Wei Junzi Wants To Die Chapter 162

Chapter 163 The world is all white, but I am the only one who is black [both order 3700 plus more]

"Ten thousand people bully one person, it's justice."

Hearing Wei Jun's words, not to mention Chen Baili, just Bai Qingxin's heart trembled.

Her experience made her feel so capable of Wei Jun's words.

After everyone thinks that you are an ominous person, even if you are doing justice to the law, you are still a Mourning Sect star in the eyes of the world.

Even the families she helped rehabilitate, some people think that she brought them the disaster of death.

If Wei Jun didn't warm her heart later, and Ji Family Eldest Young Master told her that someone once ran for her, Bai Qingxin might still be a Black Lotus flower now.

Even so, there are still too few people who help her compared to the people she has helped.

And she can no longer hold on to the pure justice she once did.

Some things happen, they happen, and there is no going back.

Bai Qingxin's abnormal reaction did not escape Chen Baili's eyes.

Chen Baili nodded to Bai Qingxin, said: "I have heard about the experience of Lord Bai, but you are happier than me, at least you have Lord Wei willing to help you."

"Teacher, if you really have a similar experience, I will help you too." Wei Jun promised.

This Heavenly Emperor can't do anything else, just like courting death.

Of course, help to help.

Chen Baili is really collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, so he should be killed.

If others wanted to kill Chen Baili, Wei Jun wouldn't stop him.

Wei Jun will treat both parties equally.

Everyone has to pay for their actions.

Do not take sides or take sides.

"Wei Jun, I can trust your integrity, even more how and the relationship with Brother Wei." Chen Baili said: "But the fairness and justice I want, I have to get it myself. Come back, you can't help me, and I don't want you to help me."

Before Wei Jun could speak, Chen Baili directly changed the subject: "Wei Jun, can you tell me about your ideas? The New World."

Wei Jun was taken aback: "What?"

"Abolish the emperor system and build a New World without exploitation and oppression." Chen Baili took Wei Jun's claim Said it again: "To be honest, I am very interested in your proposition. The current situation in Western Continent is not peaceful. Not only is there a technological revolution, but also a drastic ideological change. There are many new theories that are very There is a market. I want to listen carefully to your thoughts, maybe it will be of great help to me."

Before Wei Jun spoke, Lu Yuanhao spoke first, wondering: "Western Continent is in To carry out ideological changes? No. According to the intelligence of the Supervision Division, True God in the Western Continent sky has a Supreme belief plate, and 80% of the people in Western Continent are True God believers. They only believe in True God, how can they accept other people? Thinking?"

Just as the Western Continent has placed spies in the Western Continent, of course, the Western Continent will also have its own people in the Western Continent to collect information on the Western Continent.

Including during the Great Patriotic War, the Supervision Division has also been doing its best to collect intelligence on the opposite side.

After so many years, although it can't be said that the Inspectorate Department knows Western Continent well, it still has several points of understanding.

As far as Lu Yuanhao knows, Western Continent's rules are stricter than Dagan, and theocracy is far greater than imperial rule.

Chen Baili glanced at Lu Yuanhao and explained: "Lord Lu knows only one thing and the other, the Western Continent is very big, and the interior is not monolithic. And the Western Continent is indeed overwhelming majority people believe in True God Cult. , but the people of Western Continent are not rigid. Faith belongs to faith, but under faith, there are too many places to be flexible. After all, True God can't respond all the time, and it can't change those who are suffering in Western Continent, those who want to If you change your situation and your country, you will naturally have to think of other ways."

Lu Yuanhao speechless saying: "This belief is really impious."

Bai Qingxin indifferently said : "It's normal. There are also many people who pray to gods and worship Buddhas. Do you think they really believe in gods and Buddhas? It's nothing more than hoping to get benefits from gods and Buddhas. There are naturally pure believers in this world, but there are too few."

