Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 143: Freshman mode


Zhiyue was resting against the wall, and the three of He Shan were not worried about his safety.

Now in this overlapping area, the first-order monsters are dead, only some zero-order monsters, two or three zero-order monsters, Zhi Yuezheng should be able to handle it.

Suddenly Zhiyue felt the ground vibrate, and he heard the sound of running.

When he looked up, his heart suddenly became cold.

I saw at least a dozen ferocious monsters running towards him frantically.

There are garlic scallops, spicy fried razor clams, fried scallops, fried scallops and squids...

If it were only two or three, he still had the confidence to save his life, but with so many Tier 0 monsters, even if he was still in good condition, he didn't have the confidence to retreat.

So he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

But soon he was surprised to find that he had not been attacked by any strangers.

Turning around, I realized that these monsters ignored him and all ran to the center of the overlapping area.

There is a battle between the domain master and He Shan!


"Do you think that the fishy smell here has become heavier?" Xiaopjie asked with a twitch of his nose.

He Shan smelled it, and found that it was not an illusion by Xiaopjie.

"It seems that you are aware of it." Haixian grinned: "The fishy smell in this overlapping area is actually not a special rule!"

"The special rules in the overlapping area just turn those humans into fish."

"These fishy smells are actually my ability!"

"Now, I want to use this ability again!"

He Shan frowned, and the black gold sword pierced directly at Haixian.

But the sharp sword stopped halfway through the flight.

In front of Haixian, there seemed to be an extremely powerful wall of air that prevented He Shan's long sword from entering.

Haixian shook his head and said frantically: "Don't waste your energy. After I activate my ability, you will have no chance."

"In the entire overlapping area, all the fishy smells are gathering here. Before the gathering is over, there will be a thick fishy barrier here. You can't hurt me."

"When all the fishy anger returns to my body, I will show the strongest state..."

"Fresh people mode!"

"The so-called extreme fishy is savory. When all the fishy odors converge on my body, the savoury smell on my body will reach the extreme!"

He Shan rolled his eyes and said, "Good fellow, it turns out that you are in this Xianren mode, you are the Xianren of seafood."

"In addition, it is fishy to the extreme...How come I haven't heard of this, and even if you really become fresher, it just becomes delicious. Does this improve your strength?"

Haixian sneered: "You know, what do the Big Four bosses use to win over those monsters?"

He Shan's eyes narrowed, and he remembered something he had heard when exchanging information before.

"Yes, it's part of me!"

"When all the fishy anger gathers, it will form the ultimate temptation to other monsters, and they will be eager to eat me!"

"Now, it should have already started."

As soon as Haixian finished speaking, the three of He Shan's expressions changed.

Then I saw monsters and strangers running from all directions. There were at least hundreds of these strangers, which made He Shan's heart startled.

He hurriedly prepared for battle, but the target of these monsters was not their schemists, but the domain master who stood still.

These monsters rushed to Haixian's body fiercely and began to bite him, but because of the fishy gas barrier, these monsters couldn't touch Haixian's body.

Then Haixian began to devour these monsters one by one.

There were more and more monsters, each of them rushed to the sea fairy madly, and they hugged together to form a huge monster ball with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The monsters looked crazy, even if they were facing the danger of death, they wanted to tear a piece of flesh from the sea fairy.

Then He Shan found that the fishy smell in the air had disappeared. He emphasized the normal smell, and he could also perceive the domain master's breath.

All the monsters and monsters gathered together, the auras are mixed together, like a huge cloud of monster mist, which instinctively creates a sense of anxiety.

Now the sea immortal's body, the indestructible fishy barrier has disappeared, and those monsters are devouring the sea immortal's flesh and blood in one bite at a time.

But Haixian is also devouring the flesh and blood of other monsters at a faster rate!

Although there are a large number of ordinary monsters, only the innermost layer of monsters can come into contact with the sea fairy, so the sea fairy's strength is quickly recovering.

The so-called "fresh people mode" actually turns Haixian into a bait for monsters, so that he can devour other monsters.

The reason why I don't use it when facing the Big Four bosses is because when used at that time, Haixian will die.

The devouring force of the first-order monster is stronger than that of the zero-order monster.

Once the first-order monsters are mixed into it, the sea fairy will not be able to consume as fast as other monsters, and it will be him who will be swallowed in the end.

And now that all the first-order monsters are dead, Haixian can use this ability without fear.

The three of He Shan finally understood Haixian's methods, and launched attacks on those monsters.

But after only one wave of attacks, they stopped.

Some tentacles with fangs stretched out from the monster ball, constantly devouring the flesh and blood of these monsters.

Once He Shan and the others were outside and killed the other monsters, the monster that was killed would be swallowed by the sea fairy immediately, which would accelerate the growth of the sea fairy.

"What should we do now, don't we just look at it like this?"

The huge mass of flesh formed by the accumulation of hundreds of monsters and monsters seems to be too frightening. It is hard to imagine how powerful the sea fairy will become after swallowing all the monsters.

"It looks like we can only wait for him to come out now..."

He Shan touched his chin, thought for a while, then licked his lips, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"But this doesn't mean that we can't do anything during this period of time."

He Shan took out some explosives from the spare decomposition After connecting these explosives with the detonator, He Shan tapped the ground with his fingers.

"Qingyi, can you act underground?"

"I can." Le Qingyi's voice came from the ground.

The little skirt of the hider used by Le Qingyi allows her to use the ability to hide the doll three times.

In other words, when using abilities, Le Qingyi can hide below the ground, move under the ground, and drag something into the ground.

He Shan knew that Le Qingyi could do this, but in order to avoid doubt, he still asked.

"It's fine if you can act underground, so now can you help me deliver these explosives to Haixian's feet?"

Le Qingyi, who was hiding in the ground, looked at the thirty kilograms of explosives, and then at his slender body.

She hesitated, nodded and said, "I will try my best."

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