Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 150: Detective on the Street

Text Chapter 150

With the first few things in front, He Shan doesn't care much about the latter two things.

The remaining two things are a soul doll and ten portions of frozen food.

The soul doll sells for five tricky copper coins. Like the soul doll of the Emerald Queen, it is also a 30 cm tall doll with a body temperature.

But He Shan does not intend to turn this guy into an employee.

First of all he is not pretty.

Secondly, it's gone.

A monster who could not even warm up a bed for He Shan was not qualified to be an employee of Suiyuan Shop.

Don't get me wrong, He Shan doesn't let Jade warm the bed.

He Shan said so.

Those ten quick-frozen foods are ten seafood big coffees, which contain different cooked seafood, which can be eaten as long as they are heated.

What should be decomposed has already been decomposed, and He Shan now understands the tricky copper coin in his hand, so he is about to open a store to sell goods.

There are many things to be sold today, so jadeite has to be prepared for a long time in advance.

This includes preparing to cook those seafood.

However, all these troublesome tasks do not require He Shan to do it herself. The waiter, the beautiful emerald lady, is happy to take on all the work by herself, and He Shan definitely did not persecute her.

Open oysters, cut squid, prepare coal, place goods, clean up, throw out garbage, add drinks to the happy beverage machine...

Even if Jade's physique is beyond ordinary people, these jobs make her busy.

He Shan, while browsing the web with Erlang's legs, occasionally felt thirsty, and asked the busy Jade to make a cup of tea.

But for the trash can outside the door, today is a good day.

Jade threw all the flesh and blood cubes, as well as the oyster shells and the suction cups on the octopus feet, into this trash can.

This allows the black hand hiding in the trash can to taste the taste of seafood.

Even though the taste of these seafood, ordinary people may be disgusted by the smell, but for the black hand who has just tasted the taste of "big acne corpse", it is already delicious in the world.

Looking at the webpage, He Shan found an interesting post.

The owner of the post is the'extrajudicial fanatic Luo San' who once commented in He Shan's advertisement.

And the content of this post is called ‘Detective Cases on Fengren Street’!

The post said that Fengren Street in Lianhai City has always been very mysterious.

It is said that a few months ago, this area became an overlapping area, and all the people inside moved out, but it was not sealed off like other overlapping areas.

There are often tricksters and people from the Anomaly Management Bureau who travel to and from this mysterious street.

However, there is very little news about this street, only the buying experience sent by a few customers, and the local advertisements sent out by the shop itself.

Many people wanted to come here, but because of the Anomaly Administration, they didn't dare to approach this place.

Recently, there have been mysterious cases of disappearance in several places around Fengren Street, which may also be related to this Fengren Street.

So Luo San decided to broadcast a live broadcast on this Fengren Street, and take everyone who was curious about Lianhai City to see what it was like inside Fengren Street.

At that time, he will broadcast live on the Internet.

Seeing the content in this post, He Shan touched his chin. He remembered that this guy seemed to have said bad things about him.

After he comes, do you want to entertain him?

"But there are two pieces of information in this post that need attention."

"The first one is that because the Anomaly Administration has blocked this place with fanfare, there are many customers who want to come and dare not come."

"The second is, near Fengren Street, someone has disappeared recently..."

This disappearance has nothing to do with Suiyuan Xiaopu, but the disappearance around Fengren Street is really too suspicious.


Outside Fengren Street, several figures dressed in black robes and different shapes stood in high-rise buildings, looking out from a distance to the Suiyuan shop in the center of Fengren Street.

Standing at the forefront, the only guy who was close to a normal person asked.

"Fat, what do you see?"

Futai is a strange guy. His hands and feet are shorter than normal people, but his body is a little bigger than normal people, and his belly bulges high.

He looked at Suiyuan Shop and said.

"It's very strange here. It's obviously an overlapping area, but the pollution value is zero."

"Although the deflection value is the level of the four-level overlapping area, it will not distort anything inside... I have never seen such a place."

"The strangest thing is the goal this time, where the pollution value and the deflection value are both zero!"

The sound of the flat tire is hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of sharp nails sliding on the iron sheet, but the few people present are already accustomed to this sound.

The corners of the mouth of the person standing in the front cocked: "Since the pronucleus can be sold directly here, it is strange to be normal."

"Continue to monitor this place. After we figure out the situation here, we will arrest the owner of Suiyuan Shop and get the method of separating the pronucleus from him."

"Whether it is an ability, an object, or a technique, it should belong to the cult!"

"The day when the old gods resurrected is when the sly planet ended!"

"This is the only way out for mankind, and for this we will do whatever it takes!"

The other figures put their hands on their chests at the same time, repeating this sentence.


Pieces of black stains were stained on Jade's perfect face.

For her, barbecue is still too difficult.

Fortunately, the props produced by Suiyuan Xiaopu are foolish operations, so even a novice like Jade has finished cooking.

He Shan walked over, gently lifted the mask on his face, tasted the taste of this thing, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although not spicy, the oysters and takoyaki are delicious.

He Shan only ate one takoyaki, and He Shan swallowed five grilled oysters in a row. He definitely did not eat more because of the remarks on this thing.

Then He Shan patted the jade on the head and smiled and said, "Five takoyaki and zero oysters." This is the amount he allows the jade to eat.

Jade looked at the oysters and swallowed, but still resisted.

She can't resist He Shan.

It's not because He Shan is stingy to not let Jade eat raw oysters.

The effect of the Suiyuan Shop items is strong. God knows if the lady will grow a beard after eating this oyster...

The two were tasting, and customers came to the door.

The first one is of course Li Yuansheng.

He cautiously greeted the two of He Shan, and then stiffly walked in the Suiyuan shop, searching for what he wanted.

This time he was very worried about his accident, because his team members no longer helped him take care of A Zhen.

Before, he had a task for a few days to send A Zhen to the home of a subordinate.

As a result, when he came back from the mission, the subordinate went to the hospital, and he lost a lot of money...

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