Chapter 86-: Knight of the Sarcophagus


TL Note-: From the next, I will return to the main character's point of view.

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"What is my prosperous religious army ?!"

The remote city of Lokasenna.

In a room of the former lord's mansion, a man who was the commander of the Western Religious Army was ruined.

This invasion of Vanaheim-No, he is the man who has been given full command in the German Campaign of 1813, which is oppressed by different races and heathens.

He is over fifty years old and his hair and beard are beginning to be mixed with white objects.

However, he does not feel the decline due to aging, and he is tall and muscular and strong. He was intimidating and dignified in his tight military uniform.

However, his hair and mustache, which were normally stroked cleanly, were rough, and his face, which had a generous expression, was covered with anger.

Because of the private room where all of his subordinates and he were lowered, he was relaxed, and the recent dissatisfaction erupted at once.

The liberation of the land of Vanaheim, a nation by evil heterogeneous people, was smooth.

Certainly, at one point, the liberation of the remote city of Lokasenna was a pain. However, it has also succeeded in successfully releasing Lokasenna as a result of driving away the obstacles by an information strategy that utilizes the movement in the north.

The Caladbolg fortress protected by the great devil Basilisk should have fallen-can be released soon.

No, in the first place--

"If those dogs had to kill the sarcophagus knights borrowed from the earth god, they would have already released Bifröst, not to mention the Caladbolg fortress ...!"

Knights of the sarcophagus.

It is the name of the Knights who are active in the purification of different races and heathens.

In the Archdiocese of the West, it is a group with overwhelming power along with the Order of the Holy Wall.

The number of knights of the sarcophagus that was first borrowed was six.

If you don't know anything, you'll think there are few. What can we do when only six people are added?

But the idea is wrong.

Both the Knights of the sarcophagus and the Knights of the Holy Wall have less than 100 members. Nonetheless, there is no force in the Archdiocese of the West that surpasses both Knights.

Because the knights who belong to this are, without exception, the great earth gods-its genus.

It is a mistake to think of it as just a human being.

Each knight has the power of Ikki Tousen.

Furthermore, the Knights of the sarcophagus, along with the Knights of the Fog in the east, were the knights who exerted their power in the anti-army corps. If there were six of them, it would have been possible to even dismiss the lower army of different races.

The mercenary corps led by the great sinner Garland killed it in a vile way, such as putting it in a trap.

He decoyed himself and dragged the knights of the sarcophagus to the battlefield, surrounded them by the majority and killed them.

It's a perfectly legitimate way to deal with superior strength, but that doesn't matter. For a religion that fights with the noble idea of ​​world peace and the liberation of all human beings, it is the only way for different races to accept purification quietly.

Best of all, he is most unforgivable that he may be held accountable for the loss of as many as six sarcophagus knights.

I have achieved many results in the past, but I cannot return to my home country with confidence if I do not produce any more results. The lives of the six sarcophagus knights are so great.

If at least the Caladbolg fortress is dropped, the eastern part of Vanaheim will be liberated, so the blunder can be recovered with its achievements. He was aiming for that.

And that was just around the corner.

The Caladbolg fortress was exhausted so much that it had reached the point where it could be dropped by its own power by the "time limit". For some reason, not only was the enemy supply line strengthened one day, but armor and weapons that emit strange flashes (?) That correspond to this new weapon were prepared one after another, and in addition, they were thoroughly crushed. The high-level players of the enemy team have been resurrected.

It is rare for anyone other than the human race to be able to use healing techniques.

Basically, the Beastman is superior in physical ability and vitality, but inferior in magical power.

That is why the exceptional heterogeneous elf was the first target of the gods among the many natural gods of the religion. This is because the highly healing remedy was mainly made from the leaves of the spirit forest tree in Alveheim.

Therefore, considering the shelf life of the remedy for several years after destroying Alveheim, there should have been no remedy left on the enemy. And he had confirmed in previous battles that there was no high-level healer.

But why?

Who is wrong?

At least I'm sure I'm not myself.

"Dung! Waste! Damn it! Sinner! At the edge! Lizards! Devil! Ah!"

I slam my fist on the table every time I say a word.

A glass of amber whiskey bounced over and over, sprinkling the contents on the table.

I can't help but get frustrated.

It was decisive that he couldn't meet the "time limit" because he couldn't maintain the front line and retreated to Lokasenna.

What is the "time limit"?

It's not the return of the great sinner Garland from the north.

The door of the room was knocked.

A few days after returning to Lokasenna, he seemed to have less time left than he thought.

Still, as a person entrusted with the army, it is not possible to expose his subordinates to an awkward appearance. He hurriedly combed his messy hair, stroked his beard, checked his uniform for dirt and wrinkles, and then called out--no, before that, a tabletop with spilled whiskey. I wiped it quickly.

"--Get in"

"Huh, excuse me."

The door opens to allow entry, and subordinates come in.

"I'm sorry for the holidays, Your Excellency."


Nodding heavily and urging the future.

"What is it for?"

"Huh, the Knights of the sarcophagus have just arrived. We are hoping to meet with your Excellency."

Killy! My stomach hurts.

Time Limit-It was the arrival of a new sarcophagus knight. It's definitely not a mistake here, but it's true that the six sarcophagus knights have been lost. I don't know what the Knights say or do.

It also means that the opportunity to recover from the blunder is lost.

