnants of Alfheim. Is it because of that relationship that you called them? When did you know?"


It's really strange.

And even while making assumptions, there is also a sense of incongruity that doesn't make sense.

He told me that he didn't like Baldr's intuition.

Had this been a battle with evenly matched forces, they would have been more vigilant and cautious about the presence of alien elves.

However, the number of elves seems to be small. What are you going to do with that amount of reinforcements? It's a poor fighting force that anyone can't help laughing at.

“………….……Well, is there no problem?”

Bardo calmly analyzed the strength of both sides, and concluded that no matter what secrets they had prepared, it would be meaningless.

After all, the number alone is close to ten times, and if it's pure strength, it's more than that. On top of that, if you thrust a basilisk with an extraordinarily large body into it, whether it's a stone pillar like that or the city wall behind it, it's easy to break down like a building block.

Besides, the biggest fighting force here is neither the basilisk nor the national soldiers. The 12 sarcophagus knights are the greatest force.

It doesn't matter.

Convinced of that, Bardo instructed the carrion puppets, who ruled with the other knights, to ``Full power advance'' through the path of magic power.

The carrion puppets stubbornly move forward.

It's not like I can't give orders to go around that stone pillar forest, but I didn't like it when the elves attacked me one-sidedly.

It's not stupid sentimentality. Elves are a race that is cheeky and good at magic. Everyone knows that completely ignoring it is an act of mischief that drains military power.

“…………Buying time?”

The area where the stone pillar forest grows seems to have a hole in the ground, and the carrion dolls fall one after another.

And the elves attack from the top of the pillar towards the carcass doll that fell into the hole.

Bardo was stunned by the sight. So far, carrion dolls have been unilaterally reduced, so what is it? The number of elves is small and the damage is minor. What on earth did you go through the trouble of setting up something like that? It's obvious that the effort doesn't match the battle results.

Are the barbarian tribes living in the forest unable to do simple calculations?

But anyway, it turned out that the elves weren't that much of a threat.

Bardo tells the sarcophagus knights standing around the main camp behind the army of carrion dolls, surrounded by religious soldiers.

"Manipulate the carrion dolls and make them go around from the left and right of that pillar. It's enough to attract the elves of the pillar with a small force."

"""roger that"""

As a whole, a small number of carrion puppets attract the attacks of the elves, while the other carrion puppets leisurely reach the edge of the stone pillar forest and evade behind them.

But then those behind the pillars appeared and began to intercept the carrion dolls.

Of course, it was assumed that it would. The carrion dolls are decreasing one after another, but as you can see from a distance, there aren't many interception forces.

"Knight Bald, what are you going to do?"

One of the sarcophagus knights asks.

Bardo didn't feel even the slightest bit of embarrassment.

“No need to change anything.

Concentrate your fighting spirit on both eyes and look closely at the newly appeared enemy forces.

The appearance of the enemy soldiers reflected in Bardo's sight is neither elves nor sand lizards. This time it was a werewolf and a dwarf.


As a commander, I tilted my head only in my heart so that I wouldn't have the slightest doubt about my relaxed attitude.

The werewolves are fine. I knew it had a deep connection with the forest elves. The problem is whether or not they are "the mercenaries in question"...

(No. Not the Garland Mercenaries)

It looks like you're training fairly well. Movement is good for a lower creature. Still, it wouldn't be a mercenary group led by Garland, who is annoying and annoying. The number of people is different, and above all, Garland, who leads the battlefield every time, is nowhere to be seen.

(And dwarves? Where the hell did they come from? Hey, are elves and dwarves together?)

The fact that elves and dwarves don't get along is a well-known fact even in religious countries. It's funny how they act together.


When he came to his senses, Bardo was chewing on the nail of his left index finger.

It was Baldr's habit that he would unintentionally do when he felt uneasy, or when he was irritated.

Why are the three races that shouldn't exist here? why bother us Don't they know shame? She bows her head obediently to the religious country, remembering the premonition that the lower races who should serve as slaves will further trouble the hand of this Bald Raidor, and realizes that her frustration is increasing endlessly.

I had a hunch.


A large amount of thorns.

A large number of thorns appeared from somewhere, covering the gaps of the stone pillar forest, growing quickly with the carrion dolls as nourishment, and turning it into a huge green wall.

If that's all there is to it, it doesn't matter. The elves' ability to manipulate plant magic is as widely known as the dwarves' love of alcohol, so it's not beyond the scope of expectations.

But why are the carrion dolls approaching the wall of thorns and falling down one after another?

"What? Broken? Unharmed? No, it's not right, is it?"

The feeling that the path leading to the carrion doll was suddenly cut off.

In an attempt to build a connection again, he extended a line of magic power from the sarcophagus magic wand Necronomicon he held in his right hand, but the magic power was in vain and only stroked the carrion. There was no response that would have connected them, which should have always happened.

