Chapter 83-: Bifröst Exploration Journey


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Maple and I follow Sefie, who pulls Coral's hand and starts running.

For the time being, it's okay to move around in large numbers, and there should be no danger in Bifröst, so Walnut and Laurel will remain.

However, a servant-like sand lizard man who was waiting in the room earlier follows us.

"I will accompany you as an escort for Miss Coral. My name is Sol."

A man who gives a bow and explains that-Sol.

Sol looks like the same age as Pron, but the appearance of giving a bow while running with small dexterity shows the high physical ability. Perhaps his fighting skills are also high. That's how it works.

"I see. ...... It's hard. "

"Thank you for your concern."

It sounds good, but it seems to be difficult to say that you can be entrusted with various tasks, from the assistant of the chairman of commerce to the escort of his daughter. Sol, who runs beside us, replied with a bitter smile, so I guess he's having a hard time.

Anyway, follow Sephi and others with me, Maple and Sol.

In this short time, Sephi and his friends jumped out of the company and ran through the streets outside. After all, it's the feet of the little girls. It was easy to catch up with two adults and me flying in the air.

"Sefie! Coral!"

If you speak from behind them, they will turn around with a neat face.

"Mu? Will Yug and Maple fight together?"

"It's dangerous to be alone. I'll be kidnapped. "

Few people will know that Sefie is a high elf, but many know Coral, the daughter of the chairman of the Daishokai. She may not be kidnapped for ransom purposes.

Even if it isn't, a sensible adult wouldn't be able to release two little girls out of sight.

"As the spirits say, young ladies. It's dangerous to be alone."

Sol agrees with my words.

It didn't seem to understand that they did a reckless act, but there seems to be no objection to our accompaniment.

"Hmm! Okay! Then, let's all do it!"

It was decided that.

● ○ ●

Well, even though it was an expedition, it seemed that the place to go was decided to some extent.

"Cave of Secrets, Cave of Secrets, Tell me"

Coral wanted to introduce a recommended place to Sephi, so he decided to take a look around according to the guidance.

"Hmm, I'm going to go on the wall."

With that said, Coral pointed to the stone city walls that surround Bifröst.

We walk down a quiet boulevard towards the city walls that can be seen in the distance.

"I mean, is it possible for ordinary people to climb on such a wall?"

Usually, a guard soldier is standing, right?

I answer my question as if Sol was nothing.

"Usually it's not possible. But if you have a Coral lady, that's okay. Unless it's an important and confidential place, we can guide you under the name of Rizant Shokai."

"Awesome Rizant Shokai ..."

This is a part of power.

Both Sefie and I seem to be authoritative in existence, but after all, it's an unexplored country life. I have never realized power.

"This area is always out, like Roten. It's not right now, but it's always full."

"Well, what are you talking about?"

"Various foods. Oni, juice, etc ...?"

"Mmm. I don't have it now. I'm sorry."

According to Coral's explanation, there are many stalls on this main street. However, probably because of the war, there was no food stall that could be bought and eaten.

Through the lonely boulevard, we reach the outer edge of the city.

Following the coral's leadership, I arrived at a place with stairs leading up to the top of the city walls. Of course, it wasn't unmanned, and there was an old soldier who looked like a watchman in front of the stairs.



Coral talks to the soldiers without being shy, perhaps because he is used to it.

Sephi? There is no such thing as shyness in Sephi's dictionary.

"Oh? Isn't that a coral lady? Is that elf lady a friend?"

"Hmm. Sefie-Ah! Not Himeshama, friends."

"Princess? ... Hmm, I see."

Somehow, the soldier's old man looked at Sefie, looked at Maple with him, and finally looked at me and seemed to guess something. Did you realize that Sefie was a high elf?

"What happened today?"

"Show me on top of you"

"Hmm ... I understand. It's okay to go up."

The soldier's old man gave permission surprisingly easily.

She leans to the side and gives up the front of the stairs.

Coral holds Sephi's hand,

"Himeshama, Iko?"

"Yeah! Wow!"

Run up the stairs.

