Weird Calendar

Chapter 252: Historical truth

(I am posting this chapter for free, no subscription is required. Because it is a series of chapters, there is a lot of content that has nothing to do with this book. Also, there is another chapter tonight.)


Qin Ze had never thought that such a powerful word would be related to history.

The voice of the Mechanical King slowly sounded:

"The source of everything is related to immortality, starting from the Tower Era. But before we start, I need to tell you one thing."

Qin Ze asked:

"What's up?"

The Mechanical King sounded a little more serious:

"After knowing all this, you will be regarded as knowing the highest standard of the Golden Calendar manuscript."

"You are different from us. You belong to the game. You will be tested by the power system to which you belong."

Qin Ze is not sure what the test of his power system is.

But he soon thought of——

"Aunt Wang, Uncle Zhou, and Uncle Ling are all non-Old Calendar people. They have suffered divine punishment..."

"Then as an Old Calendar person, what can I suffer? I seem to know."

Qin Ze suddenly understood that everything was unfavorable, a hundred difficulties were imminent, and there was no recovery.

I just don’t know what level of secret the historical truth is.

Will they skip the impending disaster and directly face the catastrophe?

The voice of the Mechanical King sounded again:

"Have you thought about it? I can tell you the secret. But are you willing to bear the price?"

Qin Ze was silent for a while.

Everything went wrong that day, and he really almost died.

Then the soul enters a special place.

It’s hard to imagine how intense it would be to be faced with impending disaster and catastrophe.

But if he had to miss this secret now, Qin Ze wouldn't bear it.

"From a calculation point of view, what is the probability that I will survive after knowing this secret?" Qin Ze tried to find a trick.

But the Mechanical King did not answer this question:

"Your fate has been beyond calculation from the moment you received the legacy of the Lord of the Old Calendar."

"You are not the only one here who is qualified to hear the truth."

Qin Ze was stunned, suddenly thought of something, and asked:

"Who else?"

"A woman has a lot to do with you." The Machine King almost said the woman's name.

Qin Ze froze on the spot, speechless.

It turns out that she has been to this place before?

Mechanical King said:

"She once had a complete inheritance and wanted to know the answer from me. I didn't tell her the answer. I just told her that she couldn't enter Baichuan City. She was rejected by Baichuan City."

"So she made her choice, and you were her choice."

This is another riddle.

There were many things that Qin Ze couldn't understand.

If what the man in the bonfire said was true, then Qiao Wei had been to Baichuan City when she was a child.

Moreover, in his inheritance, Hu Dongfeng said that Qiao Wei left a property for herself in Baichuan City.

This is very strange.

How can a person who can't enter Baichuan City have real estate?

Could it be that the property does not belong to Qiao Wei.

If it's not Qiao Wei's, but it can be given to her... then could it be that the property actually belongs to——


Qin Ze was shocked by this idea.

The Mechanical King and Qin Ze were not face to face, Qin Ze could only hear the sound.

So he couldn't tell anything from the other person's expression.

It's just that the Mechanical King deliberately gave Qin Ze some time to think before he said:

"Have you thought about it? Although the treasure of the Lord of the Old Calendar in your body is not complete... your destiny is about to begin to end."

I don’t understand it, but that’s how the mechanical race talks.

Qin Ze gritted his teeth and said:

"I have thought about it. I want to accept the historical truth and tell me what happened! Is this world true or false?"

"Does humanity still have a future?"

Qin Ze decided to fight.

If Qiao Wei leaves the opportunity to herself, then she doesn’t have to believe in herself or think that she can survive the catastrophe...

However, we cannot disbelieve Qiao Wei.

Qin Ze's feet suddenly found a path again.

"You can move on."

It turns out that it's not that the other party doesn't want to see him, but that he must have the courage to listen to the truth before he is qualified to see the Machine King.

Qin Ze took steps again.

But soon, his journey was over again.

The figure of the Mechanical King is still not visible.

But Qin Ze could feel that the other party was not far away from him.

The voice of the Mechanical King sounded again:

"The earliest world was distorted by the desire of all things, and something called a well appeared."

