Chapter 102-: Tree Fighting Spirit Demon


A gigantic spear of light pierced the gigantic lizard.

 Immediately after that, the rigid body regained its freedom.


 Leaving the stone pillar and floating in front of the basilisk, the master in spirit form turned into light and disappeared.

 Gram clenched his fist while cursing himself as clumsy in his heart for not being able to do anything.

 Standing beside him and quietly closing his eyes, Sefi, the forest god, doesn't move at all, as if he knows his role. He is in awe of that figure and says, "As expected of a princess." Even though she is young, she doesn't get upset like I do, and the way she does what she has to do is as dependable as Taiki.

"What I have to do is..."

 After regaining his composure after seeing Sephi, Gram immediately thought about it.

 What I should do now is not to be upset. On the other hand, it wouldn't be like rushing into the enemy's camp out of anger. His own role has been the princess's escort from the beginning, and he must not move from this place.

 On the other hand, is it okay to just swallow this anger that has been shamelessly exposed?

 Absolutely no.


 I gave instructions to my subordinates on the ground via telepathy.

 Four plant golems. A being that evolved from those who excel in close combat.

````Yes! ! ''''

 The figure that responds is similar to Gram.

 A humanoid figure shaped like obsidian that shines in jet black. It looks like it's covered in armor, and there are patterns of red crystals floating on its surface here and there.

 A red light appeared in the eyes of the demon mask, and each hand held the weapon that gave it its name.

"Claymore" holds a huge sword with both hands.

"Bastard" holds a sword in each hand, one in each hand.

"Halbert" carries a huge axe spear on his shoulder.

"Warhammer" carries a distinctive warhammer with a long handle and a pick that looks like a hammer and a claw.

The four different warriors are the "Tree Fighting Demon Trent Demon Knight," an evolution of the melee-type go-kuns.

Each of them had a gigantic body of over 2.5 meters, and the weapons they wielded were also gigantic, befitting their physiques. If you look closely, you can tell that they are wooden weapons because the wood grain pattern is floating, but I don't think their sharpness and hardness are inferior to those made of metal. Warriors and weapons that give off a strange sense of intimidation.

 They run like that.

 Head for the other side of the green wall.

 not be lumped together. All four jumped into different places.


 The Basilisk has been defeated.

 The impact was enormous on the Religious side, but if one side was at a disadvantage, it was still the Bifrost side.

 The force is still overwhelmingly inferior.

"All-out assault"

 After the body of the giant lizard collapsed to the ground, after a slight turmoil, orders were delivered to the carrion dolls and all the religious soldiers.

 It's not that I became desperate in an unexpected streak. It is true that Sarcophagus Knight Bald Raidor, who was in command, was furious, but his anger did not derail his judgment.

 Until then, I thought the carrion dolls alone would be enough to win.

 However, there was a possibility that the carrion dolls alone could not win. The control of the carrion dolls was taken away, but above all, the light magic that defeated the basilisk with a single blow was too dangerous.

That shouldn't be an attack that can be fired unlimitedly or many times.

 If so, it must have been used several times already. I think it was one of the trump cards because the enemy side was in a predicament due to the power of the basilisk's demonic eye and finally used it there.

 However, it is also true that there are elves, dwarves, and even werewolves, and they are at the mercy of unprecedented abilities.

 I thought it would be dangerous to cling to victory with only carrion dolls that I didn't mind consuming.

 The living soldiers――that is, the attrition of the Religion Soldiers must also be tolerated somewhat.

 In that case, Bardo knew that crushing them all at once with the entire army would be the least damaging option in the end.

 Therefore, let the whole army charge.

The carrion puppets ran without any formation, and behind them, the religious soldiers marched in a solid formation.

 The Green Wall is half crumbling, and the damning and strange ability to seize control of carrion dolls is gone.

 With the carrion dolls pouring in like clouds, the Bifrost side was clearly losing ground.

 The carrion dolls attacked one after another from both sides of the huge green wall, and their counterattacks were weak. A number of stone pillars were broken, and many elves who were encamped on top of them were dropped to the ground. The dwarves and werewolves attacking us on both sides continue to be exposed to attacks that increase in force and numbers. The number of carrion puppets slipping behind them was also increasing.