I'm afraid that they won't fall because there are no fences, but both of them have unexpectedly high physical abilities and are not dangerous. Well, even though it's a little girl, it's basically a beastman with excellent physical ability and an elf living in the forest.

When we followed up, there was a narrow passage on the wall.

I'm not sure, but there are walls called chest walls and arrow avoidance. The two little girls climbed up to the wall and looked at the scenery outside.

"Chairo. Nothing ... Sekaishu Matsu no Kouke ..."

Sefie murmured with both ears dripping.

The outside of Bifröst was a wilderness as far as the eye could see, and the ground was all brown. It seems that he somehow feels sadness in the landscape without plants.

However, it does not seem to be completely free of plants. If you look closely, you'll find short shrubs and mysteriously shaped plants with splinters all over the body-cacti, and in my mind.

There are some small reactions in "Magic Sensing", and animals may be living there. Maybe under the soil.

The imagination seems to be correct, and Coral explains (?).

"Is there something like Suna Neji?"

"Sun mouse? Is it delicious?"

Basically, an elf who likes vegetarian food, but he also eats meat because he is a hunting race. For them, the first impression of animals is whether they are delicious or not.

"Cute. Cute, Oichii"

It seems to be cute and delicious.

"Is it cute and delicious? Otoku!"

Is it profitable? I feel something is wrong.

"By the way, is it the Caladbolg fortress ahead? Is it there?"

A line is drawn from the gate of Bifröst to the wilderness. The road that was trampled by carriages and human feet looks like that.

The road continued far beyond.

"Well, there is a Caladbolg fortress ahead. Can you see that rocky mountain?"

Sol explains.

When I turned my gaze as I was told, there was a swell-like uplift of the mountains on the other side of the road where it disappeared at the vanishing point. It seems that it is a rocky mountain without green.

"A fort is built on the other side. The Caladbolg fortress is also a natural hazard using rocky mountains."

"Well, it's a fortress that seems to be quite robust, but ... is that okay?"

The fact is that the religion continues to be defeated. No matter how strong the fortress is, I'm worried.

But Sol nodded without any anxiety.

"Now, thanks to everyone, it seems that we can supply and support the fortress well, and there should be no problem. If the supply is good, the Caladbolg fortress is impregnable."

"I'm very confident."

There was even a proud colour in Sol's voice answering.

"Yes, after all, the Caladbolg Fortress has one pillar of the Holy Beast of Japan's pride."

"Holy Beast?"

It is a first-time existence.

I heard that the holy beast is a genus of the natural god.

In Vanaheim, where most of the vast land is covered with desert, there is a pillar of nature god similar to the high elf Sephi.

It is the authority of sand and the earth that controls it, and it seems that it is called the desert god.

The true name is unknown because of the custom of not calling the name of God as usual.


This desert god has a genus of four pillars with particularly powerful power. It seems that the genus are worshiped as "the sacred beast of the guardian country" because they protect Vanaheim.

It seems that one of the pillars of the sacred beast protects the Caladbolg fortress.

"The power of the Holy Beast is powerful. The religion will no longer invade as easily as it used to."

"Well, I see. That's safe. "

――Although I said that, I couldn't get rid of my indescribable anxiety.

A man who seems to be a knight of the religion who suddenly attacked. Alveheim was destroyed, albeit as a result of his attack with the Six Gods. The advice of Sephilia-chan, who I met in a dream.

I hate religion, but I think it's too powerful to despise.

But while I'm seriously worried about the future, the little girls are at their own pace.

"This is an oasis, you can see ...?"

"Oh, there is a green color. Good."

Turning to the inside of the city, there is a reasonably large oasis where the surface of the water reflects light. Bifröst is a city built on the shores of an oasis.

There was green around the oasis on the other side of the various buildings. I knew it because I visited the oasis last time, but when I saw it from above, I found that there were a lot of plants. If you look closely, it's small, but there seems to be some agricultural land. Well, it's probably not enough food to consume in Bifröst. Still, I'm relieved just because there are plants because I'm a plant. No, Sefie also said "good", so it's a normal sensibility. perhaps.