"Yes, there are too few mad believers, and it is impossible to save a country by praying to God and worshipping Buddha. Anyone with insight is looking for a way to save the country. The contradictions accumulated by Continent in the process of rapid development are also not underestimated, and a remedy is urgently needed." Chen Baili said.

paused, Chen Baili said solemnly: "If you can't find the real remedy for the world, not only will Western Continent have disasters, but Dagan will also face disasters."

" What do you mean?" Lu Yuanhao didn't understand: "Western Continent can't find a good way to save the world, so what does Guan Da do?"

"Because when a country's internal contradictions intensify and cannot be stopped, the best way is to Set up external enemies and use external contradictions to force internal peace. War will bring death and destruction, but it will also bring new life and hope. Just as swords and guns can kill people, they can also save people. One has two sides, depending on how you choose and your destiny How to choose." Wei Jun faintly said.

He is very familiar with this set of state operating mechanisms.

When a country's internal contradictions develop to a certain extent, it is basically impossible to resolve them.

Unless you start over.

But how many people in power have such courage?

Faced with this situation, most of the incumbents choose to provoke foreign wars.

In the memory of Wei Jun in his previous life, there was a country that was very good at playing this set.

After the external conflicts are fierce, the internal conflicts are naturally suppressed.

Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind.

Of course, in the final analysis, this kind of thing is just drinking poison to quench thirst, and cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

But for people who are dying, they will not hesitate to drink poison to quench their thirst.

Better than really dead.

Wei Jun has no doubts about Chen Baili's words, because what Chen Baili describes is exactly what happens when a society develops to a certain extent.

As for how to solve this kind of thing?

He has a way.

However, it is hard to say whether it can be effectively implemented.

Wei Jun is bearish anyway.

After all, there really is a god in this world.

The corrupt and old-fashioned forces will only be stronger than the old-fashioned forces of those countries that he knew in his previous life.

So if they want a revolution, they must pay a higher price.

Of course, anything is possible.

No one can say that it will never be successful.

Wei Jun just reminded: "teacher, I can naturally talk to you about everything, but my proposition may not be suitable for the current world, and it is easy to die if you mess up. If you listen to it, you don't have to take it seriously."

Chen Baili nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, just let us learn from each other. Recently, Western Continent has also begun to popularize various theories, some of which are also very interesting. We seek common ground while reserving differences, Let's make progress together."

"Then we are welcome to communicate with each other." Wei Jun did not refuse.

It can be seen that Chen Baili is indeed a very thoughtful person.

Then Wei Jun didn't hide it either.

He really doesn't have any taboos.

Anyway, the big deal is that people fall to the ground.

He dreamed that this would happen as soon as possible.

Wei Jun had a great chat with Chen Baili, and then he found that Chen Baili was more radical than he thought.

Even Director Lu was even more radical.

And his distrust of the Imperial Court runs deep.

Chen Baili's political proposition Wei Jun is tasted, a bit like anarchism.

Not only did he feel it, but Bai Qingxin also felt it.

This shows that Chen Baili lacks the city government of Director Lu.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Baili is not as smart as Director Lu, but that the two are different in their intelligence.

As the spy chief of Dagan, Director Lu, although he has also picked up his military skill points, can't be called outstanding.

Mr. Lu's outstanding political literacy is particularly strong, his skills in figuring out people's hearts are perfect, and his personal strength is far superior to Chen Baili's.

However, Chen Baili slaughtered Director Lu during the marching and fighting, including some specific practical matters.

Not only that, Wei Jun also discovered that Chen Baili is a weapons expert and a genius in science. He had almost fully grasped the technological revolution in the West, and some of the new terms revealed between the lines and the incompatibility with Confucian culture made Lu Yuanhao look at him.

Talents of this nature are indeed more suitable for Western Continent, which is rumored to have entered the era of technological revolution, but has little use in Dagan.

Because Chen Baili's cultivation aptitude is too bad.

He's doing a lot of work, you can even say he's trash.

But when it comes to Western Continent, he's a proven genius.

