Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 181: Make rabbit

Crunch... crunch...

From the inside of the destruction machine, there was a sound like scratching an iron plate with a nail.

Then the destroying machine began to deform again, exposing six holes in the upper circle and the lower semicircle, and six mechanical arms protruded from the holes.

There are a total of twelve robotic arms, each of which holds a different weapon.

Then the destruction machine, like a meteorite, smashed in the direction where Sun Pu was.

This time the speed of destroying the machine was very fast, and Sun Pu had most of his impact, but it was inevitable that the destruction of the machine would go hand in hand.

And that screaming all the time makes it difficult to defend against attacks from sabotage machines.


The destruction machine fell to the ground and directly smashed into a big hole, and then, like a top, it rushed towards Sun Pu in a circle.

Everything along the way was smashed by those strange weapons.

Every weapon here is an exquisite craftsman's magical props, and its power is completely different from ordinary weapons.

Sun Pu's hurriedly erected his steel broom, fully urged his three abilities, and collided with the destruction machine.

With a loud noise, a big explosion was triggered where the two collided.

Sun Pu took a ray of blood and flew out of the smoke backwards.

Most of the clothes on his body were broken, and his body was full of deep wounds. He barely stood up from the ground, looking at the destruction machine and could not speak.

The intensity of this thing is a bit too much.

He had exerted all his strength just now, but he still couldn't hold on to the destruction machine.

He doubted very much, just a few of them, can they really block this trick before the people of the anomaly management bureau arrive?


The root of a mechanical arm suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

This is the biggest battle damage since the appearance of the destruction machine.

Standing in the air, Yu Xiuyuan stepped on the air barrier that she condensed, her feet numb a little.

Just interrupting a mechanical arm, her feet can no longer stand.

Crunch, crunch...

After the strange sound, another mechanical arm bounced out of the hole, holding a different weapon in his hand.

Yu Xiuyuan took a deep breath: "It seems that it is not so easy to defeat it."


Here, He Shan's teammates are fighting hard, and He Shan came to where they had separated before.

It stands to reason that the corpse of the make rabbit should be here.

But when He Shan arrived, he was not seen after a week of inspections.

"Now it is certain that make rabbit is not dead..."

"What he said before should be just to fool us, wanting to pass the false death to fool us."

"Initially suspended animation is not so easy, but because of the destruction of the machine, we have subconsciously missed some possibilities."

He Shan stepped vigilantly. Since Make Rabbit is not dead, he may be anywhere now.

"The ability of that trick is closely related to the make rabbit. If you can kill the make rabbit, maybe it can make new changes to that trick."

"Before the octopus cutting and fusion is complete, I will find the make rabbit and kill it!"

It is not easy to find a domain owner in an overlapping area, especially if the domain owner deliberately hides.

But He Shan has a bottom in his heart.

In the previous battle with Yu Xiuyuan, Make Rabbit was seriously injured.

And before he crashed to death, He Shan and others interrupted his limbs and stared at him some poison that could weaken the energy of trickery.

So he definitely can't escape!

The reason why He Shan didn't see him was because his ability was mosaic, which allowed him to hide well.

He looked at the empty ground and sneered and said, "Do you think I can't find you?"

"Although I don't know where you are hiding, as long as you attack all the possible hiding places, you will definitely not be able to run."

He Shan put his hand on the black-haired demon puppet behind him, and then the black-haired demon idol was like a slime, lying directly on the ground, turning into a pile of dark hair.

From this pile of hair, new black hair constantly grows.

The black hair covers more and more areas, and every corner nearby is covered by black hair.

The radius was one meter, two meters, and it expanded to a circle with a diameter of about ten meters, and the black hair did not stop.

The attack power of these black hairs is not high, but as long as they are touched by the black hair, they will definitely expose their flaws.

When the circle spread to a position of twelve or three meters, a tree twenty meters away from He Shan suddenly squirmed and an indescribable thing fell from the tree.

This thing is make rabbit.

He Shan breathed a sigh of relief and took the black-haired magic puppet back.

"You came out."

In fact, just now, the extension limit of the black-haired magic puppet was a circle with a radius of 15 meters.

But He Shan deliberately put on a posture that this thing can expand infinitely.

Because he knew in his heart that Make Rabbit would never escape far, and he didn't dare to get hurt anymore, so once Make Rabbit felt threatened, he would escape from hiding.

The body of the make rabbit is just a mosaic.

Without hands and feet, it looks very abstract, and it is difficult to describe what this thing is thinking.

Each of its limbs is stuck with a section of branches, and its hands and feet have been cut off, so it uses mosaics to stick the branches to make itself move reluctantly.

After seeing Make Rabbit, He Shan didn't talk nonsense and threw a long sword directly.

But the sword was still in mid-air, and Make Rabbit opened his mouth and spouted a wave of unknown objects.

This is his ability to spray mosaics.

After the mosaic hit He Shan's long sword, the sword turned into a mosaic sword and fell directly to the ground.

"Asshole...a sword is very expensive."

He Shan felt distressed for a while and didn't dare to attack Make Rabbit with his flying sword.

Although this guy is inconvenient to move now, it is like a target, but after all, he is a domain master one level higher than He Shan.

In his heyday the strength may easily hang the corpse and sea fairy.

So He Shan can't get close, and can only use long-range attacks to weaken Make Rabbit a little bit.

So He Shan took out the revolver and shot directly at Make Rabbit.

The bullet was assimilated by the mosaic on the make rabbit before it fell on the make rabbit, and it didn't exert its due power.

But from that bullet, a purple energy bomb also jumped out. This energy bomb hit the make rabbit's body, making a small scar and shed mosaic blood.

Make rabbit sneered: "You don't want to use this gun to kill me, I have a lot of spare power, and how many bullets can your gun have?"

"Even if I'm weak to this point, it's not something weak like you can defeat."

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