Chapter 76-: The Three Original Go-Kuns


The third day of hunting.

Today, I will escort Grams and hunt after climbing the sacred mountain worship on the north side of the Hidden Village.

Well, even if I say hunting, I and Sefie probably won't participate in the hunt.

There is a huge cliff on the north side of the Hidden Village, so you will have to walk up in the woods to make a detour. Thick snow is piled up on the steep mountain range, and it seems that no vegetation grows from a little below. The terrain is like a wilderness where huge rocks roll around, and it seems that it has become a dragon's nest from this area.

A plant monster like me can survive in a very bad environment with a small amount of water and sunlight, and in a place blessed with demons, but it can also breed in a difficult environment. Probably not.

I don't know how many meters the plant monster will have a survival limit, but when it comes to the top of the mountains, you can't even see a single tree, let alone a forest.

However, I never climb beyond the place where the forest is cut off.

In the first place, it is a nest of dragon species, so it is an environment where wyverns and more dragon species attack in groups, and in places where there are no hidden places or trees that can be shields, dragon species that fly in the sky are overwhelmingly advantageous.

Even though it has evolved and become much stronger, even Grams are reckless in their search.

After all, when you leave the forest, Sefie's athletic performance seems to return to what it looks like.

The magical power is still extremely high, but it is personal and it seems that the inexhaustible supply of magical power from the forest will not be available.

So you can't get out of the forest when Sephi is with you.

"By the way, are you all right over there?"

"If you look at it as an individual, it is inferior to the monsters around here, but since it is acting as a group, there will be no problem, Lord"

As I walked through the woods, I asked Gram and he got such an answer.

What I mean is Go-kun other than Gram, Belsol, and Embra.

Like the werewolves of yesterday, Grams are acting in groups. There are two pairs of Grams and 12 other Go-kuns.

Gram seems to judge that there is no problem with 12 Go-kuns.

On the other hand, there are only Gram, Belsol, and Embra other than me and Sefie, who probably won't be a force.

I'm thrilled because it's close to the most dangerous zone (the dragon's nest) so far, but there's no wonder and anxiety.

"Grams ... looks okay"

"Gram is great"

"Huh, thank you. Rest assured, leave it to me. "

I'm still on the way up, but of course, I encounter monsters.

I still encountered a monster. Desmantis that Wolf had defeated yesterday.

Gram casually swings the wooden sword in his right hand to Desmantis, who wields a sickle with a considerable gap.

At the next moment, a glowing red slash that flew at high speed reached before Desmantis fired his blade and cut off.

Looking at it again, it seems that Gram's shining slash is something different from a blade.

As with the speed of flight, it looks clearer than the colourless and transparent blade of Desmantis, and its power is incomparable.

"Oh, Princess, Gram isn't the only one, right?"

Belsol who says so is not defeated either.

It looks like a lady-no, I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the sight of Belsol in a queen-like dress walking in the woods, but it's a kind of tree spirit like Brynhildr in terms of race. I am walking gracefully somewhere without being caught by the branches of trees or undergrowth due to my actions in the woods.

Such a Belsol has an elegant way of fighting.

A large rose flower blooms above her head, just like a hair accessory.

Originally her dress and hair were decorated with roses, but apparently, it is a different rose.

The one-flowered rose, which is extremely large and bright red, sprinkled a rich fragrance around it. Is it because we are moving with us that we can't make the thorns that we manipulated bloom like before?

Inviting the roses of Belsol to fall asleep-No, I know they have the ability to force them to fall asleep, but I feel uncomfortable with just one wheel.

However, if it is not a large number of monster opponents that cover the entire field of view as before, it seems that one wheel alone is sufficient.

A giant wolf demon attacking in groups of several-one of the Greater Wolfs has slipped through Gram's attack and attacked us.

However, the moment Belsol smells the fragrance that unfolds around him like a barrier, he loses his sense of kicking the ground.

One sniff makes your consciousness cloudy, two sniffs stop your feet, three sniffs fall down, and four sniffs fall asleep.