The east is not bright and the west is bright, Chen Baili vividly interprets this sentence.

When Wei Jun and Chen Baili's chat ended, the moon was about to come out.

Chen Baili's eyes are bright, especially when looking towards Wei Jun, the rays of light in his eyes are even hotter.

"Wei Jun, you shouldn't learn Confucianism, this small pond of Confucianism cannot hold your True Dragon." Chen Baili seriously suggested: "Come out, Confucianism is not worthy of you."


Wei Jun was happy: "The teacher is overpraised, and besides, Confucianism is not worthy of me, then I will transform Confucianism, why should I quit Confucianism?"

Chen Baili sighed: "Change Confucianism? easier said than done, easier said than done."

Chen Baili shook his head and bid farewell to Wei Jun, his back was a little lonely and desolate.

Wei Jun looked thoughtful.

Two days later.

The Dou Jiangtai is suspended over the capital.

The fight will officially begin.

And everywhere in Dagan, there are people looking up to watch the battle of fighters at this time.

Watching the battle stage, Emperor Qian came to the scene in person. He believed that today's fighting generals will win, so he wanted to pretend to be a force.

But after seeing the brand new appearance of Dou Jiangtai, Emperor Qian's complexion changed slightly, and whispered to the Prime Minister Shangguan: "Chen Baili really came prepared."

The Prime Minister Shangguan slowly nodded his face a little dignified.

The Fighter's Platform is a Magical Artifact from Western Continent. Although the original Fighter's Platform is also effective, it can cover a large battlefield, but the coverage is limited.

However, the stage of fighting generals displayed in front of them now covers the entire territory of Daqian.

This formidable power is even comparable to that of the Skywatch.

Of course, the surveillance mirror has other functions.

But the Dou Jiangtai also has a Dou Jiang function.

"It is said that Western Continent is undergoing a technological revolution, and the evolution of Dougongtai may be a product of the technological revolution. Your Majesty, Western Continent should never be underestimated, their progress is really fast." Shangguan Prime Minister said.

Qiandi looked solemn.

The Dou Jiang, who originally thought he would win, became uneasy after discovering the strangeness of Dou Jiangtai.

Chen Baili engaged in such a big battle, can't it be to fight a fighter who must lose?

What is the confidence of Chen Baili's victory?

Qiandi didn't know.

But when Emperor Qian thought about Lu Yuanhao, who appeared in the first battle, his inner anxiety gradually disappeared.

No matter what Chen Baili has behind, as long as Lu Yuanhao is there, Qiandi believes that the Western Continent people can't win.

Lu Yuanhao's record is not known to others, but he is.

Heaven's Mystery Pavilion battle, he is the person who knows the inside the most apart from Wei Jun, Lu Yuanhao and the others.

So he knew Lu Yuanhao's strength very well.

Dr. Qian didn't believe that a monster like Lu Yuanhao could also appear on the Western Continent.

If there is, then he admits it.

But it turns out that it's really hard for a monster like Lu Yuanhao to appear two at the same time.

The No. 1 position of the Western Continent general is General Mu who has been following Chen Baili.

After seeing that it was General Mu who appeared on the stage, on the battle stage, all the people on Dagan's side were sighed in relief.

Emperor Qian even said with a smile: "It seems that Lu Yuanhao is stable."

General Manager Lu nodded and said: "We have tested General Mu's strength, and it is indeed quite good. However, it is only as good as the level of the two generals Lin Xue. There is an insurmountable distance from Lao Jiu."

Da Gan dared to promise Chen Baili Fighting General, naturally he had the confidence.

There are really many evildoers here.

In the final analysis, Chen Baili and his party were just a diplomatic mission.

How many geniuses can it bring?

Even if you bring them all, will you be able to win Dagan?

A lot of people here don't believe it anyway.

When General Mu came on the field, the Dagan side thought that the overall situation had been settled.

Wei Jun is also watching the battle stage.

He also wondered what Chen Baili meant.

