Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 225: Ouroboros

After putting away all the corpses, He Shan immediately rushed down the road.

He is in this state and can last for 30 minutes. He wants to kill as many domain owners as possible in these 30 minutes!

Everyone can only keep up, although this method of fighting is not good, but it is quite cool to watch the sorcerer abuse and kill the monsters.

After arriving at the next overlapping area, He Shan suddenly stunned.

Here is a fifty-meter-long overpass, with a half-large ouroboros at the end of the bridge.

This Ouroboros has blue skin and waves of water rippling around. Its power may be related to water.

This Ouroboros stood up to a height of less than three meters, which was compact compared to the previous domain master.

Compared with other domain masters, its breath is also much weaker, a little higher than the first-order limit, but worse than the second-order.

But his breath is slowly improving, and it is obvious that he can eventually become a domain master.

"It looks like he is my next opponent, but now in this overlapping area, the speed at which new domain owners are born seems to be greatly reduced."

Le Qingyi smiled and said, "It is normal for the speed to decrease. Even if the overlapping area is special, the magical energy inside is limited."

"It is very rare to support the birth of the previous four domain masters. It is still unknown whether the fifth domain master can be born smoothly."

He Shan nodded, this time they are equivalent to four second-order sorcerers invading a second-level overlapping area.

Change to other secondary overlapping areas, now it has long been unable to hold on.

He Shan didn't rush to attack, but planned to wait for the end of his promotion.

It's boring to defeat a semi-finished product first.

Secondly, whether the next domain owner can be born smoothly is still unknown. If this snake is slaughtered in advance, He Shan's income may drop drastically.

When the breath of this Ouroboros rose to a certain level, it stopped abruptly and couldn't make any further progress.

The blue ouroboros roared anxiously, but could do nothing.

Before reaching the realm of the domain master, he couldn't even speak with a thing in his mouth.

He Shan waited for a while, and shook his head after seeing this scene. Since it was no longer possible to give birth to a new domain owner, he didn't force it anymore.

Holding the sharp sword, he walked to the blue ouroboros, and the green energy surged from his body.

Just as He Shan was about to swing his sword, a change suddenly appeared.

The violent shaking occurred suddenly, not only the road was shaking, but all the roads in a large circle were shaking.

A scream came continuously, and the monster snakes on this road collapsed to the ground one after another, and the invisible life force poured into this blue ouroboros.

Then the vitality of the Ouroboros on other roads also began to be weakened, and the abnormal power was transferred one after another.

He Shan stepped back and watched the blue ouroboros' skin gradually darken, and then some eyes, teeth or exoskeletons appeared on the body.

His breath finally began to rise again.

He Shan stopped his action: "Now things have become a bit interesting. It seems that in this overlapping area, even if the monster's life is squeezed out, the endless cycle will continue."

"Then let me see what this Ouroboros can do."

Standing on the edge of the road, Bao Lili looked in the direction of other roads, and found that the barriers between the roads had disappeared. Now from this road, you can also see other roads.

Except for the roads swept by He Shan and others, the remaining roads are full of snake bodies.

Almost all the monsters of the zero order or not entering the order are dead.

Those first-order Ouroboros also all had their strengths reduced sharply.

After a while, the changes of this Ouroboros finally stopped.

This Ouroboros is completely dark at this time, with a centipede-like exoskeleton on the back of the snake, and some scattered eyes and teeth on the belly of the snake.

His volume was a lap larger than the previous domain master Ouroboros, and his aura became more fierce and terrifying.


"I want to thank you, there would be no me without you!"

"You can call me, Death Ouroboros!"

The death ouroboros was full of intoxication. All the snakes here, including the domain owner, were all subject to the rules of overlapping areas.

Every monster has no dominant power in this overlapping area.

But because of these humans, the strength of the overlapping area has dropped to the lowest point, and in order to complete the endless cycle, his domain master's strength is also the strongest in history.

After he kills these humans, he can resist the power of the overlapping area, truly take back the authority that belongs to the domain owner, and transform the overlapping area with his own will.

He doesn't want to be ouroboros anymore!

Isn't the normal snake body bad? Why do they have to have a tail in their mouth? They can't even finish talking.

"Hello, Death Ouroboros."

He Shan greeted the Death Ouroboros and then launched an attack outrageously.

"You can really die, Death Ouroboros!"

Holding the amethyst sword in his hand, a purple beam of light struck the death ouroboros.

This beam of light was scorched by He Shan's back.

This means that the armor outside the body of the death ouroboros has been broken.

A few seconds later, the same purple light beam was spit out by the death ouroboros.

But He Shan, who had been prepared for a long time, avoided it directly and easily.

As Le Qingyi said before, as long as you remember the position of your attack and the tangent of the tail and mouth of the Ouroboros, you can perfectly avoid the rebound attack of the Ouroboros.

"Although you are stronger than other domain owners... but you are too boring."

The routines of these Ouroboros are all the same, they don't have the ability to walk with the snake skin, but they want to withstand He Shan's attack and then bounce back.

When they really want to use snakeskin to escape, it is often too and then they will use their own abilities to fight hard. When their unique abilities are also cracked, the domain owner's tail The snake came to the end.

Due to the similar abilities, the combat routines of these domain master Ouroboros are all the same.

He Shan watched it so many times and had already thoroughly studied the attack methods of these things.

Therefore, even though Death Ouroboros was actually stronger than He Shan, his body was soon covered with wounds, and the circulating armor on the outside of his body was all shattered.

He Shan himself suffered only a few minor injuries, and he could heal in the blink of an eye.

"Human, you asked for this!"

The Death Ouroboros roared angrily, and the black color on his body began to spread.

He Shan sighed, and as expected, after the outer armor was destroyed, he began to use his own abilities.

This made He Shan feel that this battle was a bit boring.

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