The sarcophagus knights in the surroundings let out voices of surprise.

"What do you mean? The pass won't connect."

"Has the nucleus been destroyed?"

"You shouldn't have been attacked."

After the roses bloomed here and there in the thorns, the carrion dolls fell out of nowhere. It was already clear that their magic had been nullified in some way, and that was no small amount of humiliation for Bardo and the others.

However, the number of disabled people is still less than 10%.

It shouldn't have been a problem.


However, the corpses that should have fallen down and stopped functioning as carrion dolls stood up.

Just before that, it felt like something like a ivy was entwined with the corpses, but since they were manipulating carrion dolls, they could not afford to worry about such an impossible situation.


Shouted out.

Carrion dolls.

and run.

At a speed that can't even be compared to before it fell down.

How many, how many, how many.

They slipped through the following carrion dolls and rushed into the battle line of the religious soldiers.

and rampage.

In every direction.

With quick movements that make it look as if it has come back to life, it makes full use of skillful techniques that make it appear as if it has its own sense of self.

"What is this...? Impossible."

They were deprived of control of the carrion dolls they controlled, and they are demonstrating higher performance than when they were in control.

If you look at the phenomenon in front of you, you can understand that.

But it can't be. It shouldn't be. It is absolutely unacceptable for the lower races to have better technology than themselves.


Bite off the nail on your left index finger.

Baldr bared his canine teeth and distorted his face with rage.

Bardo, who was burned by the intense humiliation, however, came to a realization.

"Can't you take control of the basilisk..."

The carrion puppets fell down and lost control only within a few dozen meters around the huge wall of thorns. And within that range, the basilisk had already thrust his nose into it.

If you carefully concentrate your attention on the basilisk, it is true that some kind of magical power is about to cling to the basilisk's giant body. However, the basilisk is an individual carefully controlled by the Baldos, and is different from other carrion dolls. The enemy's magic didn't force the basilisk to stop working.

I could see the bottom.

That's it. After all, the opponent is a lower race. We cannot be better than ourselves.

However, even if I knew that, the anger I remembered once would not disappear.

Originally, I was going to reduce the strength of the Bifrost side a little more before putting it in as a decisive factor, but I decided to move up the schedule and let the elves understand where I am.

Bardo gave orders to the basilisk through a path of magical power that connected remarkably strongly.

(Rush. Crush all enemies and suppress them with the power of the demonic eye.)

A basilisk spins on the spot.

It wields its long tail and blows away the carrion dolls that have been deprived of control along with the weak religious soldiers.


And the Basilisk roared, and while it looked dull and sluggish, it began to charge with surprising speed due to its large size. I kicked and trampled the carrion dolls at my feet, but I didn't care how many useless dolls were destroyed.

And soon, the Basilisk's extraordinarily large body collides with the green giant wall.

As anyone could have imagined, the stone pillars bent, broke, and buried more than half of the huge green wall. The elves on top of the pillars screamed and were blown away, and the countless thorns that formed the huge wall writhed and coiled around the basilisk, as if trying to capture it.

But it's no use.

If the basilisk moves, thin thorns can easily be cut into pieces. The lizard king, now a loyal servant of the sarcophagus knights, opened his cloudy "three" eyeballs, and only these remained after his death--no, by the secret arts of the Bards, they were left intentionally. Release the adjusted ability.

Mystic eyes--"Paralyzing Poison,7 Basilisk Via Gaze "

The elves, the dwarves, the werewolves, the sand lizard tribe, including those who took up positions on the city walls of Bifrost, all stopped moving in front of the Lizard King's gaze. A strange silence dominates the battlefield for a few moments. A completely different sight. It was an absolute power difference.

"Come on... from here, the massacre will finally begin, won't it?"

I don't even care about the pretext of purifying pagans anymore.

Even if it's just for a while, I'm going to slaughter all the bastards who humiliated this Bald Raidor.

Bardo grinned, with a fierce smile.

"Let the carrion dolls charge, all of them."


Give instructions to the knights under his command,

"Are you guys going too? --Full army assault"

"Ryo, I understand!"

A messenger runs and conveys instructions to each commander of the religious soldiers.

The enemy army showed no movement and was completely suppressed by the basilisk's demonic eye. It's really frustrating. I should have done this from the beginning.

However, it is also true that I wanted to reduce the consumption of the basilisk, a special individual, as much as possible. After conquering Bifrost, the war does not end.

Unnecessarily, I ended up using the magic eye. How many more times can it be used?

While thinking about the future in the corner of his head, Bardo tried to take a step forward at the same time as the national army marched.


"--sweet bean?"

I suddenly heard a painful scream from the Basilisk.

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