Chapter 8-: Names and titles of Sefie's house and weeds

I gave apple to a large number of elves.

The taste seemed to be astonishing for the elves living in the forest, and I could understand that they seemed to praise it  by looking at their facial expressions and reactions though I couldn't understand the words.

After serving the apples to a group of people, Sefie stands in front of the two young elves and is thrilled.

The face is a doy face that just says "How was it!"


"~~, ~~~~"

When Sefie said something, the two young elves looked at each other and nodded as if they had given up somewhere.

Seeing that, Sefi cheers and jumps around, expressing joy with his whole body.

I asked Sefi, who had finished performing the dance of joy, what made her so happy?.

--Sefie, what happened after all? Can I live here?

"Yes! You can go with Sefie! 』\

--Oh! I did it!

Although there aren't many natural enemies, it's still dangerous for me to live in the forest where monsters are jumping around.

I could not deny the possibility of being harmed by some mistakes, accidents, mischief by being such as goblins, and other intelligent creatures. Therefore, I am really happy to be able to live in a safe village.

The soil is good in this village, and I don't think I'll be ever bored living near Sefie.

――Well, thank you please take care of me  from now on.

"Yes! 』\

――So where should I live? Should I plant my roots here as it is?

I don't need a house that can withstand the rain and wind like humans, but where should I live? Is there something like a field in this village?

"Seirei-san lives with Sefie"

But Sefie denied me.

That's a problem.? Even though we could live together, it is vegetatively dangerous to leave the roots out of the ground for long periods of time as  the vitality gradually decreases without the nutrients from soil  .

When I was wondering what to do,

"Moo! You promised to go to Sefie's house, right? 』\

Sefie becomes  angry and says, "Liar"

――Oh, Yeah? ...... By the way, I did said that.

When she asked where I was going, I answered, "Sefie's house!"

I didn't think that I would live in the same house just because I was going to the elf village ...

――Please prepare a planting pot, right?

There is me who is not strangely disgusted from the idea of living together.

Rather, my mood may be uplifting.

"yep, OK! 』\

Sefie nods happily.

● ○ ●

"On top of this, there is Sefi's house"

After the elves gathered in the square disbanded, I came to the root of a big tree , still being held by Sefie.

The big tree is a huge tree near the center of the elf village.

――At the top huh…….

I'm a little stunned, but looked up at the place Sefi points to.

Far overhead, there was certainly a house dexterously built on a branch extending from a large tree.

However, it was not high enough to climb easily. At least I can't climb it.

――How do you reach there?

It's impossible for me, but it doesn't seem possible for a little girl like Sefie too.

However, Sefie replied with confidence.

"Using  this plant. If you pour Maryoku* into this, it will take you to the top. "

(TL: Magic , Mana you get the point)

Next she points to a plant which was a single ivy hanging from a branch of a large tree to the ground.

It's a very thick and durable ivy, and I've been worried about it since I came here. I wondered if I would climb that instead of a rope. In that case, I think it's as difficult as climbing the trunk of a big tree, but apparently I  didn't have to climb it by myself. 

"Seirei-san is sticking to Sefie"

--Oh, oh. okay……?

I wrapped my roots around Sefi's slender arms and fixed my body on her.

"Well then? 』\

Sefie clasps the ivy with both hands without waiting for my reply.

"Magic Sensing" perceives a small amount of magical power flowing from Sefie to the ivy.


--Oh, oh! ??

The ivy begins to move by itself.

I think it's rolled up somewhere, but every Sefi who grabbed the ivy is being pulled up.

It's quite different from the image that emerged, but it's similar to an "elevator". No, it's not comparable in terms of safety.

It's absolutely impossible for people with a fear of heights to use this.

――Oh …… Isn't it a quite a great  view?

Fortunately, I didn't seem to be afraid of heights.

It was a large tree with a height that dwarfs all the other  trees of the forest. As we climbed up, we naturally saw the green carpet woven by the treetops under our eyes.

Combined with the elf's arboreal urban buildings, it looked........ quite fantastic.

"We arrived"

When I was looking at the beautiful scenery for a while, it seems that we arrived at our destination.

There was a small but well-built house built on top of a large tree branch with a floor board between the branches.

There seems to be no kind of door or window. It is a completely open atrium. It doesn't seem to follow the concept of crime prevention.

I was wondering what they would  do on a windy day, but apparently there was something like a wooden door nearby, so I wonder if this will act as deterrent.

Well, it doesn't seem to be used much.