 On the other side, the Carrion Dolls have not yet approached the gates of the City Wall, which have been closed by the attacks of the Wizards and the Sand Lizards who perch on the City Wall.

 However, it was only a matter of time before that happened.

 The pressure on the battlefield is now one-sided.

 It will not be easy to stop this trend once it has strengthened.

 A closer look at the battlefield revealed signs of a sure victory.

 Multiple carrion puppets leap at the elves who shoot arrows or magic, pushing them down and eating them.

 It attacks from all sides the dwarves brandishing axes or thrusting rock spears out of the ground. Surrounding slow-moving dwarves is easy.

 Werewolves cannot use magic. Even so, there seemed to be quite a lot of people who could shoot water bullets and wind blades, probably because they possessed magic tools, but they weren't capable of ranged attacks, and after all, there was no way to resist being exposed to violence in numbers.

"Kuku... that's good... kill me, kill me more!!"

 Madness appeared on Baldr's face.

 This is what the battlefield should look like.

 We absolutely must not let the lower races do whatever we want.

 But again.

 Once again there is a frustrating rebellion.

“What are those…monsters…?”

 Red light danced wildly all over the battlefield.

 Many of them are in the form of blades, flying at lightning speed, bisected many carrion dolls at once. Or when I thought that a red light was lit, an explosion-like impact ran and the carrion dolls were blown away.

 Looking at the source of the unpleasant phenomenon, there were four monsters.

 They were demon-faced monsters that looked like they were wrapped in jet-black full-body armor.

 A crimson light runs through the whole body of the armor, and a red light is lit in both eyes as if a demon fire dwells in it. Each of them has a different weapon, and every time they wield it, a blade of red light flies, or a red light explodes.

Ki-blade――flying blade.

 Or a shock.

 It was similar to those techniques in fighting spirit, and of course, Bardo was not good at it, but he could use it.

 However, it shouldn't have that much power, and it's a phenomenon I've never heard of that the blade's color is dyed crimson.

 Bardo surmised that it was another technique that was similar but not the same, or the power of an unknown skill.


 It has a humanoid appearance, but no matter how you look at it, it's not human.

 On the other hand, even with Bardo Raidor's extensive knowledge, I had no recollection that such a demi-human existed.

 A monster, or a non-human who can only be called a monster?

 They're going against the flow of the battlefield and rushing toward us.

 Even though the carrion puppets attacked in multiple numbers, the monsters seemed to have considerable physical strength, and they didn't seem to care about the carrion puppets that were possessing themselves. Just move forward and swing your weapon. It blows away the carrion dolls, including those that were attached with just that action.


Finally, the musketeers with magic guns fired at the 4 monsters that had crossed over the group of carrion dolls and approached the line of soldiers of the Religion.

 Along with a high-pitched explosion sound, metal bullets were shot out at a terrifying speed, and a rain of gunfire was released as if it were a face attack. There was no way to evade the monsters that were close enough within range.

 A loud sound resembling an explosion resounds, and a metal bullet hits the monsters.

 As a result of several bullets hitting the huge body at almost the same time, the bodies of the monsters danced in the air as if they were repelled by the impact, and the ground rolled twice and three times.

"Did you...?"

 That murmur must have been muttered by someone in the Musketeers. It echoed strangely in the battlefield, which was wrapped in silence for a moment.

 But every soldier who watches the fallen monsters is convinced.

 The power of the magic gun has the power to easily kill even powerful monsters that humans cannot easily defeat. Due to the development of the magic gun, the memories of the small countries that had spread in the eastern part of the religious country until recently being annexed one after another still haven't faded. This was before the new gods were incarnated in this world, but for the soldiers of the religious country, their trust in the magic gun was sometimes as strong as their faith.

 No monster, demi-human, or heathen has ever fallen before a magic gun.

I was hit by dozens of bullets all at once, head-on.

 No monster was alive.



 That's why, the moment I heard that voice that resounded directly in my brain, I guess it can't be helped that it took me a while to understand the reality in front of me.

