Chapter 21-: Mistoltine

It has been about a month since the werewolf tribe started living together in the elven village.

At first, they felt uncomfortable as if they were residents, but over the past month, they have found their own roles and have gradually become accustomed to life in the village.

The werewolf tribe is a fighting tribe that used to live in the forest, and with the exception of young children, even the women and children seem to be quite skilled at hunting.

Therefore, many of them do what they can to contribute to the supply of meat to their villages by hunting, make weapons and armour by processing the fangs, bones, and skins of demons, or guard their villages like Walnut and Laurel.

In addition, perhaps the time when I was rescued from the Tyrant Bear left such a strong impression on them, or perhaps it was good that I gave them apples with recovery magic, but it seems that I am strangely appreciated by the werewolf tribe, and tributes are being paid to me every day.

Well, the tributes were mostly discarded parts of the prey that I had hunted.

The tributes were mostly discarded parts of hunted game, such as skins that were not suitable for processing, inedible internal organs, bones and cartilage that were not strong enough to be used as weapons, and even blood that had been drained.

If that was all, I would have guessed that they were being used to dispose of waste that was good for the body, but they also bring in magic stones every day, albeit low-grade ones, so I guess you could call them tribute.

One day, a werewolf warrior named Worf showed an interest in one of the items.

One day, a werewolf warrior named Worf showed interest in something.

However, their interest was piqued by something I had made.

It wasn't a fruit, but it was definitely something I had made.

It was a wooden sword.

To be more precise, it was a short wooden sword for children that Sephy uses in her daily training.

At first, she was wielding a "nice length stick" that she picked up around the corner, but then I suddenly thought, "If it's made of wood, even I can make a wooden sword, can't I? I thought to myself, "If it's made of wood, I could make a wooden sword.

How to make it?

It's easy.

...... Well, it's easy for me, but maybe it's difficult for others.

In short, this is a golem in the form of a wooden sword.

First, I cast the "Grow Plant" spell on the fruit created by "Seed Generation" to make it germinate. After that, the "Grow Plant" is used to grow the fruit, taking care not to let it wither over time.

What is born is a mana torrent.

Although it speeds up the growth, it does not grow as large as a full-grown tree. Once the tree has grown to a certain size and the trunk is thick enough for a wooden sword, you can possess the Manathrent and use the "Mutation" skill (it seems that "Mutation" is a skill that all Manathrents have innately).

(Mutation is a skill that manaturrents seem to have innately.) Rather than growing larger, the direction of growth is mutated so that it becomes harder and sturdier, and after a few more days, it is finally transformed into a golem with the magic of "Create Plant Golem.

I use the magic as I imagine it to be a single wooden sword with no leaves, branches, roots, or bark.

It can't move or attack on its own, but it's incredibly sturdy, and since it has the Energy Drain skill, even if it breaks in half, it will regenerate over time, and if you want, you can speed up its regeneration by pouring magic power into it, soaking it in nutrient-rich water, or just sticking it in the ground. And this guy, like Goh and the others.

And this one, like Goh and the others, will increase in level.

It will probably evolve as well.

In addition, although it is inefficient due to its short contact time and small contact area, it can also absorb life force and magic power through "energy drain.

Since it is a mana torrent that I created, it can be "possessed".

And when possessed, they can use their mutation skills to become wood golems - in other words, they can move like you and me.

I gave this wooden sword to Sefi with the intention of secretly using it as her bodyguard.


Sefi's eyes lit up with joy.

She looked so happy. There must have been something about it that touched her heartstrings.

She raised her wooden sword high in the air and shouted with a crisp, serious face.

"Sephy has obtained the Sword of Indestructibility!

It's more like a club than a sword, and that's probably the essence of the weapon.

But she's so happy. I didn't want to disturb him.

It's a legendary sword. What's the name?

What do you think, Go-kun Blade?

I asked her how she would name it, but she answered immediately without even a hint of thinking.


"Mistoltine! What a strong sounding name"

I don't think she named it randomly.

When I asked her where it came from.

