Wei and Jin Cooks

Chapter 953: momentum

  Chapter 953 Momentum

   Regardless of what ethnicity Duan Wumuchen is, he relied on the state of Wei in the past, and then the state of Jin. On the surface, he was dominated by the imperial court and was a minister of Jin.

As a Jin minister, Zhao Hanzhang, who represents the imperial court, has to bow his head, unless he wants to fight, raise his arms and say that Zhao Hanzhang, a treacherous minister, will be side by the Qing emperor, or directly raise the flag of rebellion and say that he will not listen to the Jin court, otherwise he will Everyone has to bow their heads to Zhao Hanzhang.

  If he really made up his mind to fight, he would have fought across the river before Wang Jun died and Youzhou fell into Zhao Hanzhang's hands. Why did he wait until now?

Wei Jie also knew this, so as the vanguard of the negotiation, he took out the gesture of asking the crime, and asked Duan Wumuchen after saluting, "Why is Liaoxi Gong Chen Bing here? In the county, there are tens of thousands of horses here, do you want to learn from Wang Jun and seek rebellion?"

  Duan Wumuchen was furious, and was about to lose his temper when his son Duan Ji Lujuan pulled him lightly, and he turned dark and didn't speak.

Duan Ji Lu's family took a step forward and replied: "The envoy Rong, my Duan family and Youzhou have always been on good terms. More than a month ago, our department received Wang Inspector's request for help, saying that Youzhou was attacked by foreign enemies, and my father was worried. The soldiers came over to investigate."

Wei Jie said: "It is true that Youzhou was invaded by the Huns, but now that the Huns are gone, the hidden danger is gone, and the Duan family can retreat. And Wang Jun, although he was the governor of Youzhou, did not obey the imperial order and took advantage of the danger of the death of the late emperor. , spread rumors widely, and try to seize the world, it is really not a pity to die."

   Now even Duan Wumuchen fell silent.

Because Wang Jun is really very high-profile, he may be too confident, thinking that he will be able to go down from Youzhou, and take over the entire Northland and Central Plains after Zhao Hanzhang and the Huns have both suffered losses, so he is focused on building momentum and plotting against the lawful nature Going up, telling people everywhere, "Hey, have you heard the prophecy of the Han Dynasty?"

   "It is the prophecy spoken by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty himself. The person who replaced the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao, and my father is that Tu Gao."

   "So, my family is the one who really replaced the Han Dynasty. Cao Wei, Sima Jin, etc. are fakes that came out halfway, so their country will not last long. Only the dynasty established by my family can be like the Han Dynasty..."

Although Duanbu Xianbei is in western Liaoning, he has also heard these rumors. The most terrible thing is that Wang Jun also wrote to Duan Wumuchen to check his tone, similar to, if I rule the world and become emperor, you must be Great hero, you are a son-in-law, you are like a son to me...

  How can Duan Wumuchen answer?

  Of course I am very happy to agree.

He didn't have much loyalty to Jin. The reason why he became a minister of Jin was to get the support of the court and enable the tribe to develop better. If his father-in-law could become emperor, he would naturally be happy, so no matter what Wang Jun said, he would They all agreed.

   This kind of thing that doesn’t require actual effort should be dealt with first, and the rest, don’t care.

   But at this time, it also became the evidence of Wang Jun's rebellion, and even, if it is not good, it will become the evidence of Duan's participation in the rebellion.

  Duan Wumuchen became worried, Zhao Hanzhang didn't find any letters or something from Wang Jun, did he?

   Not to mention, there really are, but the things were not searched by Zhao Jiajun, but by Shi Jun. Zhang Bin specially collected them and handed them over to Zhao Hanzhang.

  At this time, Zhao Hanzhang took out the letter, and said to Duan Wumuchen: "I know that the Duke of Liaoxi is far away from the court, and I am afraid that he was deceived and confused by Wang Jun. He didn't know the inside story and had no intention of committing a crime."

