Chapter 26-: Elf Discover

The range of Kai Vickers' "magic detection" is wide.

Therefore, he had already caught the reactions of the elves. However, before we could get there, there was a zone where there were a lot of powerful demon-like magical reactions.

The mercenaries had killed all the demons they had encountered on the way here, even the powerful Red Ogre.

Well, if there were only three of them, they would be able to defeat them with numbers.

However, if they continue on like this, they will encounter demons that are far more powerful than that. It's a strength that probably can't be overturned by the advantage of numbers.

(But, well, I can do it, right?).

I've left all the demons that my mercenaries can handle to them.

But that won't be the case from here on out.

(They are pawns to be used against the elves. It would be a shame to reduce their numbers after coming this far.)

So, I have no choice but to take the lead.

"I'll take the lead from here on out. Follow me."

"Yes, I understand."

The leader, who had been completely frightened of Kai since the battle with the werewolf tribe, nodded frankly.

He quickly walked forward with that in his side.

I walked through the forest where tall trees grew, my senses sharp.

From the distance between the dense magic and the magic power, it would be difficult to avoid them. And it seems that some of them have noticed us.

It was necessary to kill them as soon as possible before they noticed the chain of events.

But when he saw the huge body that appeared from behind the trees, Kai was prepared for several of his mercenaries to die.

"Tyrant Bear. ...... Can't help it."

He pulled out his sword from the scabbard attached to his sword belt.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

It is a magic letter called a rune.

--Sword of Funeral Flame Ignis Requiem

It's a special magic sword that is also a sign of a funeral flame knight.

If you let the magic flow from the hilt to the body of the sword, the runes engraved on it will shine slightly.

The air around the body of the sword flickered and scattered heat all around.

Immediately after, the body of the sword was covered in flames.

It was a purple, slippery, viscous flame.

--Burial Flame

The magical flames that appear with the runes do not only increase the cutting power with heat.

Wounds cut by the funeral flames do not heal, and the heat spreads from the wound to the entire body. The heat will spread from the wound to the rest of the body, and if you keep touching the flames, you will be incinerated without leaving a bone.

In addition, these flames can be manipulated with the magic power you put into them.


Perhaps sensing Kai's murderous intent, the Tyrant Bear let out a yell.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

"You're good!

As if laughing and kissing the ground, it lowers itself and runs fast.

The "fighting spirit" was already coursing through his body, strengthening it. He controlled the power that was about to burst from within and ran like a beast.

Over his head, countless pieces of wood passed by at a tremendous speed.

The mercenaries screamed in the background, as if they had fallen prey to the merciless weapon.

Ignoring them, he threw himself at the Tyrant Bear, and


I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

This is the first time that I've ever seen such a thing.

The earthen lumps hit the whole body, but there is no problem. It moves forward. I swung my sword toward the Tyrant Bear's throat.

There was no scream.

Almost no blood was spilt.

In the instant of the slash, the funeral flames that covered the sword were poured into the Tyrant Bear through the manipulation of magic power.

Immediately afterwards, the entire body of the overly huge giant bear ignited.

I distanced myself from the Tyrant Bear, which collapsed with the earth-shaking, and looked back.

The affected mercenaries were still in a panic.

"If you don't want to die, run forward!"

I exclaimed, slightly annoyed at the slow-moving mercenaries.

"Hey, hey!"

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to have to.

I don't have time to worry about the mercenaries until we get through the dense area of demons, and I don't intend to.

He simply runs the shortest distance possible, using his funeral flames sparingly to take out the demons that come at him one after the other with a single blow.

No wise demon could enter the wards of the High Elves.

I knew that.

He knew this, and Kai realized that he had entered the wards directly.

I'm not sure.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

The number of mercenaries had dwindled somewhat, but there were still probably close to thirty of them left.

That's a good result for Kai.

(Now, the location of the elves has already been determined: ......)

I turned my gaze away from the mercenaries around me, who were adjusting their erratic breathing, and looked ahead.

