Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 111: Decompose the Sword King Corpse

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

Unlike the other monsters, the Sword Emperor's corpse was not dead, only the wound made by He Shan on his body.

She was dumped on the beam of the room, watching the first-order monster bodies, broken down into the same kind of objects, and already had an estimate of her fate in her heart.

But when it was her turn, she struggled violently, and kept begging He Shan.

"I don't want to die in this thing. Use your sword to kill me."

Seeing her crying while she was crying, she was a bit pitiful.

But He Shan didn't feel sympathy at all, and even felt dark and cool.

That is to say, in the current scene, this woman will be so pitiful. When facing ordinary people, this woman will be the most ferocious demon.

After admiring the ugliness of the Sword Emperor's corpse for a while, He Shan stuffed her into the decomposition machine.

"This is the first decomposition of the decomposition machine after being promoted. This can be regarded as my preferential treatment to you."

After a sound of clicking, the decomposition slot automatically opened, and this time several large pieces were decomposed.

They are a black and gold metal frame, a set of black and gold armor, a crown composed of a ten-centimeter long sword, an exquisite wooden box, and a special pillow.

The metal rack is a weapon rack, you can put weapons on it, and the price is 1,000 yuan.

He Shan is not going to sell this thing, but intends to use it in the Random Shop. Putting the weapon on the weapon rack can better display the weapon.

The delicate wooden box is a set of kitchen knives.

They are a bone chopping knife, a meat cleaver, a chef's knife, and a fruit knife, all in black and gold.

He Shan tested it on sight. These knives are very sharp and strong, and they can be used as weapons.

But He Shan planned to take these knives back, and then threw away all his original kitchen knives.

As a master of dark cooking, He Shan is very fond of kitchen utensils. With these knives, he can cut thinner chili shreds.

The remaining three things are all with magical energy.

He Shan was the first to look at the black and gold armor.

Item: Sword Emperor Armor

Remarks: The improved version of the armor on the Sword Emperor's corpse, which is agile, defensive and beautiful. It is extremely lightweight, covers a small area and does not affect movement, and the defensive power of the exposed part of the armor is higher than that of the armor itself.

Price: Five sly copper coins

He Shan picked up this set of armor and found that it was less expensive than the set of materials worn by the Sword Emperor's corpse, but because of its special effects, this set of armor was completely suspended from the set before the Sword Emperor's corpse.

It's a pity that this is a set of ladies armor, He Shan can't wear it.

The second item is a black and gold colored crown made of small swords.

Item: Sword Crown

Remarks: The person who wears this crown is the king of swords. The damage of all sword weapons is increased, and the ability to control long swords is increased.

Note 2: The crown and the crown of the sorcerer's crown are not the same thing.

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.

This thing is a divine tool for He Shan, but wearing a crown is a bit too conspicuous, so He Shan keeps the crown as a hole card and wears it at a critical moment.

The last thing is a pillow, which looks like the upper body of the Sword Emperor's corpse, but even the armor on his body is as soft as cotton.

Item: Sword King Corpse Cushion

Remarks: A pillow that will never become dirty or deformed can be fitted to any type of seat, which can greatly relieve the back fatigue caused by sedentary sitting and give you the best sedentary experience.

Price: three tricky copper coins

He Shan picked up the pillow, studied it carefully, and found that the workmanship was simply impeccable, and the arm of the sword king corpse pillow could fit on the armrest of the chair.

After thinking for a while, He Shan put the pillow on the chair of Suiyuan Shop.

He hasn't been sitting for a long time at home, and he only needs this thing in Suiyuan Shop. Although it looks like he has skinned a person on a chair, it is actually just a lovely pillow.

So far, the five first-order monsters that He Shan caught were all decomposed, and the only remaining monsters were the corpse of punishment, and the two level-zero monsters of the grooming corpse.

It's a pity that the Sword Emperor's Corpse didn't disassemble the soul doll, or she could choose her as the first employee.

After everything was ready, He Shan opened the door of Suiyuan Shop, then walked out of Suiyuan Shop, and threw all the five flesh cubes into the trash can.

Possessed in the trash can, the black hand wants to cry without tears, and the other flesh cubes are needed, and the flesh cube of the big acne corpse is really disgusting.

But Black Hand has no room for refusal, he can only taste the smell of the big pox corpse with all his heart and soul.

Fortunately, it is still winter. If it comes to summer, Black Hand will feel the feeling of countless living creatures crawling in his mouth.

"My other body, come and save me, I can't stand it anymore!"


He Shan sat in front of the computer and began to browse news about Suiyuan Xiaopu.

The popularity of Suiyuan Shop is now higher than before. However, due to traffic problems, many people who are interested in Suiyuan Shop just wait and can come to Suiyuan Shop, and more Most of them are locals here.

The handsome guy with thin lips on Tieba posted a second post, saying that he bought a projectile at Suiyuan Shop using a sly copper coin, allowing him to save his life during an exploration of the overlapping area and kill the domain owner.

This has triggered a wide range of discussions. Generally speaking, props with scheming energy can only be obtained from overlapping areas, and a very small number of scheming craftsmen can get rid of the side effects of some scams.

This kind of trickery is beyond reach for ordinary tricksters.

So the post of the handsome guy with thin lips made many people curious about Suiyuan Shop.

It was just a guy named Zhang San, an extrajudicial fanatic, whose reply made He Shan extremely upset.

‘Excuse me, what kind of law does this Suiyuan shop violate when it operates and sells dangerous goods without a license? ’

He Shan sneered. If one day he meets this guy, he will definitely surprise him.

The happy time of surfing the Internet is always short. Li Yuansheng, shrunken in his head, stepped into the Suiyuan Shop again, which was his routine shopping.

He looked at the Suiyuan Shop and found that many more things were added here, and the quality of the items was much higher than before.

If possible, Li Yuansheng really wants to buy all the things here, to arm his own operations department, but unfortunately the owner of Suiyuan Shop only asked him to buy two.

Now the scientific research team from the headquarters has arrived, and the research institution is also near Suiyuan Xiaopu. They will buy the things they want to research, so he only needs to buy things that are useful to him.

Suddenly Li Yuansheng saw He Shan's seat, his expression stiffened.

This guy won't take a person's skin off, put it on a chair as a backrest!

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