General Mu's strength is clearly not as good as Lu Yuanhao's.

Even with Lu Yuanhao's record on the surface, General Mu is definitely not an opponent.

So Chen Baili sincerely wants to lose?

In Cao Ying and in Han at heart?

Wei Jun thought of Chen Baili's attitude again.

His hatred for Dagan doesn't seem like a fake.

I don't understand.

At this moment, as the current ruler of the Doujiangtai, Chen Baili walked to the center of the Doujiangtai and started the formal process of walking the Doujiang.

"The common names of the two generals."

After the common names, it is the battle.

The fighting generals platform is prepared for the warriors of both sides. In order to show respect for both fighting generals, the link of the common name is very important.

This is a life-long battle of reputation.

Lu Yuanhao was also infected by this special atmosphere, with a solemn expression on his face, said solemnly: "Supervisor, Lu Yuanhao."

General Mu faced Leng Rushuang, and his voice was even stronger Icy: "Captain, Mu Jianan, of the fifth detachment of the Second Independent Regiment of Dagan."

Lu Yuanhao was taken aback.

The people watching the battle stage were also taken aback.

There was an uproar then.

Wei Jun glanced at Bai Qingxin in surprise, and found that Bai Qingxin was also very confused.

Not only Bai Qingxin, but also most of the people watching the battle stage are very confused.

None of them understood.

As the Military Number One Person, Ji Shuai even frowned and interrupted the process of fighting generals.

"Wait a minute, when did Dagan have a second independent regiment?"

The independent regiment refers to a small army that crosses the middle level and is directly subordinate to the supreme commander.

During the Great Patriotic War, only Grand Marshal Yang had an independent regiment under his command, which acted as an elite soldier on the Great Patriotic battlefield and also a firefighting Legion.

Fight the strongest enemies and defend the most dangerous levels. Grand Marshal Yang's Independence Regiment has made many achievements in the Great Patriotic Battlefield. Even if the casualties are heavy, the elites in the army are proud to join this Independence Regiment of Grand Marshal Yang.

But only that one.

There has never been a Second Independence Regiment.

Even Ji Shuai has never heard of it.

Mu Jianan did not answer, but Chen Baili answered Ji Shuai's question:

"The Second Independence Regiment is a group of recluses formed by my advice. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Dagan country fell, the Western Continent coalition forces were unstoppable, and the frontal battlefield was retreating, and there was even a danger of being hit to the capital.

At that time, some people even said that the whole country was defeated. It has been decided. Seeing that the frontal battlefield has already formed a rout, so I advised the late emperor that if the pirates can go, I can go too. It is possible to form an army that goes deep behind the enemy's rear in the Western Continent and directly attack the root of the problem. It can contain the energy of the enemy for the frontal battlefield.

"This is a top secret, only the late emperor and Yang Shouye know this military plan. "

Ji Shuai looked shocked.

Dr. Qian was also turned pale in fright, and subconsciously denied it, "Impossible, Yang Shouye's independent regiment recruited elites from each army." , where did the second independent regiment in your mouth come from? Why have I never heard of it? "

Chen Baili's eyes flashed with sarcasm, and said with disdain: "You have heard of it, but you have forgotten it." "

Shangguan Prime Minister sucked in a cold breath.

He reacted.

But he would rather not react.

Prime Minister Shangguan could even hear his own vibrato: "Is it... the Mohist Disciple? ”

It was Mozi, the founder of the Mohist school, who fought against the Confucianist Saint and defeated the Confucianist Saint.

Later Saint killed Mozi.

Confucianism completely overwhelmed Moism.

The two families also became mortal enemies.

Afterwards, Confucianism was the dominant family, and the descendants of Moism were suppressed and lived in seclusion, and the ideas and inventions of Moism even more It is regarded as a strange skill and is completely rejected.

To this day, the two sides have been grumbling for a long time, and they have already gotten rid of the original struggle between Saint and Mozi.

