Chapter 23-: Go-kun's Forest

"Hmm? Princess and Spirit, are you going out again today?"

At the gate in the wall of thorns on the outer edge of the Elven village.

There stands a Elven man

His name is Laurel, and even though he is a man, he looks like a woman.

The other one next to him ,He's a young man who belongs to the village vigilante group with the red-haired Walnut.

He is also one of the elves that I met when I first came to the village. Incidentally, in the village of elves, the roles of those who are able to do what they can do are mostly softly divided, and there is no such organization as a vigilante or security force.

"Yeah! Go-kun's place!"

"Well, let's get along with me today."

Laurel said, smiling softly at Sefie, who answered cheerfully.

Then he turns to Walnut, who stood beside him, and tells him.

"Then, I'm coming, Wol."

"Oh, come on"

"Please don't leave your post without permission like you did the other day, okay?"

"That is unavoidable ..."

He must have been referring to the time when the werewolf tribe came.

Walnut has a frustrated look on his face.

"You can use telekinesis, and you can use wind magic. If you think about it a little bit, you could have at least reported it. Those were werewolves weren't dangerous but if the enemies were in there place things could have gone south."

"Okay, I understand. ...... I'm sorry. ......"

he was discouraged by those words

I was carried by Sephy, and I gave him a word of encouragement.

Well, cheer up"

"I haven't forgotten that you didn't intercede for me, Genie-sama ......."

It is said with a grudge face, but it is about eight.

While brilliantly passing through Walnut's words, we went out of the village, led by Laurel, who is also an escort.

Well, as a matter of course, what we found after going through the arch of thorns was a forest.

No matter how you look at it, it's a forest. Yeah. A forest.

There are trees standing in a row with a good distance between them.

They seem to be a little shorter than when I first came here, but they are definitely trees.

As I circled around the wall of thorns, the trees still seemed to be a little shorter than before, but there was nothing wrong with the forest scene.

The soft sunlight leaking through the treetops created a quiet and fantastic forest scene.

"But then again, you're a genie, aren't you?

As I was walking through the fantastic forest, Laurel praised me for some reason.

What?  What are you talking about?

I really don't know what she's talking about. I don't understand.

"What do you mean, this forest? These days, not even goblins come close, and if they do, they're gone before we know it.

"Heh, heh, ......, that's a horror story.

"Horror ......?  I'm not sure what that means, but thanks to the guardians, the children can walk in the forest to some extent, and they can gather various materials, and it's safer than ever.

Laurel seems to be really grateful to me.

Well, I hope she's grateful. If there is no problem, it's fine.

I'm sure she didn't hear my inner voice.

"If I had to pick one drawback, it would be the lack of weak demons for the children to hunt with.

"Ugh!  I'm sorry about that.

"It's not that I'm blaming you.  No, no, no, I'm not blaming you. I'm grateful to you, genie-sama.


Is that true?

I'm not sure if you're really thinking that you're overdoing it or not.

I can't stop thinking about it, but I can't actually ask.

My sensitive heart would be deeply hurt if I asked and was affirmed.

What is too much to ask?

It is, of course, this forest.

A forest of slightly shorter trees that now stretches around the perimeter of the elf village.

All of the trees in this forest are mana torrents and wood golems that I created.

Normally, I have them mimic mere trees, but when a demon or other foreign enemy approaches, I order them to eliminate it.

Since it is a golem, it can also take on a human form and move. It fights by transforming its branches into arms and its roots into legs.

However, their appearance is quite tame compared to the early Golems.

This is what happens when you focus on quantity rather than quality.

They are mass-produced golems, if you will.

If you ask me why I made such a large number of golems, I don't have a clear reason.

With all the offerings from the elves and werewolves, and the energy drain from photosynthesis, we had a bit of a surplus of energy.

In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to take advantage of it.

So I've been making them every day, and ...... before I knew it, I had this amount.

The reason why they are placed around the perimeter is that if they are too far away from me, the telekinesis won't be able to reach them, and if it does, they might go wild. So I asked Sephy to move the original trees and put the Manathrent golems in the empty space.

By the way, Sephy used plant magic to easily move the trees.

It was quite a spectacular sight to see the trees walking away like a huge walking weed.


And," Laurel said, looking around at the forest in a truly impressed tone.

And," Laurel said, looking over the forest in a truly impressed tone, "it's not every day you see a forest of Manathrens like this. Thanks to them, the current village is small in size, but the concentration of magical elements is as high as that of Alfheim in the past.

The surrounding trees are mostly mana torrents, so naturally, the skill has "Improve Earth Veins".

As a result of this skill, the whole area of the village seems to be drawing in the earth's veins and is rapidly transforming into a land rich in magical elements. It is said that this area has always had a high concentration of magical elements, but even so, it is much higher than before.

This is not a welcome phenomenon, as it would normally make the surrounding demons stronger, but with Sephy as a high elf in the forest, she can only enjoy the benefits.

I was shaking with fear that I had overdone it, but so far I haven't received any complaints, so I guess there's no problem.

By the way, I don't give "ouein" to the mimicking Gohs.

As expected, there are too many of them.

The purpose is to heal any Goh-kuns that are badly damaged or injured from walking around.

And the early Go-Kings now patrol the outside of the Manathrent Forest. In the event that you've got any questions regarding where by and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

...... I didn't give such an order, though.

To be honest, the recent growth of Go-kun is reliable and scary.

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