Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 185: Decompose the monsters

The first one to be decomposed is the killer who was separated by He Shan.

This guy has the weakest strength, so he was placed first.

The two abilities of the killer, one is the spread of killing intent, and the other is the lava hand cannon.

But neither of these abilities have been fully used in front of He Shan, so He Shan is looking forward to the ability to kill the spicy craftsman, and has a feeling of opening a blind box.

The short but sturdy body was stuffed into the decomposing machine, and it turned into minced meat in an instant.

With a strange noise, several things were broken down.

The jade that was being cleaned, looked over curiously, and found that there were three things in it.

Of course, these three items do not include the flesh and blood cubes.

The most conspicuous one is a five-color spar with a gray gas inside.

Item: The pronuclear wave of killing intent.

Remarks: You can expand your killing intent to achieve the purpose of deterring the enemy. You can use it when you need to bluff.

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.

The ability of this pronuclear is not strong, so the price is not very high.

Fortunately, there are other things, so He Shan is not at a loss this time.

Another thing is a set of clothes.

Including a **** with horns, a full body armor made of plastic, and a fake beard.

Item: Dwarf cos suit.

Remarks: Put on this suit, you will gain strong muscles, but your height will become 1.2 meters, and you will not recover until one hour after taking off your clothes.

Price: Three tricky copper coins.

He Shan hesitated for a long time, and did not test the effect of this suit by himself. What if the customer saw the handsome Suiyuan store manager turned into a short man.

Although the price of this item is not high, He Shan thinks it is very valuable.

At the very least, you can hide your identity perfectly by wearing this suit.

When doing some shameful things, you can wear this suit.

The last thing is ten bullets, and the total price of ten bullets is three tricky copper coins.

The name of the bullet is called ‘lava bullet’.

The bullet is dark red overall, and feels warm to the touch. When it hits an enemy, it can emit a high temperature like lava.

But this bullet does not fit a revolver, so He Shan can only regretfully put it on the shelf.

The second one to be decomposed was the huge master craftsman.

Although this guy was amazing at the time, his strength may not be strong.

After a creaking sound, the great maid turned into a pile of objects.

There is one more thing that the great master craftsman decomposes than the killer craftsman.

They are a pronucleus, a doll, a coat, and a special stick.

He Shan's eyes lit up when he saw the pronucleus.

"Today's luck is pretty good. After disassembling the two monsters, two pronuclei were separated. Maybe I can really get a craftsman monster this time."

That pronucleus is the gigantic pronucleus of the great master craftsman.

It is a very practical ability to make any body part huge.

Using this ability, the great master can become a giant ten meters tall, but with the bonus of a first-order monster, a whiteboard pronucleus may not make a person that big.

But it's only partly bigger, and it's already very powerful.

At least He Shan thought of many effective fighting methods, except for turning people into yo-yos, this trick can be used anyway.

He Shan was secretly happy when he saw the doll, but after seeing the doll's attributes, he was a little disappointed.

This doll is a miniature mammoth.

The height is 30 centimeters, and the workmanship is very exquisite, but what disappoints He Shan is that there is no soul of a great craftsman here.

Otherwise, there is already a candidate craftsman employee.

"Speaking of it, it's really conscience to disassemble the hands of the disassembler. Most of them are 30 centimeters in height. They are neatly placed together and look very comfortable."

The third thing is a coat with long brown-black hair.

This coat is a crafting prop, made from the skin of a mammoth, and can regulate the body's temperature.

Even if you are in a high temperature of forty degrees or a low temperature of minus thirty or forty degrees, this dress will feel like normal temperature when you wear it, and this coat has good toughness and can even be used as a body armor.

The price is five tricky copper coins.

The fly in the ointment is that the appearance of this coat is too ostentatious, and it will be regarded as a freak when passed out, so it is fine to use it only in overlapping areas.

The last thing is a strange stick.

It is almost twenty centimeters long, with a grip on the bottom and a semi-curved object on the top.

Item: Giant Transfiguration Device

Remarks: Take this stick and shout that I want to become light, and a giant of light will appear behind it.

Remark 2: It's just a ghost, it has no effect.

Price: A sly copper coin.

He Shan held this thing in silence for a long time.

Most of the children in Central Continent have fantasized about becoming a light, but that is to become Ultraman, not to become a giant of ghosts and animals without clothes!

He endured it for a long time before he didn't throw this thing in the trash can.

No matter what, this thing can be used as a flashlight...

The third one to be decomposed was Fanqie.

Fanqie is the strongest monster in the overlapping area of ​​Hot Spring Mountain, except for Make Rabbit. Sun Pu did his best to defeat him.

So He Shan is also looking forward to Fanqie.

"This monster should be of the combat type. As long as it doesn't decompose the tomato sauce, then it won't lose anything."


After the decomposition was over, He Shan opened the decomposition slot and directly covered his face.

I saw a few boxes of ketchup in the decomposition tank!

"I sometimes suspect that this decomposition machine is self-aware, otherwise it keeps making such strange things."

But now all these sauces can be sent to Li Tao for sale, so He Shan didn't think it was too inappropriate.

Although the sauce does not meet the temperament of Suiyuan Xiaopu, he is not disgusted with the things that can make money.

What's left are some blade ping-pong racket-sized thing, and a badge.

Those blade fragments, worth three sly copper coins in total, were excellent scheming materials, so He Shan gladly accepted it.

If a craftsman can be hired this time, these materials can be used directly to forge long swords.

That badge is called "Warrior's Dignity".

Frankly speaking, when He Shan saw this name, he thought he had acquired a divine weapon.

But after reading the remarks, he began to curse.

Note: The person wearing this badge will become a real warrior-the body will not fall down upon death.

He Shan rolled his eyes and said, "People are dead, and the corpse won't fall down. It's a fart. The maggots should rot or rot!"

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