Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 147: Decompose the Oyster King Bahoba

Text Chapter 147 Decomposition of the Oyster King Bahoba

The toilet in the new house is very spacious, and when He Shan enters the Suiyuan Shop from here, he feels more comfortable than before.

He Shan took out the emerald queen's soul doll and placed it on the ground.

A green light flashed, and she became a beautiful emerald again.

It is worth mentioning that when she becomes a doll, she only wears leaves, so when she changes back, she also wears bunny overalls.

"Clean up first, and then help me break down the monsters."

He Shan sat comfortably on the chair with the Sword Emperor's pillow, and hung in the air with his fingers moving five monsters.

He only had sixty wicked copper coins in his hand, so the first thing to be decomposed was the four bosses and the sea fairy.

The only sober person here is Haixian. He looked at the scene in front of him, showing a look of fear, and then he was wronged.

He is a domain master!

Even if you don't dominate the overlapping areas, you shouldn't be so miserable.

Not long after he was born, he was attacked by his subordinates after finishing his work and kept in a coffin forever.

After escaping from the coffin, within less than a day, he was defeated by the sorcerer and locked in a dark room.

That gimmick, when he caught him, said that he also wanted to turn him into something else...

Is it because he is tied here now to prepare for future changes?

What's the situation with the worn-out meat grinder below?

This expression is excited, as if the beautiful banshee who is eager to try is expecting something?

The invisible fear filled the heart of the immortal.

But He Shan ignored him, Haixian was the most anticipated, so he wanted to be disassembled the fifth.

The first one to be broken down is the oyster king Baahuba.

With a wave of He Shan's finger, the meat grinder below showed its original posture. A terrifying and hideous cutting machine began to rotate violently.

Then Baahoba's body fell into the meat grinder, and He Shan could even hear the sound of oyster shells shattering.

With a ding sound, the decomposition is complete.

Jade hopped to the back, opened the decomposition bin, took out the same things inside, and placed them in front of He Shan.

Since the last time, He Shan used the things that he had decomposed from the beauty corpse to bribe the jadeite, she has been very interested in the decomposition.

One is curiosity, and the other is looking forward to something that suits her.

He Shan's slave is already very pitiful, so she cherishes her hobby very much.

There are six things that Bahoba has been decomposed. He Shan only glanced at it and knew that he had made a profit this time.

In addition to the flesh and blood cube, the remaining five things are a pronucleus, a box of powder, a special clothing, an incubator, and a barbecue grill.

The most valuable items in it are the pronucleus and that special piece of clothing.

Item: Body strengthens the pronucleus

Remarks: The physique of the sorcerer can evolve beyond the limit of normal human beings, and it can be enhanced through exercise.

Selling price: fifteen tricky copper coins.

Compared with other pronuclei, the body-enhanced pronucleus looks simple, and the sorcerers and monsters with this ability are the most, and the number is far behind the second place.

But the large number does not mean that it is weak. On the contrary, this pronucleus is considered precious among all the pronuclei.

Most pronuclei can only be improved in the overlapping area, while the body strengthens the pronucleus and can be improved through voluntary exercise.

And according to the individual's different exercise methods, the effect of lifting is also different.

Of course, Bao Lili's ascension mode is nothing short of enchanting. If a normal sorcerer can sum up a set of combat methods, it is already very impressive.

He Shan took this pronucleus and fell into contemplation.

The strengthening of the pronucleus of the body belongs to the pronucleus of ten thousand gold oil, no matter what the ability of the magician, fusion of this kind of pronucleus is not detrimental.

In other words, if He Shan satisfies the conditions of becoming a second-order sorcerer, if he has no other abilities suitable, he can completely choose to fuse this pronucleus.

After thinking for a while, He Shan put the pronucleus into the spare decomposition chamber.

Before finding a more suitable pronucleus, he is not going to sell this pronucleus.

The second item is that special piece of clothing.

Said it is clothes, it is better to say it is a cloak of light gauze that exudes a faint light, and the whole person seems to be covered with a faint white light.

He Shan put his gaze on this dress, and the message appeared in He Shan's mind.

Item: Sensitive clothing

Remarks: It can perceive the slightest changes in light and notify the wearer in advance. After putting on this dress, you don't have to worry about the monkey stealing peaches anymore!

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.


He Shan's eyes gleamed, knowing that he only spent ten sly copper coins to decompose Bahoba, and now the things that Bahoba decomposed were worth twenty-five sly copper coins.

"It seems that these four big bosses are indeed a treasure."

Then He Shan put on this dress, and the originally gloomy style of painting suddenly became sacred.

"The dress seems to be too conspicuous, this light cannot be shielded."

"In terms of ability...I don't need it for the time being."

The photosensitive clothing can indeed predict the enemy's attack in advance by sensing the change of light.

But only a sorcerer like Bao Lili with a strengthened body can take advantage of this to avoid it in advance, and even if He Shan's reaction speed is known in advance, he can't avoid it.

Besides, He Shanben doesn't have to worry about the monkey stealing the peach.

"Let's take a look at the remaining three things."

The incubator was filled with a box full of oysters, each with thin shells and fat.

He Shan touched his chin: "What decomposes is the strange oysters. It is normal for UU reading to have some oysters, but they even brought a barbecue grill, which is amazing."

This grill is entirely made of raw oyster shell material and is called oyster shell grill.

The only ability is to automatically control the temperature. Add ignited coal in it and put the ingredients on it to bake. The things grilled on it will never be burnt. It can be said to be a lazy artifact. The price is It is a tricky copper coin.

And those oysters are not simple.

There are a total of fifty pieces, and the price is one hundred yuan each. In addition to the taste and sweetness, there are only two words in the remarks.

The specific two words are inconvenient to describe here, but He Shan feels that the guys headed by Lao Buxiu will definitely buy out these things.

The last thing is a box of powder, a total of ten bottles.

The name of the powder is Xiaozile Oyster Shell Calcium Powder!

Remarks: The essence calcium powder extracted from the supernatural oyster shell can effectively promote the growth of bones. While making the bones firmer, or for a certain degree of heightening, the dwarfs are crazy!

Remark 2: Soaking in white water increases the height, soaking in cola increases bone density, and it can only take effect once per person.

Price: One thousand yuan a bottle of Zhongzhou yuan.

He Shan frowned: "Why do soaking in white water and coke drink, the effect is different?"

"Can't you be more logical?"

"But that's not bad..."

He Shan touched his chin, and he thought of a little man who had come to buy things before.

At that time, he still made people visit at home, but he didn't expect that he now has the enhancement medicine for sale at his own house. Now he is a little expectant that the customer will come to visit again.

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