Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 209: Even round elevated

"Hey, brother, which road are you on?"

The fat bald man who is respected as "Kun Ge" was tied to a chair.

Li Daofu took a hatchet, rounded it, and cut it into Brother Kun's eye, and stopped abruptly when only one centimeter was left.

Brother Kun is worthy of being a tough guy, he didn't blink his eyes, and he didn't pee his pants in fright...

"Brother, big brother, uncle, my ancestors, don't play with me, give me a good time." Kun said with a trembling voice.

He was not so tough that he could not blink, but his eyelids were pinned by paper clips and he couldn't close his eyes at all.

He didn't hold back his pants so that he didn't pee. In fact, his pants were already dry...

"Ah... so tired."

Li Daofu, who was a bit taller than before, grew to 1.6 meters in height, was in a very good mood. He played with Kun Ge for three hours and swung the knife at least 200 times.

Didn't this Kun brother like to use a knife to scare people? Then Li Daofu also let him taste the taste of being frightened, so that he will feel soft when he sees the knife in the future.

After giving enough lessons to Kun Ge, Li Daofu pulled up another banner with the title "Community Harm to Kun Ge," he will not scare people everywhere in the future.

Below the title is a small composition he has already written.

After finishing all this, Li Daofu removed the pin on Kun's eyelid and left here happily.

Like the case he committed before, this blood-tooth case also entered the attention of the Anomaly Management Bureau, and the banners were circulated on the Internet.

He used his trumpet to bring up a wave of rhythm, and ‘pierced’ Bloodfang’s despicable act. The things Bloodfang said about Suiyuan Shop were all fake!

After doing all this, Li Daofu felt his brain lightened a bit.

Li Daofu knew that the curse that he had been planted by emeralds had been lifted, and that ‘little watermelon’ would never grow in his head again.

Moreover, although this punishment action did not kill, the satisfaction it brought to him was far greater than the previous random killings.

This made him even more grateful to Suiyuan Xiaopu, who put him on the right path.

He was lying on the bed at midnight, sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt a little itchy on his back.

He first stretched out his hand and scratched it twice, and found that it could not relieve the itch, so he took out the ‘artifact’ to itch, but this itch couldn’t alleviate the bone-erosive itching.

Li Daofu was almost mad at this sudden itching.

He turned on the light, pointed his back at the mirror, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

I saw that his back was exuding a slight golden light, and under the golden light was a scale tattoo!

On one side of the balance is a group of dripping flesh and blood, and on the right side is the word'justice' exuding golden light.

The golden light flashed more and more, and a phantom of a rotten corpse wearing golden armor emerged from behind Li Daofu, and let out an angry roar at Li Daofu.

"Why not kill that person!"

"Only with blood can justice be carried out!"

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, the wicked must die!"

The voice of this golden phantom penetrated Li Daofu's mind like a thunderous ear, making his notion that he had just returned to normal and become a little distorted.

Li Daofu noticed his changes and looked at the golden rotting corpse with some horror.

"You, what are you?"

The golden carrion clasped his hands together, and his face showed a divine light.

"My name is'Kormi', a servant of the God of Justice!"


"Kill all evil, so as to usher in true justice!"

Li Daofu covered his face, and golden patches appeared in the white of his eyes.

At this moment he suddenly wanted to understand many things.

His ability is called the ‘righteous balance’. After he punishes the wicked, his ability will be improved to a certain extent.

From the moment he obtained this ability, he had the strength of a Tier 1 sorcerer, and after several punishments, his strength increased rapidly, and he already had the strength of a Tier 2 sorcerer.

Compared with ordinary tricksters, his growth rate is completely unreasonable.

But Li Daofu didn't care, and thought he was a special one.

It was only now that he suddenly thought that he had not killed even a monster. At first, he was only near the court in the overlapping area, approaching a golden balance by accident.

This golden balance is a trick!

It is precisely because of this golden balance that he has the ability, in fact, he has never been a sorcerer!

This thing has not been discovered before, just because of his mode of action, which has always been in sync with this trick.

And now, because of Suiyuan Shop’s admonition, he changed his approach, and this trick finally exploded with power!

"I won't succumb!"


"I'm not going to act like a treacherous thing... kill?"


He Shan didn't know what happened to Li Daofu.

He saw a new essay from the Internet, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

Then he put this matter aside, because he was about to start a new exploration.

The overlapping area to be explored this time is called ‘Lianyuan Elevated’.

The huge and geometrically beautiful overpass is located in the center of this area, making it bear the burden of a transportation hub.

But now it has become an overlapping area, and naturally no more vehicles can pass through.

The traffic in Lianhai City has become like garbage now because there are too many such places.

If He Shan and the others can smoothly resolve this overlapping area, it will be of great help to the traffic in Lianhai City.

But this time, He Shan was not the first to arrive.

When he drove here, there were three sorcerers sitting outside the entrance of the even circle elevated, discussing plans to explore the overlapping area.

The temperament of these three magicians looked a little weird.

A man on the east side, wearing a cyan gown, a lun towel on his head, holding a feather fan in his hand, and a thread-bound ancient book in his hand reads pretentiously.

The man on the west side was sitting on a white unicycle, wearing a silver armor with a white cloak, and holding a spear in hand.

The last one is dressed in black, is short and chubby, has a beard and two axes hanging from his waist.

He Shan gave a bad cry, but he didn't expect that there were other people who also focused on this overlapping area.

Two teams are eyeing an area, which is likely to cause some disputes and disputes.

So he first greeted the three of them, and then said, "I am the sorcerer who is going to explore here today. I haven't heard of anyone else coming."

The man in the turban said mildly, "It's okay, we can explore together."

"I also have my own companions. There are too many people exploring together." He Shan shook his head slightly.

The white-armored man patted his chest and said, "It doesn't matter, the more people the better."

He Shan was stunned for a moment. He originally wanted to find a way to squeeze these three people away if there was a dispute.

Now that the three guys are so open-minded, he doesn't need to be careful, just explore together.

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