"Hmm! 』\


Suddenly, Sefie stands in front of the house and is proud.

Then open the house with both hands to show it,

"This is Sefie's house"

She said with a doy face.

I know what Sefie wants, as I'm a far more mature mentally.

-Oh, it's a fine house. It's amazing.

"Well! It was made by Sefie! 』\

――it's you again! ??

Even though she. is a high elf, can a little girl build this house?

Isn't it impossible even with the magic of high elf (I've never seen it though) ...?

Looking at Sefie's doya face without any cloudiness, is it really? I think.

I think it was magical to be able to do so much , but ... the truth is still in the dark.

Anyway, we go inside Sefie's house.

"There is nothing, but please relax."

――Thank you and pardon my intrusion.

Once inside, I was placed on a table near the center of the room.

Looking around the house, tapestry-like cloths are hung on the walls, and fur carpets are laid on the floor. There is a chest of drawers near the wall, or there are many plants in pots, whether they are foliage plants or not. There was probably only one bed for Sefie by the window.

But the most mysterious thing is the wooden "cage" that hangs from the ceiling.

No, or is it a "bird cage" woven from woody ivy?

Anyway, instead of a bird, a green bushy round object is placed in the basket, giving off a faint light.

I think it's a substitute for lighting.

--Sefie, what's that?

"Hmm? That's called Marimo*. Hikaru* Benrinatsu "
(TL-A type of ball like algae and Hikaru means shining something like shining ball like algae)



The moment I saw that, the word "marimo" and the image came to my mind, so it seems that I knew it before. But ... did Marimo shine?

Well, it's actually shining, so that's probably the case. The fact that Marimo doesn't shine is probably a mistake I remember before.


I thought a little

The inside of the house is not separated by walls, and there is only one room here. The room is clean and doesn't seem to be a problem to live in. However, the bed and furniture in the room are only for one person, and I get the impression that it is too quiet.

-Does Sefie live alone here?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there are other residents.


The expression of Sefie nodded was somewhat lonely.

I didn't want to see a sad expression on his face, which always had a bright impression.

--I see. Then, from today, we are living together.

"Huh? 』\

――Sefie and I will live together, right? Nice to meet you , please take care of me from now on!

I spoke while holding out one of the branches toward Sefie,

"-Yeah! 』\

Sefie laughed and grabbed my branch like a handshake.

"Thank you! Seirei-san-Oh! 』\

--What happened?

Sefi raises his voice in the middle of the words.

then she asks me something

"By the way, Sefie don't know Seirei-san's name."

It seems that she came up with that question now.

But the name? I've already checked it many times, but my name wasn't listed in the statusand I can't remember my previous name.

So now I'm anonymous.

--A name. I don't have a name, actually.

"Is that so? 』\

--so. Well, I will  decide my name soon I guess?

Until now, I was alone in the forest (no, one to talk with?), So I didn't need it, but now I'm going to live in an elf village. It's time I need a name.

――What would be my name ... I need something great and cool name that suits me ...

If I  think about it,

"Then, Sefie will choose for you! 』\

--Huh? No, that's a little ...

Can you believe in a little girl's naming sense? No, I can't.

Naming sense will shine only if there is a certain amount of accumulated knowledge. It would be a shame  if a name that was too appropriate for me , such as "kusa" or "straw straw", was given to me.

But Sefie didn't hear my words.

"Yugu! From today, that's Seirei-san's name! 』\

I have decided!

--Yugu ... Well, it was more proper than I expected, and it sounds fine.

As a matter of fact, it was a fact that I was strangely comfortable the moment I heard it.

"Fufu, nice to meet you, Yugu! 』\

--Oh, nice to meet you, Sefie.

In this way, I and Sefie started to live together.

By the way, when I checked the status later, the name was properly showing  "Yugu".

[Unique name] "Yugu"

[Race] Walking Weed

[Level] 16/20

[Vitality] 48/48

[Magic power] 32/32

[Skill] "Photosynthesis" "Magic Sensing" "Energy Drain" "Rhizome Generation" "Seed Generation"

[Attribute] Ground

[Title] "Thinking Grass" "Sage" "Friend of High Elf"

[Divinity value] 1

[Title] "Friend of High Elf"

[Explanation] A proof of a person who has been or has been directed by a high elf. It is a credible title for the elves. It makes it easier to act in the woods, and the effect of plant magic increases a little. You have become a member of the forest people.

[Effect] Increased favorability from elves. Forest behavior correction / small. Increased plant magic effect / small.

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