"That was an era when heroes emerged in large numbers. In that era, in order to end distortion, Baiwu and our ancestors began to cooperate."

"At that time, our ancestor Zero had the most powerful power, and that power was not just our mechanized body."

"Of course, the person named Bai Wu - here we are unified as the terminator of the era, codenamed the savior."

"The first-generation savior Bai Wu, in that era when distortion was divided into distortion entries and sequences, mastered the strongest sequence and sealed the immortal power called sequence three."

"Thus, mankind ushered in an era of peace."

"The white mist has disappeared since then. Our ancestor, No. 0, will also soon ban himself."

"The Tower Era has come to a peaceful end."

"But I must tell you, the reason why immortality is immortal is that it cannot be destroyed."

"Here, I need to play a recording for you."

The Machine King suddenly stopped speaking.

Qin Ze is waiting for that recording.

The recording soon started.

"Zero, have you seen this? This is what will happen in the future."

"I didn't expect that the bits and pieces of sequence power that were dismantled could actually become a special profession on their own in an era without wells..."

"Hahahahaha, this thing can also have professional development! The power of distortion has indeed become something completely different after many eras."

Although Qin Ze had never heard this voice, he vaguely felt that it seemed to be the voice of the first-generation savior.

He felt inexplicably that he was a bit hit, a serious dimensionality reduction blow.

The scattered bits and pieces of sequence power after being dismantled - become a certain profession alone.

Does this profession refer to the old calendar profession?

This feels like a comic book. The first Hokage asked in surprise: "So the nine-tailed demon fox can kill people?"

The recording isn't over yet.

"Are you going to use those strange creatures... to break up immortality?"

"Well, this is the only way to do it. Even if it causes catastrophe, I believe there will always be a few people who can turn the tide."

"Don't you care about other people's lives or deaths?"

"My vision has long been unable to see specific individuals...unless you and the captain."

"Now that you've figured it out, go ahead and do it. What do I need to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, just trust the people behind you."

The recording ends here.

Qin Ze did not speak, and the Mechanical King said:

"This is the conversation between our ancestors and the first savior. Next, I am going to start talking about the second era, the Era of Disease. Are you ready?"

Qin Ze said:

"please continue."

There was no hesitation in the voice of the Mechanical King:

"The information about the Disease Era is actually the vaguest."

"The savior of the Tower Era, Bai Wu chose to seal the immortal and find other powers to split the immortal."

"The way of splitting is reflected in the disease era."

"At the beginning of the Disease Era, the first savior found a tree from other worlds called the World Tree."

"Planting the World Tree requires a huge amount of energy. It can almost be said that a world must be destroyed before it can bear a single fruit."

"So the first savior made a bold choice."

"He chose to use the tower that sealed the immortal as nourishment."

"The Immortal finally died, but because the world absorbed too much nutrients...the power began to spread to the whole world, and thus, the Era of Disease began."

"And the World Tree has since become an immortal tree."

"The World Tree produced a total of three fruits. One fruit fell on the earth and nourished the World Tree."

"A fruit was picked by a person named Hui Nu, but it gave birth to a demonic thought called 'Sickness Ancestor'."

"The biggest feature of the Disease Era is that the possessor of twisted power will have inner demons."

"The third fruit was taken away by a monk named Jing Er and fed to a child named Jiang Bingshu."

"That child became the second generation savior."

"He defeated Hui Nu, and at the cost of his immortal body, he destroyed the World Tree, which was also immortal."

"The big trees burned for a long, long time. The world was dead and silent. The era of decadent disease was over."

"No one knows the whereabouts of the diseased ginger tree. It is said that it was rescued by a man named Qin, but the information we have obtained about this most mysterious era is too limited."

"The next is the third era, and it is also an era that you have already dabbled in. Once you know the things of this era, you will have no way out."

"This era is called the Advance Era."

Qin Ze thought, he had heard this, of course he had to continue.

A way out appears again beneath my feet.

Qin Ze walked to the end of the road as usual. This time, he could see the back of the Mechanical King from a distance.

The blurry figure in the darkness seemed somewhat similar to No. 4.