Chen Baili was silent for a moment, and then said abruptly: "Yes, it is the Mo Family Disciple. Baili persuaded the late emperor, the late emperor went to the Mo Family ancestral land, and made a promise to the Mo Family that after the war, the Mo Family Disciple should be released back to the court, and the Mo Family would be allowed to stay there. Dagan wrote books everywhere. And the price is that the elites of the Mo clan will come out, cross the ocean, cross the ocean, go deep behind the enemy's back, and win the respite from the frontal battlefield for Dagan. "

Chen Baili looked at the people watching the absolute silence on the battle stage, his eyes were sharp like knives: "The elites of the Mo family have come out, and thousands of fully armed Mo family's Disciples have taken away most of the Mo family's heritage, just for the sake of hundreds of thousands of people." Li Yimou, the first emperor made a promise. The Mohist Disciple lost 90% of their lives in the Western Continent, but they have no regrets, because they fought for righteousness and hope. As a result, Mexico City was slaughtered by Western Continent. "

Speaking of this, Chen Baili's voice became extremely resentful: "But on the day of Mocheng's massacre, I didn't see a Western Continent army, but an army of Dagan, led by ten soldiers." Three great Confucians. Jun Qianzhi, please explain to me, what is the reason for this? "

Jun Kuangzhi, the real name of Emperor Qian.

Hearing Chen Baili's resentful questioning, Emperor Qian's face turned ashen.

"I...don't know." . "

He really didn't know.

Chen Baili laughed up to the sky, his laughter was full of irony: "You don't know, haha, you don't know." Back then I asked the late emperor, and the late emperor also said he didn't know, this is really the style of your Jun Family people. The late emperor put the overall situation first, and he said that there must be a misunderstanding.

But the bones of Mocheng are not yet cold, and the Mohist brothers of Western Continent are still fighting for the executioner.

How do I focus on the bigger picture?

The massacre in Mexico City was all because of me.

I am loyal to the monarch and patriotic, but selfish people kill those who are loyal to the monarch and patriotic, and then the late emperor in turn makes those who are loyal to the monarch and patriotic focus on the bigger picture.

I'm going to you son of a bitch.

“Jun Kuanzhi, I promised the former Crown Prince that I would never disclose the truth until the end of the Great Patriotic War. But now that the Great Patriotic War is over and the former Crown Prince is dead, I take the return The Mo family brother who is not dead, let's ask for an explanation."

Chen Baili's voice fell, and more than ten people appeared on the stage.

All of them are the faces of ordinary people.

His eyes were full of hatred.

Every time there is one more person, it makes the hearts of the cadres even more painful.

There is no expert among these people.

The strongest is Mu Jianan, who is now standing opposite Lu Yuanhao.

But each of them stood on the stage of fighting generals, so that the big guys with the best cultivation base on the battle stage couldn't look directly at them.

Chen Baili looked at the battle stage and said word by word: "Let's ask for an explanation, or you can kill us again.

Anyway, this is what you are best at.

We can all sacrifice for the bigger picture, can't we?

"It's not the first time after all. ”

Chen Baili’s every word is heartbreaking.

On the battle stage, no one dares to look at him.

And the battle stage is in the center , Mu Jianan also pulled out the knife in his hand and said to Lu Yuanhao in awe, "Please. "

Lu Yuanhao: "..."

He asked for a fart.

Gritting his teeth, Lu Yuanhao said with a red face: "I admit defeat. "

Confucianism can attack the Mohist school or massacre, that's because the grievances between the two families are deeply rooted.

But Lu Yuanhao can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

More than It's Lu Yuanhao.

People outside the Confucian school can't get through it.

Beside Wei Jun, the Pearl Princess, with her phoenix eyes full of phoenixes, whispered angrily: "When the national disaster is on the way, Confucianism still To engage in internal slaughter? Are they sick? "

Wei Jun faintly sighed.

General Ye would also like to ask the Great Captain of Transport for this question.

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