Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 216: 7 star inversion

Xiaopujie held Lao Zhilan in both hands and said to the Pipolong on his shoulders.

"Send a pox dragon to use the pox tree to bury it!"

Send the acne dragon spread its wings, his hands danced quickly, one by one acne was thrown at the giant ouroboros.

This Ouroboros uses the frost ability, and is named Frost Ouroboros for the time being.

On the other side, Bao Lili put Le Qingyi on the ground, then took a posture and directly turned on Master Huo mode.

Taking a deep breath, he hit the Frost Ouroboros with a straight punch.

An air fist that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, with the strength of Bao Lili, instantly hit the body of the Frost Ouroboros.

Pox tree burial is similar to toxins. Bao Lili's straight fist is a pure violent attack, and both attacks have the ability to damage the second-order monsters.

But the Frost Ouroboros didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it, just snorted coldly.

Those pimples stopped about fifty centimeters from the body of the Frost Ouroboros.

And in the same position, there is also a basin-sized air depression, which is the strength of Pauly's fist.

The two forces moved towards the mouth of the Frost Ouroboros at a steady speed.

Seeing that the attacks of the two were not effective, Lau Zhilan took out the Gatling gun, aimed at the Frost Ouroboros and prepared to fire.

To deal with this kind of big monster, Gatling can play a very good effect.

Seeing this, He Shan immediately ran to Lao Zhilan and held out her gun with a hand.

"This monster is not quite right. Don't attack for now until you know his abilities."

The two attacks moving on the Frost Ouroboros gave He Shan a bad premonition.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Frost Ouroboros pointed his head in the direction of He Shan and opened his mouth.

Countless yellow-green acne, and a transparent fist print, sprayed at He Shan and Lao Zhilan at a very fast speed.

He Shan's face changed drastically, as he grasped Lao Zhilan with one hand, and the random transmission ticket with the other.

Fortunately, Bao Lili's fist marks, He Shan has the ability to block it.

However, even if only one of the poisonous pox of the Pipox dragon was not blocked, the damage to He Shan would be devastating.

If the body is covered with acne, even if it is not dead, it will be almost disfigured.

Therefore, it is the best choice to send it with Lao Zhilan.

But at this moment, Le Qingyi's floating diamond mirror floated in front of the two He Shan.

"Floating diamond mirror, shield mode!"

Le Qingyi put his hands together and formed a special gesture. The floating diamond mirror like a hexagonal crystal began to make a surprising change.

The six corners of the diamond mirror are opened separately, and the entire diamond mirror forms eight triangular bright white lenses.

These lenses stood in front of He Shan, and saw invisible energy intertwined, like a special shield.

Those pimples hit the shield, and the energy on the shield evaporates in the blink of an eye.

But that transparent fist carried a powerful force, and the shield cracked with one punch.

Le Qingyi spit out blood, returning the floating diamond mirror to its normal state, floating beside him.

The floating diamond mirror is Le Qingyi's second ability.

This ability can only act as a floating turret when it is in Tier 0.

A few days ago, Le Qingyi developed this ability to the first level, giving it the ability to become a shield.

Each pronucleus in the magician's body has a different level, and the ability of the pronucleus will increase as the level increases.

Like He Shan's ‘leaf’ pronucleus, he could only control three leaves at the time of Tier 0, but now he can control six leaves, and his power and speed are stronger than before.

However, although the shield mode can block the deception ability, Le Qingyi will also be injured when the shield body is destroyed.

He Shan glanced at Le Qingyi, and after confirming that there was nothing serious about her, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is not a last resort, he really doesn't want to use random teleport coupons, especially in this weird environment.

And he was very fortunate to stop Lao Zhilan's Gatling attack, otherwise there would be Gatling bullets if they attacked together.

Then He Shan looked at the Frost Ouroboros seriously and began to analyze his abilities.

Obviously his first ability is to move snakeskin, and his second ability is to release frost.

And the third ability, I am afraid that the attack that can hit one's body is released again!

So he shouted to the others: "Don't attack him for now, dodging and containment first."

Faced with an enemy that can rebound and attack, it is not that the more people the better.

If you attack rashly, you are likely to be accidentally injured by your teammate's ability.

The Frost Ouroboros laughed in a low voice: "A wise choice, but how long can you hold on like this."

He once again started the snakeskin walking position, the huge circular body, shuttled between the people non-stop at the speed of a ghost animal.

One after another, the ice stained the entire road white, and the original solid ground became slippery.

No matter how large the number of tricksters is, just avoiding attacks will not last long.

But whenever the sorcerers wanted to counterattack, they would remember the previous scene where the Frost Ouroboros bounced off the attack.

In such a timid battle, the trio of Zhu Ge's case was all injured in a short while, and He Shanji's condition and not much better, it is estimated that he will hold on for a few more minutes at most.

Faced with such an advantage, the Frost Ouroboros was very proud.

But he would not gain a sense of superiority by belittling the sorcerer, but would wait until He Shan and others were killed before he came to taste the fruits of victory.

This big snake is a typical example of people who don't talk harshly.

Now the main targets of the Frost Ouroboros attack are the three of Shijialong.

Because they were wounded, it was the easiest to kill.

Li Kui shouted, and the sunflower tree grew quickly.

But the Frost Ouroboros directly hit the Sunflower Treasure Tree. A layer of ice freezes the roots of the tree, and the sun can no longer condense on it.

Shi Jialong wanted to launch the'seven ins and seven outs' again, but the ice here was too slippery and the effect of his wheelbarrow was greatly weakened.

Xiao Pujie, Bao Lili and others, UU reading are also trying to contain the Frost Ouroboros, but the effect is really poor without attacking.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Ge's case gritted his teeth severely, decided not to hide himself, and went all out.

Pointed his palm to the Frost Rattlesnake and shouted: "Seven Stars are against the position!"

The seven lanterns floating around him suddenly released a bright light, and the movements of the Frost Ouroboros suddenly became weird. It slammed into the bushes on one side and killed his countless descendants with freezing.

The Zhuge case can rely on the Seven Star Lamp to make his attacks more accurate.

But he can also reverse the effect of the seven-star lamp to make the enemy's attack extremely inaccurate.

In this situation, it is the best ability to deal with the Frost Ouroboros.

"I can delay for up to two minutes. You have to take advantage of this time to find a countermeasure!"

Zhu Ge's case yelled at He Shan and the others, and a wisp of nosebleeds shed.

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