Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 118: Things within your power

The resettlement area was full of people who had fled from the overlapping area.

It has been three years since the strange planets have appeared. Now most people know how to face them when they appear in overlapping areas to escape with the greatest probability.

So although the scene looks tragic, most people can actually escape.

But even so, the price people pay is extremely heavy.

On He Shan's left hand, there was a young guy. He glared at the direction of the overlapping area, clenched his fists tightly, tears swirling in his eyes, and bleeding from his lips.

The mother and daughter in front, hugging each other, their tears have dried up.

In He Shan's right arm, a man fainted due to excessive blood loss and was carried on a stretcher by the medical nurse.

Looking around, there were embarrassed people everywhere, except for the sound of guns and guns and crying, which made He Shan's mood a little depressed.

Except for three years ago, He Shan never stayed in the resettlement area.

In the past, such scenes only appeared in war zones, but now all parts of Central Continent have such scenes every day.

A magician like He Shan felt extremely depressed, and these ordinary feelings would only be more than ten times worse than him.

Because He Shan has nothing to lose, and these people are experiencing the pain of losing everything.

Frankly speaking, it was only a fluke that He Shan could escape safely this time.

The overlapping area has just been formed, and all the monsters are not fully familiar with their own strengths, and the final form of the domain master has not been fixed.

Otherwise, just the two first-order monsters I encountered before would be enough for He Shan to drink a pot.

Not to mention Sun Ming, who was the first to meet, it was the battery king's ability. If he was used proficiently and gathered hundreds of battery power, it would be extremely difficult for He Shan to get close to him.

Moreover, there are still a large number of living people in this overlapping area, and most of the monsters are hunting down other monsters, so He Shan, a single schemist, does not appear so conspicuous.

When there are no more living people here, all the monsters are familiar with their own abilities, and the overlapping areas form their own unique rules.

At that time, He Shan, a Tier 1 sorcerer, wanted to escape from the center of the overlapping area so easily, it was not so easy.

He Shan briefly rested, ate the relief food and water sent by the soldiers, stood up and walked in the direction of the overlapping area.

When he reached the edge, He Shan was stopped by a soldier.

"Sorry, you can't go in anymore."

Many relatives have been killed, and those whose homes have been destroyed want to make the difference with the demon.

But this kind of death is not allowed.

He Shan shook his head and took out his sorcerer badge.

"I will not go in, I will only stay on the edge, at least let those who escaped have a better chance of surviving."

The soldier nodded and went to communicate with his commander. He Shan and the soldiers were on the same line. He Shan's four long swords flew out at the same time. As long as there are monsters, the four long swords will be at the same time. Kill it.

He Shan will not risk saving people, his life is still more useful.

But at least he wants to do his part as much as he can.

In this way, he stayed here until late at night, until no one could escape from the overlapping area, and then he evacuated Fuyan Street with the rapid reaction force.

Starting in the middle of the night, people from the reconstruction department will build a high fence on the edge of Fuyan Street to prohibit any ordinary people from entering this four-level overlapping area.

This time the overlapped area invasion has come to an end for the time being.

Afterwards, He Shan's Kari was charged with a sum of money, which was used to ensure that his house would not be left on the street after his house was destroyed.

In this era, everyone has to pay high ‘abnormal taxes’, so even if they suffer losses due to abnormal events, they can get a large amount of assistance.

Reconstruction departments will build some cheap resettlement houses that can meet basic needs in some places that used to become overlapping areas, and now they have returned to normal.

But He Shan is not going to live in the resettlement house. There are too many people there, and He Shan doesn't like the atmosphere in the resettlement house.

He is going to find a place to make a living for a while, as for the future...

He intends to find a place to live in that will not become an overlapping area.

This place, He Shan already had a plan in his heart, that is, the'Fengren Street' where Suiyuan Shop is located!

Fengren Street used to become an overlapping area, and now it is also an overlapping area, so it will no longer become an overlapping area.

Because of the influence of Suiyuan Shop, there is neither pollution value nor new monsters, and even the overlapping area will not cause corruption to the items. He Shan can think of the only place that will not be affected by the overlapping area.

The only problem is that this place has been under the surveillance of the Anomaly Management Bureau, and only He Shan staying here is too conspicuous.

Therefore, He Shan will not live there for the time being, but will wait until there are more people living there before he moves there.

But now, He Shan is still looking for a house where he can live temporarily.

It is impossible to rent a house. He Shan plans to buy the house directly!

In this era, houses are at the cliff-jumping price of the old age. The housing price of any place can make the young people of three years ago sour to death.

The price of short-term rentals is no different from before.

Like the previous house, He Shan used his parents’ savings to buy it directly. This time, He Shan will buy a house.

However, although it is a short-term emergency, He Shan is not prepared to cope too much, so he finds a better house, just because he has a lot of spare money in his hands, and the Suiyuan Shop can bring him a lot of cash every time it opens. income. UU reading

He Shan's first goal is those ‘problematic’ houses.

In the online novels he has read, when the protagonist wants to buy a house, he will encounter some houses that are obviously good in all aspects, but there are some problems that ordinary people can't solve.

Such as haunted.

The protagonist bought these houses at a low price, and then easily solved the problem of the house, and even got some opportunities.

He Shan thinks that he is a bit capable and wants to encounter such a good thing.

Unfortunately, he wasted a whole day and did not find a similar property.

So he called Le Qingyi and asked about buying a house.

For the price of Le Qingyi's Baolu car, she can buy several houses now, and she is an out-and-out little rich woman.

After asking about He Shan’s needs, about half an hour later, she sent some information to He Shan. It was a well-decorated and fully furnished house in a prime location, with a garage of more than 100 square meters, and the price was only 70,000 yuan. Yuan!

He Shan hung up the phone and curled his lips. "Everything you miss is an evil way. You can only find the property you like by asking a friend for help."

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