Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 125: Binhai Park

He Shan rode a new motorcycle and used ultra-low speed all the way to the gun training ground.

Although the performance of the Che Guevara is very strong, the traffic in Lianhai City is not good. Driving too fast can easily cause traffic accidents, so He Shan still has to abide by the traffic rules.

After arriving at the gun training ground and paying part of the cost, He Shan entered the shooting range.

He is here to test the new revolver.

There are some dark purple lines on the new revolver, and the power of shooting corpse resentment has been integrated into this pistol.

According to the remarks of the disintegrator, the bullet of this gun should have the effect of tracking the enemy.

He Shan didn't know what the effect was, so he waited until there was no one nearby before firing.

Pulling the trigger, the bullet shot out, and the target in front of He Shan shattered directly.

A revolver with deceptive energy is far more powerful than a normal small firearm, so it is normal to smash the target.

What made He Shan concerned was that when the bullet hit the target, a purple energy bullet ejected from the bullet hole and hit the bullseye of another nearby target.

He Shan narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that the purple energy bullet was the ability of the new pistol.

He conducted several more tests and finally confirmed the ability of this purple energy bullet. x

When the bullet from the revolver hits, another bullet will appear.

This bullet does not need to be aimed, and will automatically hit nearby targets, such as the head or the target's bullseye.

If He Shan wants to hit a specific target, he just needs to focus on that target when he shoots.

"If the shooting corpse had this gun at the time, I am afraid I would have died long ago. Penetrating shooting and automatic pursuit bullets will create a terrible ghost shooter."

It was a pity that He Shan felt that the purple bullets ejected were just as powerful as ordinary bullets, not as powerful as the normal bullets fired by a revolver.

He Shan trained here until the evening, and then paid a large sum of money for the shooting training ground, and bought some new weapons before returning home.

He Shan felt very heartbroken for the cost of compensation, but it was impossible not to compensate.

In order to determine the ability of the new revolver, he smashed more than 30 targets, all of which were for money.

The time was spent in He Shan's training, bit by bit, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

During the period, He Shan opened a shop once and made some cash.

Sold five Nightmare Pills and Pox Blade, and obtained eight tricky copper coins.

The one who bought these two things was a little boy of 1.6 meters.

When the little man was leaving, He Shan gave him time to go shopping. Maybe Suiyuan Shop will sell the booster medicine in the future.

He Shan felt that this little man should come again in the future.

No dwarf can refuse the temptation to increase!

After seven days of training, He Shan has basically mastered his current ability.

This time he stopped because he had something to do.

He wants to explore the overlapping area again!

If the concubine master wants to improve his strength, he can't stop exploring the overlapping area, at least before Tier 3.

This time, He Shan's goal is the Binhai Park, which has just become an overlapping area for a few days.

Binhai Park was a tourist attraction in Lianhai City three years ago.

Every year, there are an endless stream of tourists who come to Binhai Park to play.

However, after the overlapping areas appeared, the population flow decreased. Without the out-of-town population to travel, the income of Binhai Park would be greatly reduced.

So the chairman of Binhai Park thought of a way to turn Binhai Park from a tourist attraction into a seafood resort.

Some well-known seafood hotels in Lianhai have moved here. Now people in Lianhai want to eat seafood, the first thing they think of is Binhai Park.

Four days ago, this area became an overlapping area. After the anomaly management bureau completed the evacuation, it was intended to be sealed up in accordance with the normal procedures.

Later, it was discovered that the monsters here didn't kill the people inside, but they were all imprisoned.

There are now at least thousands of ordinary people trapped in this overlapping area.

But embarrassingly, most of the schemists of the Anomaly Administration Bureau have other tasks, and the remaining schemists are not enough to complete the exploration of this overlapping area.

So the Anomaly Administration issued a commission, inviting a team of first-order sorcerers to come and explore with the sorcerers of the second division of action.

While rescuing ordinary people here, restore this overlapping area to normal.

He Shan accepted this commission, and also invited Xiao Pujie, Bao Lili, and Le Qingyi. All three of them have become first-order sorcerers, capable of exploring overlapping areas with He Shan.

The action date is today, so as the sun rose, He Shan rode out on Che Guevara.

In the early morning, there were not many cars on the road. He Shan swiftly walked through the streets, experiencing the thrill of fast driving, and soon arrived at Binhai Park.

For the time being, only a barbed wire fence has been enclosed here, and it is necessary to wait until the end of the first exploration before deciding whether to build a fence. ⿴x33 novel mobile terminal: tts:ヽ.

Binhai Park is He Shan's fifth overlapping area to be explored. Preparing breakfast for his teammates before exploring has become a ritual for him to explore the overlapping area. He feels that by preparing breakfast, he can get good luck.

Whether a teammate eats or not is one thing, but whether he does it or not is another.

However, the big meals he cooked before were a bit inconvenient to carry and inconvenient to eat in the overlapping area.

So this time, He Shan meticulously developed a new dish, Chili Tea Egg!

The spicy tea eggs made by the tea-egg method can definitely give people a novel experience for taste buds. x

It's still early, so He Shan has to do something.

They were the first team to explore this overlapping area, so there were no exploration notes for He Shan to study.

So while waiting for his teammates to He Shan drove a motorcycle to climb to the roof of a nearby building and took out a binoculars to look at the scenery of Binhai Park.

Across the boundary of the overlapping area, there is actually nothing to see, but you can roughly see the topography of Binhai Park.

There is a playground, a bathing beach, a rest area, and a tourist area. The area is the largest in the overlapping area that He Shan has been to.

It can be vaguely seen that there are sporadic creatures walking around here, and it is difficult to see whether it is a human or a monster.

In addition, this place is very clean and tidy, and there is no difference between it and the past, and it is even more orderly than before. He Shan might have thought everything was normal if he had not known that it had become an overlapping area.

There was only so much information available. Next, He Shan sat on the top of the building, gnawing tea eggs, sipping happy water, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the sea view.

Since three years ago, He Shan has rarely had the opportunity to relax so much.

It's a treat on the floor.

Blue sea, golden beach, flying seabirds

After the reduction of human activities in the ocean, the ocean has become more beautiful than before. What He Shan sees now is not seen by people who were at ease three years ago. div

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