"Well, you know, Mistoltine is..."

I asked her where she got the name.

According to the mythology of the elves, mistletoe is the name of a weapon that once killed a god. The weapon was made of 100% natural plant material and was originally shaped like a spear, but the exact shape is unknown.

I don't know if the one I gave to Sephy is a weapon for killing gods, but the fact that it is made of plants is common.

--And well, this is how the wooden sword  Mistoltine was born.

I'm not sure if it's a god-slaying weapon, but the fact that it's made of plants is common.

I'm not sure if it's a good weapon or not. She said that she could tell just by looking at it whether it was a good weapon or not.

she said that a weapon that is sturdy, has the ability to regenerate, has the effect of sucking the life out of you when you attack it, and above all, grows and evolves as you continue to use it, even if it is a wooden sword, is a pretty amazing weapon.

It's a wooden sword, after all.

However, it is a wooden sword, right?  I asked back.

"It's a wooden sword, but you can use it in any way you like, and its killing power is not low, as you can see from the guardian.

That's what she replied.

I think Worf saw Goh-kun 1 blow Tyrant Bear's head into a million pieces. That was with a wooden sword.

If that's the case, well, it's not hard to understand why he considers mistletoe to be a powerful weapon.

"Spirit-sama, is there any other way to make that wooden sword?"

Worf came to me with a serious look on his face, as I was watching from the main body of Manathrent, Sephy playing chanbara in the square.

He had heard from the elves that I had made that wooden sword and asked me to make one for him.

"Well, I can make it, but...

It's not like making fruit.

The time it takes to make it, the magic and life force it uses, are far more.

You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do.

I explained this to Wolff.

"I'm going to hold off on the persimmons for a while, then. I'll hold off on the persimmons for a while, and bring more offerings than I have in the past. Could you please make it somehow with that!"

Wolff was addicted to persimmons.

The sweet persimmon he eats after dinner is now his favourite meal of the day.

That's why he hunts down demons every day and brings them to me. Now he's going to hold back on the persimmons. This is ...... serious.

I sensed his extraordinary determination and agreed to his wish.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

"Thank you, genie-sama!

So, Worf began to hunt a few demons every day and offered them all his parts, including the magic stones. This made it possible for him to break even in terms of energy, to the point where he could afford to recover more than half of his energy as a labour charge.

Most of the time it took was to grow the mana torrents.

Even so, the wooden sword for Worf was completed in a few days. Unlike Sephy's, the sword was made longer and thicker to fit Worf, who was an adult and more physically capable, giving it the appearance of a large sword.

When I "possessed" the wooden sword and did a self-assessment, the following status was displayed.

[Native Name] "Mistoltine No. 2".

[Race] Manaterant

[Level] 1 / 40

[Life Force] 70/70

[Magic power] 140/140

[Skills] "Photosynthesis", "Magic Sensing", "Energy Drain", "Seed Generation", "Earth Vein Improvement", "Mutation".

[Attribute] Water

[Title] None

[Divinity value] 0

This status is exactly the same as the Mana Torrent I created with "Seed Generation".

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. The only thing it can produce is normal manaturrents.

The reason why his level limit is 10 lower than mine is probably because he is not a "spirit tree. In addition to the fact that it is not a spirit tree, the reason why the life force and magic power are low is because it has not experienced evolution.

In addition, it seems that only those who have evolved from walking weed have the ability to create underground stems, while "possession" and "warding" seem to be skills that appear at the rank of "spirit tree".

But still, it's not weak.

And if it can grow as well, it's more than enough.

Holding the finished sword in his hand, Wulf gazed at it with some fascination.

No, I don't have the taste to be pleased to see such a face of a bastard.


A few days later, as if Worf had bragged about his wooden sword, not only the werewolf warriors but even some of the elves came to ask me to make one for them.

I decided to accept the request in exchange for a large offering.

No, because even if I refused, they wouldn't give up, you know.

In addition, they didn't hesitate to make requests, so I had to make not only swords, but also spears, clubs, bows, and many other things.

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