Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 153: Extrajudicial Fanatics

Chapter 153 Extrajudicial Fanatics

Seeing that Li Tao is so acquainted, He Shan's attitude is no longer bad.

He even took the initiative to say that when the ingredients for his oysters and takoyaki were sold out, he could sell two sets of kitchen utensils and some incubators to Li Tao.

Li Tao asked with a smile: "Boss, we are now considered as partners. In the future, I will ask you to buy things. Can you give me a discount."

He Shan shook his head and said righteously.

"Suiyuan Shop, no discounts, no credit, up to 10% off."

Li Tao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he had given out so much benefit, He Shan still didn't treat him any favorably.

He Shan changed his words: "That's a rule, you can't change it..."


Du Xiaosen sat on the sofa and watched a variety show from three years ago on TV.

In his hand, an arc flashed occasionally.

He is a sorcerer who has just made his debut, and now he has a first-order strength.

However, he felt that his name, Komori, was too imposing, so he gave himself a new name.


The man in charge of thunder!

This is the name he deserves as a sorcerer of the Thunder and Lightning System.

Suddenly he frowned, smelled something strange, and heard the sound of chanting.

What was chanted was not some serious scriptures, but some crazy words, which made Du Xiaosen's heart restless.

"This is mental pollution..."

"Is this an overlapping area? Sure enough, I also encountered something like this!"

"However, with my strength, it is easy to escape from the overlapping area."

Du Xiaosen stood up from the sofa, a look of horror flashed on his face when he opened the curtains.

It was pitch black outside the window, a face made up of tiny red tentacles, approaching Du Xiaosen quickly from far to near.

Du Xiaosen screamed, a football-sized lightning group hit the distorted **** face, but the lightning ball with powerful energy disappeared invisible in mid-air.

"Stop struggling. At the last moment, enjoy the rare peace."

Du Xiaosen turned his head and saw a man in a black robe standing at the door of his house.

The man has long hair, his face is gray, his eyes are sunken, and his teeth are about to rot.

"My name is Xuqing, a person who serves old gods."


Du Xiaosen wanted to speak, but found that now he couldn't make a sound at all.

Looking down, he found that he had been entangled by countless tentacles.

At the end of these tentacles, there is a dark void with words that are difficult for humans to understand.

"Poor boy, I don't want to do this to you, but for the recovery of the great god, you should make a little sacrifice."

Du Xiaosen emits strong electric currents, but these electric currents are not useful.

Xu Qing shook his head: "It's useless, boy, I am a sorcerer far stronger than you, and I have prepared three days for this moment."

"Now, let it all begin."

Du Xiaosen suddenly felt a sharp pain under his heart, and then he saw his skin uncovered and his liver revealed.

After that, Du Xiaosen couldn't see anything, because his eyes had been dug out by Xu Qing and placed in a delicate tray.

Then Xu Qing took out two lemons and placed them on Du Xiaosen's two palms.

"Then it may be a little painful. I want to pull out all your tendons. You'd better bear it. It hurts for a while and it won't hurt..."

After some **** scenes, Du Xiaosen had already died, and his body was put into a strange shape.

Xu Qing wiped his hands, took out a few wooden strips in front of Du Xiaosen, built a small table, and placed some sly copper and silver coins on the wooden table.

"Liver, eyes, acid, tendons, wood... everything is ready, and the fifth sacrifice is offered!"

"Master Canglian, you can start to act!"


A man wearing glasses and a suit, holding a video camera in his hand, walked into the closed street.

His name is Luo Shan, and his net name is Luo San, the extrajudicial fanatic.

Luo Shan is a well-known sorcerer detective who travels through different cities to solve some special cases.

The net name of this extrajudicial fanatic is not for nothing.

He really doesn't abide by the law very much.

Luo San himself is a Tier 4 holy emblem sorcerer.

Most of the magicians of this level have joined the Anomaly Management Bureau, but Luo San refused to join him alive and dead, and often used his own abilities to make troubles. He is still a wanted criminal.

However, in addition to his troubles, he often helps local anomaly management bureaus to solve some difficult cases.

This makes the people in the abnormal administrations everywhere love and hate him.

So he carried the name of a wanted criminal, but no matter where he went, the local anomaly bureau did not want to control him.

In fact, if it hadn't been for his frequent troubles, the wanted for him would have been withdrawn.

This time he received the commission of the Lianhai City Anomaly Administration Bureau to investigate the truth of the three cases.

Director Li of the Operation Department specifically explained that he had better not enter the Fengren Street to investigate.

But Luo Shan's instinct told him that this matter is definitely related to Fengrenjie.

Fortunately, outside the Fengren Street, the people of the abnormal administration have already withdrawn. Even if he enters the Fengren Street, Li Yuansheng and others will not be able to find it.

As for the live broadcast, it was Luo San's sideline, but as soon as he stepped into the Fengren Street, Luo San's live broadcast was interrupted.

"There really is a problem here."

Luo San took out the detector and looked at the numbers on it in silence. Now he felt that the three cases were related to this.

Regarding the three victims, there are fire, gold, and water radicals in their names, and parts of their internal organs are exposed.

Obviously the prisoner wanted to engage in the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and earth, corresponding to the routine of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

Not to mention him as a detective, ordinary people are a little more logical and can see what they are doing.

Even an idiot, as long as he has watched a funny movie a few years ago, he can guess one or two.

But the problem is that the victims are more than just these things.

The deeper the investigation, the more false the conclusions reached.

On every corpse, there are many unrelated elements. Perhaps the so-called five elements versus the five internal organs are only deliberately displayed by the other party to confuse him.

"No matter what, I should go to the Suiyuan Shop to have a look."

"Before this case, I was already very curious about it."

"Now is the time to go and see if the legend there is true or not."


The man standing on the roof turned off the flip phone.

Looking indifferently in the direction of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

"Master Cang Lian, when do you plan to start?" The deformed fetus asked in a hoarse voice.

"Wait a little longer, let me take another must be foolproof."

Cang Lian's deep gaze fell on Luo San's back, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Dream Hunter

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