There is a huge wall of thorns on the other side of the strangely spaced trees.

On the other side of it, I could see a huge tree, much bigger than the ones I had seen so far, and a building built on its branches.

Only the elves in the whole world would be so strange as to live in a house built on top of a tree.

It was definitely an elven village.

Personally, I'd like to overrun an elf village, but with the High Elves around, I don't think I can do it alone.

If that was the case, I would have to return to the Holy City alive to report the location of the Elven Village.

However, it was necessary to attack them once in order to measure the threat of the elves.

And that task belongs to the mercenaries.

"Well, Commander..."

"Yes, what is it?"

He called out to the leader, whose name he didn't know, and Kai pointed to the elf village.

"It looks like that's where the elves are hiding. We've accomplished most of our mission, but we've come this far. It would be a shame to leave so soon, wouldn't it?

Of course, I didn't tell the mercenaries that there might be high elves in that village.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

"It wouldn't hurt to bring back a few elves. We've come this far with a lot of effort, we should be able to afford a little extra. If you're in danger, I'll use my magic to make up the time. You can run away during that time."

Elves are a race known for their good looks.

They are also long-lived and have a long youthful life.

Therefore, their value as slaves is very high, and there are plenty of people who want elves.

Naturally, it went without saying that they could be sold for a tremendous amount of money.

The Commander's throat rumbled.

"Are you sure you want to do this?

"Yes, of course. Yes, of course. I'm still very grateful for your contribution, you know.

"Well, well, ......."

The leader's face is filled with unconcealed joy.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

It's hard to believe that Kai, who is also a devout Icoholic, is planning to vent his sexual desires on an elf.

But he didn't intend to blame her. You can do whatever you want.

Anyway, the leader turned back to the group and said in an exuberant voice, as if he had forgotten the fatigue and fear he had experienced so far.

"Bastards!  It's time to make some money!  Let's get that elven girl!


("Only for women?")

(Is it only for women?) I watched them with a gentle smile on my face, even though I was inwardly pouting.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

"What? What's that?"

As expected, the mercenaries stopped as the sound echoed from all around the area.

A creak.

It sounded like a wooden house creaking.

It could be heard from all directions.

The next moment.


You could say that I was caught off-guard.

The tree that stands beside Kai.

The branch suddenly attacked him.

The experience imprinted in his body made him reflexively avoid the fist-like blow swung from the top of the tree.

However, as he jumped backwards, an unbelievable scene appeared in his vision.

There were countless trees growing around him.

They had taken on a distorted human form and were moving.

A number of mercenaries were already underneath the downward swinging fists. I'm not sure if they're still alive. It was unclear whether they were still alive or not.

And even those who are still safe are all surrounded by strange wooden monsters, including Kai.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"What the hell? What the hell are these things?

"What the hell are they? Get off me! Let me go!

The mercenaries, driven by panic, began to make noise.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

(What the hell are these guys? Trent? No, is it a wood golem? Either way, why didn't I see them coming? That's impossible.)

It's not uncommon for ordinary trees to harbour magical power if they are large. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure that if it was a torrent or a wood golem, you could have detected it by sensing its magic power.

When I focused my attention on the wood golems that began to move, I could feel the inherent magical power.

However, there was no sense of discomfort in the magic power.

Why does it feel right?

It was the surrounding environment.

I was so distracted by the magic of the elves that I didn't notice, but the concentration of magical elements was strangely high where I was.

It's not normal.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the high concentration of magical elements was hiding the magical power of the wood golems.

In addition, it was bad enough that I was paying too much attention to the elves' magic power.

It's a good thing that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

I felt frustrated at my mistake.

But there was no time to regret it.

As if to confirm that Kai and the others were surrounded, a large group of people came out from behind the wall of thorns that covered the Elven village.

It was a large number of elves and an even larger number of werewolves.

For some reason, it was a young elven girl who was leading the way.


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