 No, it may have been a manifestation of his feelings of not wanting to accept reality.

"It hurts, Korra."

 The fallen monster stands up.

 It stood up and glared at us with a sinister demon face that seemed to be colored with feelings that were neither anger nor hatred.

 And it's not just one.

"Stand around and shoot like a fool"

"Don't you have the pride of a warrior to Temera?"

 All four monsters stand up.

 The figure is never intact. Rather, it can be said that he is covered with wounds. The bullets definitely hurt the bodies of the monsters--should be. The hard-looking full-body armor (?) has cracks running all over the surface, and the same goes for the demon mask. There were no physical defects, but the numerous cracks showed that the impact of the bullets was extraordinary.

 But why is there not a single drop of blood?

 There was no one who thought that the opponent was a human or a demi-human, but even so, the true identity was too unknown.

“If it wasn’t for us, we would be in danger of dying.”

 ――No, die there.

 At that moment, the hearts of the musketeers became one.

 Why are you not dead?

 This is a common sense scene to die.

"---, uh ah ah ah!?"

 The musketeers scream when they see a mysterious monster.

 Then, I readied the magic gun again and pulled the trigger, but it only made an empty clicking sound.

 Current magic guns do not have a continuous fire function. You have to reload the bullet each time you fire a shot. It has been improved since it was a muzzle-loading type that loaded bullets from the muzzle, and the reloading speed has increased compared to the past due to the breech-loading type, but even so, there is no time to leisurely reload when the enemy is in front of you.

 Therefore, usually after one shot, they step back and the people in the back row shoot the next bullet.

 The musketeers were so panicked that they forgot even that procedure.

 The soldiers in the back row couldn't shoot immediately because the soldiers in the front row were in the way.

 But still, it wouldn't have been much of a problem. All you have to do is force them to step back and then shoot. If the opponent's ability was within the range of an average human being, then there was enough distance to make it in time.

 Perhaps the unfortunate thing for them was that the other party was not human.

"Let's fight fair and square"

"Let's go to the ordinary"

"Let's compare strength"

"No, it hurts, stop it already"

 The monsters emitted a strangely fluent telepathy, and the next moment they ran at such a speed that they seemed to have disappeared, reducing the distance between us to zero.





 At the next moment, the soldiers let out a somewhat silly voice, bewildered or astonished by the monsters that suddenly appeared in front of them.

 --Violent erupted.

 Great swords, twin swords, axes and spears, war hammers, every time they were swung vigorously, a crimson flash ran, and the soldiers screamed and exploded.

 A few, dozens of soldiers were slaughtered in no time.

 Overwhelming combat power.

 But more than that.


 Bardo Raidor, who was observing the monsters, saw that every time they defeated the soldiers, the wounds on their bodies……or rather, the cracks that ran through their full body armor and demon face were repaired. I clicked my tongue at the troublesomeness.

 Does it have the ability to regenerate, or does it absorb life force from the opponent it attacks? You can't see through the truth right away, but it's still troublesome either way.

 If you have high combat power and high recovery ability, if you try to defeat them by relying on their numbers, you will definitely suffer a great deal of damage.


"Face, Rollo, Pellew, Gatra, get rid of those monsters."

 That's what I gave my comrades in the Sarcophagus Knights.

"""roger that"""

 The four knights, who were called by name, nodded without hesitation and started running towards the rampaging monsters.

 Even Bardo, who was seeing him off, had no worries.

 Also, it might be destroyed by some unknown means――I don't even think about it. Because the Sarcophagus Knights are the vassals of God, and both the Carrion Dolls and the Religion Soldiers know that their strength is nothing compared to the 12 Sarcophagus Knights here.

 on that evidence.

 Just a few dozen seconds after Baldr gave his instructions, the annoying attacks of the monsters stopped.

 Looking at it, there were four huge rectangular bodies made of seamless stone--stone pillars standing on the battlefield.

 Many religious soldiers witnessed the moment when the monster was trapped in the huge stone. The liquefied ground erupted like a fountain, sucking the monsters into it, and the next moment it petrified.

 they know the name of that stone pillar.

 ――It is a sarcophagus.

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