Wei and Jin Cooks

Chapter 469: don't disappoint

   Chapter 469 Don't Live Up to You

   Zhao Ming glanced at her and didn't take it seriously, "He can make military exploits on the battlefield now, and he's even become a county governor. What's wrong with marrying a daughter-in-law?"

"The former is my own ability, the latter is because of my power, but marrying a wife is something that can only be done after physical and psychological maturity," Zhao Hanzhang said: "Even if you skip the psychological barrier, do you think Erlang at the age of 13? Can you give birth to healthy and long-lived children?"

   Zhao Ming was silent for a while and then said: "For the family's plan..."

"For the sake of the family, I won't be so wronged by Erlang," Zhao Hanzhang said: "Not only my Erlang, but other brothers and sisters are the same here, Uncle Ming, don't need to mention this, you should send more medicinal materials to Luoyang. ."

   Let Zhao Zhongyu take care of his body and live a few more years is serious.

   Zhao Ming looked at Zhao Hanzhang deeply for a while, and finally nodded slowly.

   Zhao Ming said: "To worship ancestors during the Qingming Festival, you should come back as well. Your appointment as the prefect of Yuzhou is a big event, and it is just right to sacrifice to ancestors."

   Zhao Hanzhang thought of Zhao Ji and readily responded.

   Seeing her smile so brightly, Zhao Ming couldn't help but his heart sank. He endured it, but he couldn't hold back, and warned her: "If Zhao Ji arrives, you must not act rashly."

  The smile on Zhao Hanzhang's face subsided a little, "Uncle Ming, am I that kind of person?"

   Zhao Ming snorted, and then said: "If you are angry with the patriarch, you should choose a daughter-in-law for Erlang."

   Zhao Hanzhang then converged.

   She did not stay in Xiping for a long time, and returned to Chen County with her.

  Chen County knew that Zhao Hanzhang was back, and they were all excited, although they felt that Zhao Hanzhang was better than Ji Yuan.

   Ji Yuan was very satisfied with the result of Zhao Hanzhang's tour, "It was much faster than I expected."

   Zhao Hanzhang: "Because I only inspected Runan County and Nanyang Kingdom."

   In fact, he only visited Nanyang Kingdom.

   "But because of the lessons learned from the Nanyang Kingdom, the other counties and states will automatically straighten it out." Ji Yuan said mildly: "The chicken chosen by the girl is very good."

   The effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys is very obvious.

   Zhao Hanzhang smiled and paused, can she tell Ji Yuan that she didn't choose it specially?

   is thinking of starting from Nanyang Kingdom, patrolling from south to north, going from county to county, and finally to Chen County.

   Ji Yuan handed a pancake to Zhao Hanzhang and said, "The candidates for the national elections in all counties are coming to Chen County, girl, this is my first recruitment examination in Yuzhou, so you have to be careful."

   Zhao Hanzhang corrected: "The second time."

  Ji Yuan lifted his eyelids and glanced at her and said, "That time it wasn't from Yuzhou, but from Runan County. How many people did it attract?"

He said: "There are quite a few people taking the exam, but there are only a few people who need to use them, and they are not so handy. There are a lot of people who came this time, not only from various families and nobles in Yuzhou, but also from many squires and poor families. ."

   Zhao Hanzhang's prestige is different now, and the territory in his hands is also larger, so people in Yuzhou are very confident in her, and the recruitment order, regardless of her background, immediately attracted a lot of people.

   Including scholars outside Yuzhou.

  Ji Yuan said: "The four outer counties also sent people to send the list, but there are some problems with their list."

   Zhao Hanzhang tore a piece of cake and threw it into his mouth, and asked, "What's the problem, I didn't have an exam, so I just chose someone to send it over?"

   Ji Yuan was full, put down his chopsticks, nodded and said with a smile: "The girl is like a god, that's how it is."

   he asked: "What are these people going to do?"

   Zhao Hanzhang unconsciously tore the cake and ate it. After thinking for a while, he said, "There is no need to treat them differently. Let them also take the exam."

   Thinking of this time when the nobles of the noble family and the poor men were mixed together, Zhao Hanzhang put down the cake and said, "We will not be named in this exam."

   Ji Yuan was taken aback for a moment, "A nameless name?"

"Yes, all the papers received will paste the information in the column of name, place of origin, and origin on a note, and then remove the note after the approved papers are ranked, so that it is fair." Zhao Hanzhang said: "As for the outside world. Four counties, we are still out of control, we don’t have to fight with them over this matter, since they have sent people, we will use them as needed.”

   "What if there are details in it?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "If you can't trust them, Mr. will send them to Nanyang Kingdom and the western and southern parts of Runan County to be small officials. Now there is a shortage of people everywhere. If there are useful officials such as county magistrates in each county, you can mention them above. ."

  Because of the war and the power struggle of the imperial court, some counties in Yuzhou have not changed for more than ten years, and many officials have been wasted for years and have never been promoted.

   These people should also make a move. Coupled with the shortage of officials vacated by the recent wave of resignations, there are shortages of people everywhere in Yuzhou, and Zhao Hanzhang is not worried about the lack of a place to settle them.

   "Xiao Zuo," Zhao Hanzhang hummed, "it is a scholar who does meticulous work, and in the end, who knows whether he is a meticulous work or my capable minister?"

   She said: "There are still people who doubt that Li Bing is a meticulous work, but his contributions to Qin and Shu will probably be praised by the world thousands of years from now."

   Ji Yuan: "How many Li Bings are there in the world?"

   But he still agreed with Zhao Hanzhang and decided to let them take the exam together with the others. If anyone has actually passed the exam, then choose some places far away from the four outer counties and important military places for them to stay.

   If they have the talent and virtue to manage the local area, it will be good, but if they don't have the talent and virtue, then there will be more excuses to deal with them.

  Thinking about this, Ji Yuan felt that Zhao Hanzhang's idea was very good, and smiled: "It's still the girl who is thoughtful."

   Zhao Hanzhang also thinks so, don't give up the people who send it for nothing, and she also dislikes too few people who come.

   "Pay attention, those who came to take the exam but did not pass the exam in the end, some places do not have official grades, but there is an urgent need for talents."

Ji Yuan thought for a while and then said, "Those nobles from aristocratic families naturally dislike them, but the poor family members are eager to get ahead, and some of them are shy, and may stay in Chen County to wait for the next recruitment test. Among them, there should be Some people are heartbroken."

   Zhao Hanzhang: "This matter is left to Mr.

   Zhao Hanzhang finished eating the cake and was full. She said cheerfully, "It's better to be in Chen County. With Mr. by my side, I feel much more relaxed."

   Ji Yuan also felt that Zhao Hanzhang was much more relaxed after he came back, so he happily raised the corner of his mouth, "It is an honor for Yuan to work for the girl."

   "Let's go, sir, didn't you say you want to see gunpowder? Let's take a look at the newly built workshop first, and then try it out."

  Ji Yuan walked out one step behind Zhao Hanzhang and said with a smile: "Dalang-Jun doesn't know where he got these important recipes. I heard people say that when the gunpowder exploded, it was like a thunderbolt. It was very terrifying."

   Zhao Hanzhang said: "It's exaggerated. If it's just a pipe, the sound is not that big."

  Ji Yuan said: "The girl should treat the Dalangjun well in the future. By the way, the girl is about to show her filial piety. Then your wedding date..."

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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