Duan Wu's eyes were flustered, his eyes swept over Zu Ti and Shi Le, and then Tuoba Yilu on the opposite mountain looked at him, a drop of sweat slid from his temples, and finally agreed, "Yes, The general's gaze is like a torch, and the subject is indeed bewitched by Wang Jun..."

To put it bluntly, everything is for the benefit of the tribe, and the cooperation with Wang Jun is for this reason. Since Wang Jun is dead, Zhao Hanzhang, Zu Ti, Shi Le, and Tuoba Yilu are all here at this time. He can't beat any of them, so it's better to follow the trend. for.

After weighing the pros and cons, Duan Wumuchen conceded, but the staff behind him were not happy. A man dressed as a Han literati rushed out and scolded him angrily, "Don't forget, the Duke of Liaoxi. The county’s foothold is all thanks to the governor, and the governor not only invited you to be the Duke of Liaoxi with the court, but also married his beloved daughter to you, you are the son-in-law of Youzhou, how can you sit back and watch Youzhou be occupied?"

"Open your eyes and see, Zu Ti and Shi Le together only have 30,000 soldiers here, and Tuoba Yilu only has 30,000 soldiers, and they are not of one mind with Zhao Hanzhang. The Duke of the county can take them down in an instant as long as he sends troops. You can take Youzhou if you enter again, why should you submit to such villains?"

  Zhao Kuan was furious when he heard the words, and asked Duan Wumuchen, "Could it be that Lord Liaoxi has the same heart of conspiracy as Wang Jun!"

   That is, both Zu Ti and Shi Le had fire in their eyes, staring at Duan Wu Muchen with piercing eyes.

   Of course Duan Wumuchen couldn't admit it, so he immediately asked people to drag the scribe down.

  Zhao Hanzhang watched with a smile all the time, seeing that the scribe was about to be dragged down, he said: "This person is just like Wang Jun for treason, and he should be handed over to the imperial court."

  The scribe who had his mouth covered immediately struggled fiercely. Duan Wumuchen lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded under the glaring gaze of Zhao Kuan and others.

   Immediately, a soldier stepped forward to pick up the scribe. The scribe's mouth was loosened, and he immediately shouted: "Zhao Hanzhang, you dare to say that you are a loyal minister..."

  The soldier also covered his mouth with his hand, and together with the other three, he raised his foot, raised his hand, and dragged him across the river back to behind Zhao Hanzhang.

As soon as the people came over, Zhao Hanzhang finally showed a smile, stepped on the stones and crossed the river, stood in front of Duan Wumuchen, and said with a smile: "This time I know that Liaoxi Duke's heart is still towards the court. Your Majesty knows, I'm sure you'll be very happy."

  Because she came over, Duan Wu Muchen and Duan Ji Lu Juan tensed their bodies, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that she had made no other movements.

  Zhao Hanzhang had already turned his head and waved at Zhao Kuan and others, and said with a smile: "Bring the fine wine we brought, today we have to clear up the misunderstanding, and drink with the Duke of Liaoxi."

  Zhao Kuan immediately suppressed the anger on his face, responded respectfully, and led a team of soldiers to carry the burden they brought, Zu Ti and Shi Le immediately followed.

  Duan Wu Muchen stepped back immediately to give up the open space on the river beach, and the soldiers took out the mats from the bundles and spread them out, as well as the stove, wine and various exquisite glazed utensils.

   Duan Wu Muchen: ...

  He is sure now that Zhao Hanzhang really wants to buy him a drink here.

  Fu Tinghan thought it was very interesting, and was about to go there immediately. Wei Jie patted him with a fan, and said with a smile, "Wait a little longer."

  Zhao Jiajun's personal guards came forward calmly and filled half of the river beach. Then Wei Jie and Fu Tinghan walked over slowly.

  Zhao Hanzhang sat down first, and then asked Duan Wumuchen to take a seat on her left.

  Duan Wu Muchen glanced at his son, and sat down on the mat. Until now, the peace talks officially started, but Duan missed the opportunity. Once the momentum weakened, the subsequent negotiations showed weakness.

   Peace talks, first of all, harmony, and then overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum



  (end of this chapter)

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