After wrapping a thorn that changed his lower body around the stuck Greater Wolf and restraining it, he slowly sucks up [life force] and [magical power] with "Energy Drain" and complains to Gram through the monster.

"Gram, I've come here. Please be firm."

"Mu, I'm sorry. However, if you can come more than once at the same time, it will be a feat. At that time, I'll ask you guys. "

"It can't be helped"

Perhaps not because he was told that, but it seems that Belsol on that day decided to act as an escort for me and Sephi.

Even while moving, he never leaves us and continues to develop the barrier of the scent of roses.

I wonder if the scent of the rose can choose the person who invites me to sleep, and I and Sefie will not be attacked by sleep. But I can't resist being relaxed. For the time being, even though this is still a dangerous zone, the tension is reduced.

Perhaps it was wrong to think that, I encountered a new monster.

"" Chichichichichi !! ""

The moment the cry echoed, Gram was already in motion.

Teleportation Moves at super speed, swings a sword, shoots a sword, and instantly slashes two monsters.

If only two had appeared, that would have been the end.

However, 6 birds appeared. The rest are 4 birds. They attack us, thinking that it is easier for us, who seem to be relatively weak even if there are multiple, than Gram, which seems dangerous to see.

They are petite as monsters around here.

Is it about the size of Sephi? However, he flaps his wings at such a high speed that he cannot see them, and he flies quickly between the trees.

The way of flying was more like a bee than a bird.

Vampire bird.

It looks like a monster that is completely a giant hummingbird.

However, the staple food is not the nectar of flowers, but the body fluids of animals. It seems to pierce a long, sharp beak and suck up blood with a straw-shaped tongue.

The ecology is a mosquito rather than a hummingbird, but unlike a mosquito, it is a ferocious monster that sucks blood until its prey dies. However, it looks like a hummingbird, so


It's so cute that Sefie shines her eyes and mutters.

But don't be fooled by the vampire bird's round eyes flying at high speed. They are coming to kill completely.

"Princess, please don't leave too much."


Belsol takes a step forward, paying attention to Sefie.

The fragrance emitted from the rose became stronger, and the vampire bird who entered the scent barrier lost its power and fell to the ground in a parabolic manner.


"" Chichi! Chichi !? ""

However, only one bird lost consciousness.

The remaining three birds kept a certain distance and did not approach, whether they were wary of seeing their friends who had fallen to the ground or felt something.

When I thought that I had mysteriously tilted my head while hovering in the air, the magical power suddenly increased.

"It's a small tantrum."

A strong wind blew through the woods.

Apparently he used wind magic.

The wind blew off the scent of roses.

Perhaps they decided it was safe, and they attacked us again. The movement from a stop in the air to an instant top speed is easily lost.

"I have a high head."

However, at that moment, a green wind runs through the field of view and the air bursts.

Before I knew it, Belsol, who had a thick and long thorn from his right hand, shook it like a whip.

Perhaps because it's part of herself or because she's a queen, Belsol's whipping is skillful. He slams fast-flying vampire birds and tears his body surface with thorn thorns.

The vampire birds struck by the whip without reaching us were slammed on the ground. However, perhaps it wasn't powerful enough to kill him with a single blow, he immediately got up and shook both wings.


However, it never jumps up again.

By that time, the fragrance of the scattered roses had covered the surroundings again.

The vampire bird who lost consciousness is restrained with a thorn whip and killed with "Energy Drain".

"Rather, Embra"

"What is Belsol?"

After ensuring safety, Belsol frowns and tells Embra.

"Don't skip, fight!"

"It's a misunderstanding that you're skipping. I'm good at recovery and assistance, but I'm not good at fighting."

Embra calmly makes an apology, but has never participated in the battle so far.

I'm sure it wasn't necessary, but I didn't seem to be willing to fight aggressively. Well, he looks like a priest dressed in a vestment, and he doesn't seem to be good at aragoto.

However, as you climb the mountain, you can no longer wait for Embra.