He managed to endure a severe stomachache and nodded.

"Then, let me go to the drawing room."

"Oh no, that's ..."

For some reason, I feel unpleasant about the appearance of my subordinates, but I still ask with a calm face.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"There are twelve knights ..."

"Twelve people? There are so many."

It wasn't just a matter of mobilizing twelve members of the sarcophagus knights.

But I see, that would be a little small in the drawing room.

"Hmm, then towards the conference room--"

"No, that's ..."

Further stagnation subordinates.

However, he opens his mouth as if he had decided.

"First of all, I would like to show you something, so I would like you to visit the training ground."


The Knights of the sarcophagus and the Knights of the Holy Wall are the genus of the Earth God, and only the Earth God or the Archbishop of the West has command authority over both Knights in the Archdiocese of the West.

Therefore, the knights are originally higher in position. But still, he has the highest command in this war, and he can be seen as superior on the battlefield. At least the knight of the sarcophagus has no authority to order. That should be it.

(I ... will I be killed ...?)

Isn't it a sign of the wrath of the Knights who lost six members to dare to call it?

(Is it done? Is it intense?)

That is the question.

However, he cannot be refused now.

"Okay, let's go to the training ground."

"Thank you, Your Excellency"

He nods and begins to act toward his subordinate who looks relieved.

"But before that, I'll go to the bathroom for a while."

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He couldn't say that he escaped when he went to the bathroom, so he went to the training ground.

The training ground where the knights were waiting was originally used by soldiers packed in Lokasenna and was on the 

grounds of the lord's mansion.

As he approached the training ground, a strong stink began to reach his nose.

The closer you get, the stronger the odor, so it seems that the source of the offensive odor is in the training ground.

"What !?"

When he set foot in the originally spacious training ground, he lost his word to the sight that spread there.

Hundreds, or even thousands, of people, lined up in an orderly manner to fill a large space.

Those who line up do not make a single word of waste and do not move. If it were a soldier, he would have admired his skill.

But it wasn't a soldier of the state religion.

There are various identities that can be inferred from the clothes you are wearing. From just commoners to travelers-like travel clothes, wealthy people wearing luxurious clothes, poor people-like garments, and most often mercenaries and soldiers.

However, there are no people of the religion there.

Although it is a small number, the human race is mixed. However, it is dressed like a desert people, and most of them are sand lizards with scales and tails.

In addition, all of them-were dead.

Those who have severe bleeding, those who have severely damaged the body, and those who have overflowed internal organs from the abdomen.

At first glance, some may appear unharmed, but the rotten odor, pale skin, and cloudy white eyeballs that drift from the whole body make it clear that they are not living.

In the front row of such dead people, there are those who will surely be alive.

The black robe with a hood that covers the whole body is embroidered with silver thread, and a non-wooden metal cane is held in the hand. Only the mouth can be seen under the deeply covered hood. Twelve people who all dressed the same.

"At the behest of His Excellency, our Twelve Orders of the Knights of the Sarcophagus, the Leader, and His Excellency Archbishop Eminence, we have come to help the Western Religious Army."

One of the robes, who claimed to be a knight in a sarcophagus, went out in front of him and salutes his chest.

"Oh, oh ... Thank you for your help."

While answering it, I managed to squeeze out my voice.

The knight of the sarcophagus-probably a man by voice-does not see anger. He does not seem to have come to pursue the responsibility of losing the six knights. After all, he was relieved to hear the words of Archbishop Eminence. He wouldn't be punished at least right now, he said.

"And then ... what about the people behind?"

Then finally ask what you were interested in.

What are the large number of corpses?

The man representing the knight of the sarcophagus replies, "Oh, is this?"

"On the way to Lokasenna, I visited the abandoned villages, villages, and battlefields of Vanaheim, and collected materials. It's a waste."

"Hah ..."

"Fortunately, some haven't returned to the earth yet, and some are moving fresh. We're God's guide, find them hiding. These are the materials we've collected. It's a golem I made. "

"Well, I see."

"It should be useful when you capture the Caladbolg Fortress."

"Well, it's a stone's throw ..."

"I'd like to ask your Excellency for permission to keep these outside the city. You see, what's the smell? I'm wondering if you should ask."

It was his true intention that he shouldn't bring him to this point in the first place if he showed such concern.

"Thank you for your concern... It doesn't matter if you're outside the city."

"Oh, thank you"

The knight of the sarcophagus thanked him with a big bow and made further requests.

"Then, I'd like to ask your Excellency for one thing."


"There are still heathens and different races in this Lokasenna, right?"

"Um, um? Yes, there are those who have been enslaved."

Occupied Lokasenna-Most of the inhabitants had fled when they were released, but some soldiers who were fighting and some who could not abandon their property (houses, land, etc.) remained. Captured by the army, they were dropped into slavery.

"Look, our knights have been martyred as many as six, so we also want to be as complete as possible in capturing the Caladbolg."

"Hmm, that makes sense."

While answering, I somehow guess what the sarcophagus knight's request is.

I don't mean to say that humanity is a thing to pagans and heterogeneous opponents, but even so, the knight in front of me who demands it plainly has feelings that are neither awe nor disgust.

"I know that your Excellency is a valuable loot, but would you please give us the slaves as a material for the complete victory of the religion?"

He couldn't have refused to be told that six people had been martyred.

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