"Himeshama, Suna Neji, Eat?"

"I want to eat Sephi!"

We enjoyed the scenery from a high place for a while, so we decided to have lunch because it was about noon. By the way, the little girls got tired of seeing the scenery early and started chasing after the narrow passage on the wall, causing trouble to the soldiers on the patrol. No, I'm sorry. Thank you very much.

I was wondering what to do during the day because it wasn't a food stall, but Coral took me to a cafeteria.

Apparently it is open normally. If you think about it, people living in the city are normal, and there is probably a demand for such a cafeteria. When asked what is food,

"This is a cafeteria run by Rizant Shokai."

Only the reply.

As expected.

Looking around the cafeteria, it seems that there are many people who look like soldiers.

Sol takes a seat and orders. The content is a coral recommended sand gerbil set meal. It seems that he fulfilled Sefie's request, but the gerbil set meal seems to be popular in the first place.

It seems that a mouse is not a small mouse, but a plump and fat mouse about the size of a puppy.

"Is it delicious?"

I can't eat it so I don't know the taste, but Sefie says,

"Mum! It's soggy and delicious!"

It seems that.

I can't imagine the taste at all, but I ate maple deliciously, so it's probably delicious.

"Next, oasis, I'm going"

After lunch, we headed to the oasis.

It feels cooler than other places, probably because it's near the water.

While the two adults watched in the shade of a tree, the little girls enjoyed playing ball.

"Coral-chan, let's go? Eh!"

"Wow, wow! Wow!

A ball that is flipped up by the hands of little girls and fluffy and flutters in the air.

Both of them show high physical ability for a little girl and are hit hard.


Under the shade of a tree, Sol had a very apologetic look.

Is it okay to stop me if I have such a face?

As a ball, I think that way.

By the way, Maple was watching over the little girls with a smile. No, Maple-san?

Anyway, it seems that the little girls decided to cool down under the shade of a tree after sweating with ball play so often.

"That's right! I'll give Coral something good!"


As soon as he sat down on the ground, Sefie picked up a shoulder-mounted magic pouch and pulled something out of it.

It's a peach with a lot of flesh, just to pieces.

I open my eyes to a slight surprise. The peach is a peach that grows on the "Sefie Tree" and is a peach that Sefie specially cherishes.

It's a barometer of familiarity that can only be given to people who have a high degree of liking.

Apparently, the little girl Coral gained a better impression than Walnut in this short time.

"Maple, what?"

"Yes, Princess"

After having Maple cut the peaches to make them easier to eat, Sefie confidently offered the peaches to the coral.

"Yes, Coral-chan!"

Coral eats the peaches he receives.

At that moment, I opened my eyes in amazement.


"Hmm! Right !? That was made by Sefie!"

Apparently he wanted to brag about peaches.

"Himeshama, Shugoi ...! I've never eaten this kind of thing ...!"

"Mufufu !!"

With the respect of the coral, Sephi was so excited that he might be upset.

After all, on this day, we were playing together until the evening.

● ○ ●

"Goodbye, Coral-chan!"

"Himeshama, come again ...?"

"Yeah! See you again!"

When I returned to the company, Elder Gordo was drunk.

The walnuts weren't drunk, but they seemed to have been served and welcomed.

After joining these three people, we finally returned to the village.

In front of the entrance of the Rizant Shokai, Pron, Sol, and Coral sent off, but they turned around and broke up.

Old Gordo was carried by Wal. To be honest, I'm sorry for my grandfather. When he saw Pron with a grin somewhere, he couldn't ask how much he drank.

On his way home, Sefie skipped with an unprecedentedly satisfying smile.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"


"Oh, that was good."

I didn't even hear it.

I'm glad I was satisfied, and I was happy.

However, on the way back to the Hidden Village, I suddenly felt like I heard a voice.

"-? Sefie, what did you say now?"

"Hmm? Nothing is going on?"

"Hmm ... then maybe it's because of my mind"

It was a really faint voice, so I immediately forgot that it was my fault.

It said:

――It's bad …….

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