There are obviously many monsters that appear, but they are getting stronger. Even Gram's attacks are all monsters that can't be defeated with a single blow, and more and more people pass them behind.

In addition, the barrier of the scent of Belsol is also scattered by wind magic, or there are many monsters that are resistant to abnormal sleep conditions in the first place.

"Gram does this"

When Embra turns his right hand into an ivy, he creates a bright red apple.

It doesn't seem to be the seductive poisoning apple he uses a lot. However, it can be seen that the apple has a lot of magical power.


When Gram receives the apple and swallows it, the magical power of the apple begins to circulate throughout the body.

It seems that it was an apple with auxiliary magic to strengthen its abilities.

It is more effective to apply the kind of enhanced magic in contact than in non-contact. And it is more efficient and effective to put magic in something that can be taken into the body.

The strengthening accelerates the movement of Gram.

Flying slashes that I didn't use a lot because I was worried about exhaustion will now be used without worrying about it.

In addition to strengthening the ability, it seems to have the effect of continuous recovery.

"This for Belsol"

"I'll have it"

An apple is also produced and handed over to Belsol.

Is it different from what you gave to Gram, or is it tuned for Belsol?

Instead of swallowing it, Belsol chewed it firmly and ate an apple. When the lower half of the body was changed to thorns, it spread around and produced a number of roses.

Since the purpose of this hunt is the magic stone and the corpse of the demon itself, "Energy Drain" could not absorb much energy, and the ability that was used only sparingly will be expanded a little and started to be used.

The apple given to Belsol may have had such effects as a temporary increase in magical power and an increase in the amount of recovery of magical power.

"This for the princess"

He also creates and hands an apple to Sephi, who has a greedy expression on his face.

A word for hiccups and cheeks.

"It's sweet and delicious!"

Nods with satisfaction.

There seems to be no special effect.

"Then, let's foster friendship with the demons."

After that, I will feed the apple with the usual temptation effect toward the monster that comes out here, and put it under control.

The increased monsters are used to escort the area around Sefie and to support Gram, but the more monsters you go on, the more monsters you can't control.

"Isn't it possible to control anything?" 

If you ask, he will answer in a soft tone.

"There is a condition for control to be a blow, or an opponent that can be killed with a single poison. Therefore, if you are a monster that is stronger than a certain level, you cannot control it."

"No, did you hear that before?" 

I feel that he explained that "the fact that he was able to kill with a single blow" was necessary.

"But then, there are only monsters that are stronger than the monsters that ruled, so the number will soon decrease, right?"

There are many different monsters that have dominated, but there are only about 10.

If you deal with monsters that are stronger and cannot be controlled, you may not be able to replenish them when the number decreases.

Embra denies such concerns with a gentle smile without a sense of crisis.

"It's okay, Lord. I use monsters carefully."

They produce apples one after another and feed them to the demons who ruled them.

It is an apple with the life magic of strengthening the ability. The strengthened monsters also fight well against their opponents.

However, it is inevitable that they will be exhausted and injured with each battle.

Embra shoots recovery magic and treats such injured monsters as appropriate.

As a result, the number of monsters under their control did not decrease.

"... Somehow the monsters have become pitiful."

It is different from being cherished to be fought endlessly without being allowed to die.

The day will come when I feel sympathy for the demon opponent.

However, Grams and others hunt monsters without any problems while moving forward.

Even with me and Sefie, the escort targets, it's this sense of stability, so it's a shame to worry about Grams. It seems that they are talking about the opponents they can't win, and they won't commit recklessness.

I was able to observe the hunting with peace of mind on this day.

I went hunting for everyone for three days, and none of them seemed to have any problems.

Let's keep hunting for a while in this condition.

by the way,

"Mmm ..."

"What's wrong, Sephi?"

It was after I returned to the village after hunting.

Sefie stared at his Mistilteinn and groaned hard.

"Somehow, Sephi's Mistortin, I don't feel like I'm doing it ..."



I haven't used it for the previous three days ...

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