But definitely not number four.

"Are you ready to continue? Or do you have something to ask?"

Qin Ze really has:

"It seems that there is no record of any information...the first generation savior and the second generation savior, are they dead?"

Mechanical King said:

"Indeed not. One is the owner of all powers except immortality, and the other is the successor of immortality itself. It is difficult to say whether the two saviors are dead or not."

Qin Ze asked again:

"The World Tree is actually not something from the human world? Does this mean that there are many extra worlds?"

The Mechanical King nodded again:

"Yes, after possessing the power to span the universe, what the first generation savior did was to find the power of other worlds to completely destroy immortality."

"From the beginning it could only seal immortality, to destroying immortality."

"This is also the obsession of the first generation of saviors."

Qin Ze doesn't quite understand. It seems good if it can be sealed forever...

What disease eras, advance eras, old calendar eras, so many sick worlds are caused by breaking the seal...

Is all this really worth it?

Qin Ze is not the first generation savior, so he is not sure whether his ideas are too narrow.

Maybe people see it deeper?

On a family scale, a person's life or death is the most important thing.

But on a national scale, it seems to be less important.

If you look at it on a planetary scale, the rise and fall of a country is not important.

On the scale of the galaxy and universe, a planet becomes insignificant.

Qin Ze didn't know what scale the person named Bai Wu stood on.

He said:

"I have no questions. Please tell me about the advance era."

Qin Ze took the initiative to say the words "advance era".

Mechanical King said:

"In this era, we are very close, so we know it in more detail."

"The burning of the Immortal Tree, coupled with the layout of the first savior, attracted the attention of a certain behemoth."

"The world we live in has been noticed by the ultimate creature called 'King God'. His goal is immortality."

"Even if the Ginger Disease Tree burned the World Tree at the cost of burning itself, the Immortality was not completely wiped out. Some of the remains were still left behind."

"Although there are only a few remaining bits and pieces of immortal power left, for the King God who pursues immortality, these remaining bits and pieces are enough to give it an almost endless lifespan..."

"So, the King God began to plunder the immortal power. When the King God came, this ultimate creature was actually an outsider just like the World Tree."

"It's not even as good as the World Tree. The World Tree absorbed the complete immortality and produced three fruits."

"But the characteristics of the twin roots of the World Tree will cause all creatures that have obtained the twisted power to be affected and produce inner demons."

"The King God swallowed the remains of the World Tree and also gave birth to inner demons."

"That inner demon was the obsession of the old enemy of the first generation savior, the obsession of the sick ancestor in the World Tree Disease Era. In the end... it became the evil thought in the heart of the King God - the God of Corruption."

"The King God and the God of Corruption are one. The day the King God falls, it means that the God of Corruption has successfully taken over."

"The King God himself is not an evil creature, and neither is the inner demon. He is the owner of some twisted powers, and both the inner demon and himself are kind people."

"But Wang Shen is not. Wang Shen knows very well that his inner demon is evil."

"So Wang Shen took a series of measures to try to let people kill it."

"This method is the container of the King God. A powerful existence that can inherit the power of the King God and change the will of God. In a sense, his power is even comparable to many top powerhouses in the Tower Era."

"The King God hopes to use this container to resurrect himself, revive himself, and then kill the corruption in his heart."

"And this container is called Huang Mi."

Qin Ze said:

"Huang Mi is the savior of the third era, the advance era?"

Qin Ze suddenly thought that the style of painting in the Golden Calendar manuscript was somewhat rogue.

That crooked old master who longed for breasts. In a sense, this kind of person's style is quite suitable for being a savior.

But the answer from the Machine King was surprising.

“In the pioneer era, there was actually no savior.”

"Because the pioneer era, in a sense, is a failed era, or in other words, this era has not ended."

“It’s tied to the Old Calendar era.”

Qin Ze doesn’t quite understand:

"The vessel of King God is Huang Mi, and he failed in the end?"

Mechanical King said:

"No, he is not a savior, he is just crucial. If we must say that there was a savior in the pioneer era..."

"Then that person is not Huang Mi, his name is Zhou Baiyu."

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