Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 207: Li Daofu

Thinking about it now, at the beginning, this customer bought the mask for the evil face to make a face-lift, but the Pox Blade was to make those people more painful.

He Shan looked at him with a sneer: "It's really breaking through iron shoes...No, I haven't started looking for it, you just sent it to the door."

The short man's name is Li Daofu, he is twenty-four years old this year and he is unmarried.

When he was an ordinary person, he liked to watch the news.

Whenever he saw someone committing a sin but was not being punished, he felt that a flame was burning in his heart.

But at that time, all he could do was roll over on the bed.

If the mobile phone charging cable is not long enough, turn it back.

But now that he has the ability to execute justice, he wants to let those scumbags be punished.

Tooth for tooth and blood for blood is his motto.

In order to achieve this goal, he used a fierce face painting to permanently change his appearance so that he would not be easily found by the Anomaly Administration.

He was very happy today because he had just killed a guy who was forced to be a prostitute.

He let the guy experience the feeling of the person he hurt, until his limbs are broken.

Recently, however, he felt that his methods were a bit monotonous.

So I came to Suiyuan Shop again to see if I could buy some interesting things.

"The filthy soul doll... this can be bought and destroyed."

"Vomiting potions, nightmare pills, these two things are good, and burning an arsonist with a flamethrower is also very sensational."

After choosing for a while, Li Daofu bought two things.

The same is a dwarf cos suit worth three tricky copper coins, he can use this to hide his identity, and the other is two vomit pills, which are used to torture prisoners.

When he settled the bill and wanted to leave, Jade suddenly stood in front of the door and blocked the exit of Suiyuan Shop.

Li Daofu frowned: "What are you doing?"

He Shan still sat on the chair: "You are bloodfang, right? I know what you are doing recently, and I don't comment on what you are doing."

"But... you don't want to involve your personal behavior with my free shop."

Li Daofu tilted his head to look at He Shan: "So what do you want me to do?"

He Shan smiled and said, "It's very simple. You can write a small composition to show that you were kouhi last time. In fact, you haven't bought anything at Suiyuan Shop."

"Then when you do things in the future, pay a little attention to the technique. Don't be so cruel and attract the attention of the Abnormal Authority."

"Cruel? That is what they deserve." Li Daofu shook his head: "If you are not going to report me, don't interfere with my actions."

He Shan heard that Li Daofu was a little angry, which was already expected.

So he waited for Li Daofu to finish shopping before discussing these issues with him.

He pushed away Jade, wanting to leave directly.

"Hey, sure enough, some measures must be taken." He Shan winked at Jade.

The jade that had just been pushed away directly grabbed Li Daofu by the collar and pressed him to the ground violently.

He Shan walked to Li Daofu and knelt down.

"Don't blame me, I have to maintain the reputation of Suiyuan Shop-do it."

Jade nodded happily, an emerald green seed emerged from between her and was planted in Li Daofu's forehead.

"This seed is a curse. If you don't issue a statement within three days to clarify the impact of the previous essay...this seed will directly grow into fruit."

"Emerald, what are you planting?"

Jade smiled sweetly, then stretched out his hand and drew a big circle: "Little watermelon!"

Li Daofu sat up in embarrassment, gritted his teeth and looked at He Shan and Jade, but he was unable to resist with his strength.

He Shan lifted the disguise of Suiyuan Xiaopu, and the terrifying aura belonging to the ninth level overlapping area was pressed on Li Daofu's body.

Li Daofu instantly felt as small as an ant, and the man squatting in front of him was surrounded by a galaxy!

"You should think that you are a reasonable person, so after a reasonable person, after doing bad things, will help you get rid of the water?"

"Please think about it, and then decide what to do."

He Shan withdrew the horror, then turned around and went back to continue playing the game.

Li Daofu stood up. At this moment, there was no dissatisfaction on his face, only full of panic.

Moreover, He Shan's words also touched him a lot.

He thought he was helping Suiyuan Xiaopu, but in fact his behavior caused trouble for Suiyuan Xiaopu.

So after he goes back, he must immediately make up for his mistakes.

Of course, if He Shan didn't show his power, it would be unclear whether he could think of this.

"Hey, go on!"

Li Daofu walked more than a dozen meters away in embarrassment. He was suddenly staggered by a bottle. He turned around and found the cute catwoman, whistling while looking at it diagonally.

Jade stood beside Miao Miao and said to Li Daofu: "The store manager said that his approach was a bit rude just now. This is an apologetic, so don't take it to heart."

Li Daofu picked up the bottle, wanting to refuse it stubbornly, but after reading the explanation of the bottle, he put it in the package.

The content in this bottle is "Dwarf Le Oyster Shell Calcium Powder"...


After Li Daofu left, the guests from Suiyuan Shop kept coming.

Luoshan, who had already settled in Fengren Street, came over and bought a travel villa.

Although he has settled here, he occasionally goes to other places to investigate the case, so this villa can be of great help to him.

Speaking of settling down, Luo Shan is not the only one living in Fengren Street.

The Wen brothers, who had bought pronuclear here before and lost everything but the two brothers, also found a house here as a base for their revenge.

Li Tao, who opened a shop here, and several insomniacs who have a need for Suiyuan Happy Water, have also settled here.

Although the number of people is not large, it can be regarded as a bit popular.

This is just the beginning, and the number of people will increase in the future. He Shan will find an opportunity and move in by himself.

After Luoshan left, the Wen brothers came over.

"Boss, can you get a discount?"

There are some more scars on their bodies, and they seem to be more vicissitudes of life than before.

It is said that the two of them joined forces to kill a powerful Tier 1 domain master, and they are considered to have some names among Tier 0 sorcerers.

He Shan snorted, "Suiyuan Shop does not offer discounts...but I can give you two bottles of Happy Water."

Boss Wen was disgusted with but he still picked up a bottle of happy water and drank it directly.

Then the two brothers talked to He Shan about the dangers they encountered during their expedition and some new things.

He Shan said to them contemptuously that everything they encountered was too bad, and the monsters I encountered were amazing.

But in order to maintain the style of the owner of Suiyuan Shop, he just smiled and listened.

For the two brothers who have almost lost everything, having such a place to listen to them makes the pressure on them a lot lighter.

After the chat, the two of them bought the Desperate Wailing and Crazy Talk masks.

He Shan smiled comfortedly as he watched the two of them go away while arguing.

"Don't you want revenge, then quickly become stronger. This world needs a powerful schemer."

Then He Shan murmured: "I also need a rich sorcerer..."

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