Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 145: Bright red coast

"Put away your intoxicated expression and tell me how to make those humans come back."

He Shan used the toilet brush and pointed to Haixian and said.

Haixian showed a gradual smile: "I know how to change them back, but I won't tell you unless you make a deal with me."

"As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything."

He Shan immediately agreed: "I promised to let you go, now you can tell me."

"Let it go first, then say it." Haixian didn't let go.

He Shan shook his head: "You can only talk first and release later."

The two were silent for a while, and at the same time realized that the negotiation had failed.

Neither of these two guys intends to keep their promises, one of them will compromise and the other must go back.

He Shan stood up, slapped the dust on his clothes, and then said to the three Le Qingyi: "Look at him, I will think of a way to see if I can make those humans come back."

"In this overlapping area, there is only him now, so there shouldn't be a problem with safety."

"If I can't find a way, we will kill this guy!"

After the domain owner is killed, the abnormal phenomena in the overlapping area will be weakened, and the special rules will temporarily disappear, and perhaps those humans can directly change back.

But there is also a possibility that after killing the domain master, those humans will never be able to change back.

So unless you really can't find a way, He Shan doesn't want to take risks.

He Shan came to the four breeding areas, looking at the various seafood inside, the expression on his face was a little complicated.

He doesn't really want to save these people.

Even if he actually understood in his heart, these people were only to survive when they swallowed the same kind of flesh and blood, and there was no other choice.

But there are those who insist on being human dignity until death, as a contrast.

The seafood in these four breeding areas made He Shan feel a little uncomfortable.

"I want to do my best to become stronger, or maybe one day, I have to face such a choice."

After sighing for a while, He Shan began to find a way to turn these sea celestial creatures back into humans.

Since they became like this because they had eaten the same kind, then let them return to normal, and start with eating.

"I don't know, can you hear what I say now, but I will try to rescue you now."

"So I hope you will cooperate with my work. You will eat whatever I want you to eat."

After spending a while, He Shan prepared something.

Some are normal seafood, He Shan estimates that this stuff is not very useful.

Some are from Schopje, the dead skin on his feet, he wants to see if eating humans can restore them.

Others searched for the monster corpses near the square.

He Shan threw ordinary seafood into the water, and all the ‘seafood’ was devouring frantically, but this had no effect.

Then He Shan threw the dead skin on Xiaopjie’s feet. After eating the dead skin, a ‘seafood’ floated directly on the water...

He Shan scratched his head: "Well, the lethality of this thing may be a little bit bigger."

In the end, He Shan threw the monster corpse of a crab into the breeding area where the crab was raised. After only a few bites of the ‘seafood’, weird changes began to take place.

The body of seafood began to become a human body, some fragmented human bodies, swimming in the sea, and then combined into a new form.

This picture looks a bit curious, but it proves that this method is really easy to use.

So He Shan began to collect the scattered monster bodies, and all those bodies were thrown into the sea water.

Fortunately, for every piece of ‘seafood’, as long as you don’t eat too many pieces of monster corpses, you can regain its human form. He Shan throws some pieces of broken corpses in it is enough, and there is no need to touch He Shan’s inventory.

The four breeding areas all boiled up, and there were scattered human body pieces everywhere. These body pieces were swimming wildly in their hands, constantly performing permutations and combinations, like countless jigsaw puzzles mixed together.

"You spelled it wrong!"

"This is my body. Go away."

Not only the picture is chaotic, but the sound is also noisy.

After waiting for a while, one person finally crawled out of the sea.

This was a man in his 30s and 40s. He coughed violently, coughing up all the water in his lungs, and then began to gasp violently.

He Shan observed that there was a structure similar to fish gills on his gills.

It seems that even after eating the flesh and blood of the monsters, they can't completely change back to human appearance.

However, no matter what their life on the land is unsatisfactory because of the fish gills, or they have acquired any strange abilities because of this, it has nothing to do with He Shan.

He Shan has completed his mission.

One by one, people crawled out. Because they had all lived in the water before, these people were unclothed and shivered in the cold wind.

But with so many people, He Shan couldn't get them clothes.

He could only use the black gold sword to chop off a few big trees, light a few bonfires, and let the beautiful girls come over to warm the fire.

As for the uncle...

Let's resist it with perseverance.

In the end, only about 500 people were able to crawl out of the sea. The sea was full of stumps and broken arms, and the nearby coast was stained red.

These days, the monsters have eaten some seafood.

The seafood that is eaten is actually the human body.

When maintaining the seafood state, they can feel nothing, and they can live without heart and soul.

But once they regained their human form, some lost their thighs, some lost their hearts, some lost their brains... those lost parts made them instantly lose their lives.

While He Shan was waiting, He Shan's teammates all rushed over, looking at these human beings shaking in the cold wind, silently.

Among these people, some have a look of happiness on their faces, some are full of resentment towards the monsters, some are retching, and some look at He Shanji with dissatisfaction in their hearts...

What is displayed here is a picture of all sentient beings.

He Shan didn't go deep into the thoughts of some of He saved people because he wanted to save people, not because he wanted to be grateful.

Sometimes, it’s better to relax a little bit.

Seeing that there was nothing to move in the sea, He Shan walked up to Haixian and looked at him condescendingly.

"In a sense, the two of us are the same."

"You like to turn people into fish."

"And I like to turn the monster into something else."

Haixian shuddered: "What do you like to turn monsters into?"

He Shan took out the corpse jug and sneered: "Guess it?"

Then the sea fairy, who had no resistance, disappeared into He Shan's gourd mouth.

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