Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 173: The Meow Who Throws Chili


Catwoman Yaoyi suddenly exclaimed, her ears pricked up at the same time.


She was still admiring the material she had just obtained, and she didn't start to look at He Shan until He Shan spoke.

After discovering that He Shan is a human, she was immediately taken aback.

Originally, she just regarded this as a normal robbery, but now it seems that there has been a new change in going out this time.

"Humans, it should be fun, meow!"

Sharp claws grew from her fingertips, and then she stretched out her pink tongue and licked it. The pale green cat eyes looked at He Shan in surprise, as if looking at some interesting prey.

Unlike other craftsmen and monsters, this catwoman doesn't have much pressure for forging.

She is one of the best craftsmen here, and has long been recognized by Make Rabbit, so after discovering that He Shan is a human, she wanted to play with He Shan.

Of course, her so-called play is extremely cruel. Most cats like to torture weak creatures to death.

Four bright red peppers grew out of her fingers.

This is her first ability, Chili Boomerang.

She can use the magical energy to directly spawn chili peppers, and these chili peppers can be used as boomerangs.

The red pepper will explode immediately after hitting an object.

He Shan suddenly clapped his hands after seeing her holding the pepper.


"Since your ability is to throw chili peppers and you are a catwoman, I will call you a catwoman who throws chili peppers!"

He Shan was satisfied with the name he gave, but the other side was confused.

What is this human being, naming himself as soon as they meet?


He Shan waved his hand: "This name is already very good. Seeing that you are a beautiful girl, I am not embarrassed to call you Peppersmith."

No matter how much, Meow smashed the chili in his hand.

These peppers are spinning and flying, not very fast, but their trajectory is very strange, and they can change direction once in mid-air.

This is equivalent to giving these peppers a certain degree of tracking ability.

A green leaf appeared in He Shan's hands, and the leaf turned into a black gold long sword with a green light.

Then He Shanxin waved the long sword, and several black and gold sword energy shot from the sword, detonating the pepper in midair.

At the same time, He Shan ran directly towards Meowsmith, and the other long swords kept spinning around him.

The ability to control the flying sword seems very monotonous, but the maneuverability is very strong. No pepper can approach He Shan.

Although Miaojiang was very fast, she did not dare to fight He Shan in close quarters.

After all, she is also a body of flesh and blood, and once cut by this sword, she will either die or be injured.

Seeing He Shan got closer and closer to her, Meowsmith had to use new abilities.

Green chili boomerang!

This pepper boomerang does not explode, and the pepper itself is illusory, unable to attach some other effects, and has no collision damage.

However, the pepper boomerang must hit!

The spiciness of the chili will surely pass to the victim's mouth.

This strong spicy taste will make the other party lose an inch, thus creating some opportunities for her.

He Shan's head flickered to the left and right, but no matter what he did, he couldn't stop the chili pepper from getting into his mouth at an extremely fast speed.

"It's over!"

He Shan's first reaction was that the pepper was poisonous.

If it is a lethal ability, then he may have to return to Suiyuan Xiaopu to avoid this catastrophe.

But He Shan soon noticed something was wrong. He found that the only effect of this seemingly powerful chili was its spicy flavor...

And it smells good!

For He Shan, this green chili attack could greatly increase his state.

So He Shan fought more and more bravely, and the Miaojiang who fought was defeated again and again.

With the help of superb jumping ability, Meowsmith wanted to jump to the nearby roof and escape, but the long sword directly blocked her way.

Although the expression on He Shan's face is not normal, his fighting style is very steady.

It was compressing the space she dodged step by step, so that although winning was a bit slower, He Shan would definitely win.

At the same time, He Shan was still vigilant, the second ability that Miaojiang never used.

The previous red explosive chili and green spicy chili should be just two variants of one ability, and her second ability has not yet been revealed.

However, He Shan is just wary. After all, Miaojiang may only hide one hand and two hands, while He Shan hides a hundred million hands.

Miaojiang has a hard time and can't tell, her second ability is not that she doesn't want to use it, but that it can't be used.

In this overlapping area, she is the only monster with the ability to ‘forge’ the direction besides the make rabbit.

That ability is called "Shaping by Deception"

Under the effect of this ability, she can directly distort the shape of the material, and transform it into the shape of a conspiracy prop without compromising the characteristics of the material.

However, this ability is extremely slow to use and cannot be used in combat.

"I'm just looking for materials, why did I encounter such a pervert!"

Meow Carpenter looked at He Shan with a fanatical face, and a scared expression rose in his heart.

I don't know how this guy will deal with him after she is defeated.

Seeing his disgusting expression, she knew that she must understand good juice.

When Meowsmith was gradually desperate, he suddenly looked happy.

"I'm saved, meow!"

And He Shan's face became gloomy, because at this moment, the loud alarm sounded through the entire overlapping area.

This is a signal.

The alarm will only sound for twenty seconds, and after twenty seconds, there will be ten minutes of forging time.

During this time, no battles can be carried out.

And the person who enters the overlapping area for the first time must create something new that did not exist here before.

Once the rules of forging time are violated, they will be marked.

Become the enemy of all the ore monsters in this overlapping area, being chased and killed by the ore monsters, it will be difficult to move in this overlapping area.

"Twenty seconds...twenty seconds!"

A sharp look appeared in He Shan's eyes.

Meow Carpenter, he absolutely can't let go, this kind of monster that perfectly meets He Shan's needs, once let her run away, he may never catch it again.

This girl is his and can't keep the overlapping area.

This is what the manager of Suiyuan Xiaopu said!

So he must subdue Meow within twenty seconds, at least to make her unable to move!

But Meowsmith was relieved.

Judging from the disgusting male human's previous expression, he should want her to be an employee, so he wouldn't hurt her excessively.

And the other party hadn't shown her strength before defeating her within twenty seconds.

As long as twenty seconds have passed, she is absolutely safe.

However, Meowsmith didn't feel happy for long, and his mood became heavy, and even turned into a little despair.

Because the man on the opposite side suddenly became extremely terrifying, he raised his head and looked at Meow Carpenter and said.

"Within twenty seconds, I will defeat you!"

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