Wei and Jin Cooks

Chapter 1092: hire

  Chapter 1092 Hired

  Fu Tinghan brought his manuscript for calculating the five stars, of course it was not a draft, it was carefully calculated by him, and some of it was still unclear. Just in time, isn’t Guo Pu good at arithmetic and astronomy, and he also wanted to ask him for advice.

  Astronomy and star calculations in ancient times were actually very advanced. Even in modern times, they are still ahead of the West. Their theories are not outdated even in modern times, and there are even puzzles that they cannot solve.

  He never dared to underestimate any ancestor.

  He carefully organized the manuscript and put it in the box, feeling a little guilty, "Will it be inconsiderate to take this as a gift?"

   "No, the gift is for what he likes, isn't this what he likes?" Zhao Hanzhang affirmed: "He will definitely like it."

  Fu Tinghan thought about it for himself, and he would be very happy if someone sent him the difficult problem he was calculating and discussed together, so he nodded and closed the box, "Let's go."

  The two of them went to Ji Yuan's mansion together. Ji Yuan had expected it and greeted him at the gate early.

  Zhao Hanzhang asked: "Sir, can you sleep well last night?"

  Ji Yuan: "I sleep peacefully, but I don't know if other colleagues are sleeping peacefully."

  Zhao Hanzhang laughed loudly, not guilty of leaving such a difficult problem, so that they have not had a good year.

  Ji Yuan invited them to an attic in the garden, where there was a second floor with large windows, and Guo Pu was sitting around the stove on the second floor enjoying the snow.

  Guo Pu was drinking hot wine, when he saw the three people coming up, he quickly got up to greet him, "Guo Mou pays his respects to the general."

  Zhao Hanzhang Xu Fu said: "Hurry up and get rid of the courtesy. I have heard of Mr. Guo's name for a long time. I saw it today and it is indeed well-deserved. I heard people say that Kuaiyi and others were able to reach Luoyang safely thanks to the leadership of Mr. Guo, who avoided many dangers along the way."

  Guo Pu was not modest, and said directly: "It's just a small plan. Small disasters can be avoided, but major disasters are difficult to resolve. We can only follow the time and make preparations early."

   "Oh? But I don't know what big disasters will happen to Dajin in this year?"

  Guo Pu raised his eyes abruptly and looked straight at her. After a while, he suddenly smiled, "There are no major natural disasters, but it is as small as drought and flood in some counties. With the ability of a general, it will be settled soon."

  Zhao Hanzhang: "Then is there a disaster?"

"Misfortunes and blessings depend on it, so it may be the general's blessing." Guo Pu said: "The destiny has been changed because of the great general's virtue. As long as the general does not forget his original intention and does not follow the path of the King of the East China Sea, Gou Xi and others, then There is no major disaster for the country."

  Zhao Hanzhang laughed, raised his wine glass, "Okay, Mr. Guo's auspicious words!"

  Guo Pu's eyes flickered slightly, and he drank the wine, he thought she would ask him about the destiny.

   After all, who can resist the temptation?

King Langya asked, and even Wang Dun secretly inquired, but she didn't expect that she would not even mention it, and directly changed the topic to the other side, "The imperial court lacks talents like Mr. Guo. official?"


  Zhao Hanzhang said: "I can recommend you as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple."

  Guo Pu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said it was a recommendation, but in fact it came from her, and it was almost the same as a direct reward.

  The Shaoqing of Taichang Temple is second only to Taichangqing in status. His main job is to assist Taichangqing in activities such as sacrifices, rites and music, society and education, oh, and divination and calendar calculations.

  Yesterday, Zhao Hanzhang's wedding was included in the duties of Taichang Temple.

  There is not much work in this place. According to Guo Pu's understanding, unless the emperor dies or ascends the throne, or the monarch changes, everyone generally does the basic work of calendar calculation.

  The current calendar shared by the imperial court basically copied the Taichu calendar. In some places, the Taichu calendar was used instead of being replaced. They also revised it every year, revised it, printed more books and distributed them, and the work was very leisurely.

  A lieutenant, with high status, high salary, and a leisurely job, Guo Pu weighed it up and decided that this job can be accepted. The most important thing is that he has escaped. King Langya and Wang Dun must be eager to get rid of him.

   After all, they each asked him such damning questions.

   All along the way, he relied on his own talent and ability to escape wave after wave of people who came to arrest him or kill him. The world is so big that the only people who can protect him now are the King of Shu and Zhao Hanzhang.

  Shu King... Forget it, it’s not perfect, what if King Langya gave too much and he sold him?

  And now the king of Shu has surrendered to Zhao Hanzhang, so Zhao Hanzhang is still the most powerful.

  Fate directed him to come here, which means that this is where he belongs.

  Make up his mind, Guo Pu got up, bowed and said: "Dare not to follow orders!"

Zhao Hanzhang laughed happily, and took advantage of the situation: "I arranged a house for my husband, just beside the Taixue, Taichangqing Zhao Zitu offered wine for the Taixue, and studied at the Taixue. I think the master's magic is very powerful. Why don't you get a name in the Taixue and become a doctor?"

  Guo Pu hesitated for a while, and Ji Yuan on the side smiled and said, "It's just the number of spells. Zhao Jijiu teaches Classics and History, and he also has free time to drink and drink tea every day. Mr. Guo doesn't need to worry about time."

  Guo Pu also thought about it. The official school didn't pay much attention to subjects such as arithmetic and mathematics, and it was far less powerful than the subset of classics and history.

It seems that you can give it a try, you can get two salaries, he is not a lover of money, but, he just arrived in Luoyang, penniless, became an official, needs to buy a lot of things, and buy servants, he has no money .

  So he agreed under Zhao Hanzhang's expectant gaze and Ji Yuan's encouragement.

   Zhao Hanzhang was happy, so he gave him the gift he brought.

  Guo Pu originally wanted to leave it aside and wait for someone to leave before opening it, but Zhao Hanzhang looked at him expectantly, "Mr. Guo, won't you open it and have a look?"

  Guo Pu paused, then opened the box.

  Guo Pu:!

  He picked up the manuscript inside in a daze, Zhao Hanzhang would not give him poems, would he?

  Although it is an honor to do so, it is true, but he is even more short of money now...

After reading the contents of the manuscript, the expression on Guo Pu's face gradually turned serious. He looked at it seriously, and at the same time, he was doing quick mental calculations. When he saw the five-star trajectory map in the back, Guo Pu sat up straight. Stretching his body, he asked excitedly: "Who calculated this, please tell the general, who painted this?"

  Zhao Hanzhang pointed to Fu Tinghan.

Guo Pu turned his head to look at Fu Tinghan, who had been sitting quietly since he went upstairs, and clenched the manuscript paper in his hand. He leaned forward and grabbed Fu Tinghan's hand, "My fellow man, Fu Langjun, this five-star orbit map What did you draw it on?"

   "The difference of the elliptical orbit I calculated is the difference between the sun's shrinking and shrinking." After calculating the difference between the shrinking and shrinking of the sun, you can naturally draw a trajectory map.

  In fact, he made the astronomical map at the beginning to fulfill his promise to Zhao Hanzhang and find the way home; but later they found it impossible, and gradually accepted this world, and he continued to do research to write a new almanac.

  (end of this chapter)

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