Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 176: Florists can't see blind spots

Sun Pu's eyes widened and he spotted the wounded killer.

"It turns out that there is still a **** here." He picked up the iron broom and was about to wave at the killer.

Sun Pu now needs only one attack to kill the killer, and he can just try his new abilities.

"Uncle, don't do it, this guy is my prey!"

A voice came from a distance, and Sun Pu stopped, and the killer took advantage of this opportunity to flee quickly.

Ten seconds later, He Shan trot over all the way and stopped by Sun Pu's side.

In Sun Pu's body, there is a clear aura of trickery.

He had just been promoted to the second-order sorcerer, and there was an excitement period of half an hour, so He Shan could see at a glance that he was already a second-order sorcerer.

"Congratulations, uncle!"

Sun Pu waved his hand: "These are all small things. You young people will soon surpass me."

That's what I said, but Sun Pu was actually very proud of it.

In the original era, even though Sun Pu possessed special skills, he could not beat others with his own skills, and could only make ends meet as a sanitation worker.

After the overlapping areas appear, his ability has room for display.

But even if he can beat people, he has to do his job well. After all, Sun Pu's idol when he was learning Wu was a character like a sweeping monk.

"But if you don't chase that monster, isn't it okay? It won't be great if you let him run away." Sun Pu said, looking in the direction where the killer was escaping.

He Shan smiled, and the black-haired magic puppet behind him stretched out his hand. There was a black thread in his hand, which was a piece of hair.

"He was injured so badly that he can't get up fast."

"Besides, I actually found him long ago."

"But I wanted to see where he would flee, so I put a piece of hair on his body and it was fun."

Sun Pu frowned: "This is the promotion team. Since you still have more energy, you should hurry up and find ways to advance instead of having fun here."

He Shan smiled: "I don't hide it from you. Actually, I haven't reached the threshold for promotion. I entered this overlapping area for the corpse, the powerful and mysterious corpse."

He patted the black-haired demon puppet and said: "To provide for this thing, you need corpse wine brewed from the corpse of the monster, so I came here to collect the corpse of the monster."

Only then did Sun Pu feel relieved. Just now, he thought that He Shan didn't want to work hard to advance.

However, Sun Pu immediately thought of another thing. The danger of this overlapping area is so great that he, a first-order limit schemist, finds it tricky.

And the young man in front of him, has not reached the limit of Tier 1, can already chase the monster here?

Sure enough, it's scary to be born later.

He Shan rubbed his hands embarrassedly: "So, Uncle Sun, can you give me this monster corpse?"

"It's nothing, you can take it."

The corpse of the monster could not leave the overlapping area, so it was completely useless, so Sun Pu didn't care about it very much either.

"Thank you, uncle, then I will take this away."

He Shan used the corpse flask to collect the body of the fancutter, and then took out a large box of ice cubes.

"By the way, these ice cubes are for you. You will stay here for a few hours. Use this thing to relieve the heat."

After speaking, He Shan followed the hair left by the killer and continued to trace.

Asking Sun Pu for the corpse, of course, was to decompose it, but He Shan actually had another purpose.

That is to make it widely known that he needs a monster corpse.

The more people know about this, the less people will doubt He Shan's true purpose of collecting the corpses of the monster.

"Little demon, where are you going to escape next?"

"Unexpectedly, even the fan cutter was killed."

"These humans are really terrible."

The killer was walking staggeringly. He didn't know why the human didn't chase him, but he could only continue to flee now.

"The first one is dead, then I can only find the second strongest!"

"The second strongest in Hot Spring Mountain, the blooming flame flower, who is good at finding the queen of blind spots."


"If it were her, she would definitely be able to defeat this terrible human being!"

Under the scorching heat of this overlapping area, there is only one kind of flower that is always in full bloom, and that is the flower of flame of the flower master.

Where she is, the temperature will be higher than other places.

And her ability is to make the petals of the flame flower fly out and ignite the enemy.

The speed of the flame flower is not fast, and the power is actually not strong, but the flower master can easily make the petals hit the target.

Because of her second ability, it is called ‘sight perception’.

In other words, she can perceive the enemy's line of sight, so that the petals can attack at the blind spot of the enemy's line of sight.

Even a powerful monster, if you don't know her ability in advance, you will suffer a big loss in front of her.

The killer didn't know when He Shan would chase him, so he ran hard.

Soon he saw the figure of Huashengjian.

She stood in the air with a red flower in full bloom under her feet, and bright red petals flying around him.

The flower shengjiang expression is proud, and it looks like he is holding the winning ticket.

"Ah, she is still so beautiful and powerful!"

"I hope she can fight that human."


A blood spot appeared on Hua Sheng's forehead, and the back of his head exploded.

Her body was like autumn leaves, falling from the sky, falling to the ground feebly.

"Weak, vulnerable!"

"If they are all such opponents, how can I advance to Tier 2!"

Yan Jiayu covered her head, her face full of unhappiness.

So far, he has killed three monsters, but none of them caused him to fight hard.

In fact, the two monsters he had dealt with before were really not good at strength, but Hua Shengjian was not weak.

The reason why he was easily killed was only because he was naturally restrained by his ability.

Yan Jiayu's eyes glowed with blue light, and there seemed to be scattered lines flashing inside.

This ability is called'Analysis of Eyes'.

You can directly analyze the person or thing that Yan Jiayu sees to find the weakest point of the person or thing.

This makes him not need to use the second ability at all, he can complete the second kill against ordinary monsters.

And with these powerful eyes, there is a ‘little’ side effect.

"No blind spot vision"

Even if he didn't turn his head, his eyes could easily see what was on the back of his head, so the flower master's ability was directly abolished.

He glanced at Killer contemptuously, then turned and left.

This kind of demon, who is so bashing on the street at a glance, can't make him advance.

This is the third time that Yan Jiayu has participated in the promotion team. Because of his strong ability, ordinary Tier 0 monsters can't make him fight hard, so he has not been promoted yet.

"Hey, brother, awesome!"

He Shan walked over with a smile and glanced at the corpse by the way. It seemed that Yan Jiayu had no interest in the corpse, so he laughed.

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