Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 229: Shadow Chain Claw

He Shan took the bag in Miao Miao's hand and took out three things from it.

They are a hammer in the shape of a cat mat, a short stick 60 centimeters in length, and a black glove with metallic luster in part.

The cat meat cushion hammer is the original reduced version of the city breaking hammer. After Miao Miao's transformation, it has been completely changed and can be sold in Suiyuan Shop again.

The short stick was the original searing pipe wrench. He Shan planned to bring this thing with him for future use.

Both things have just changed their appearance, and their original functions have not changed, so I just took a look and put them aside.

What interests He Shan the most is the black gloves. This kind of thing should be a fusion of four magic props, so the ability may be very powerful.

He Shan tried to spur, brush it, and a five-meter-long thorny vine made of black shadows was released from He Shan's hand. Then he waved his hand and the vine slapped on the ground with a huge sound. ring.

This made He Shan's eyes light up, the original thorn gloves, but there is no lethality, and this black thorns can open the skin of a person.

Miao Miao said to the side: "The original thorn gloves had ten short thorns 1m long. I merged them together and shortened the length a bit to increase the power."

"The lock of relationship was originally a separate chain, but now it is hidden in that thorn vine. As long as you use this thorn vine to entangle the enemy, you can establish a relationship."

"The ability of the hand of the last glutton is restored to the original and stored in the glove. After meeting the conditions, it can summon a shadow of glutton to damage the enemy."

After listening to Miao Miao's explanation, He Shan nodded with satisfaction. He didn't expect Miao Miao to make a super prop. As long as he could integrate his original abilities, it was already a good trick prop.

"You did a good job this time. I can consider buying you some catnip in the future." He Shan patted Miao Miao on the head, showing a very generous look.

Miao Miao's expression stiffened.

That's it?

She has worked so hard for so long, just give this reward?

"Wait, what is catnip?" She turned to ask Jade.

"A plant that cats like very much." Jade explained briefly.

Miao Miao seemed to understand, this reward might be acceptable.

He Shan sent out the two waiters and asked them to clean up. He rubbed his hands like a fly, with an expression of expectation on his face, and released a large number of scattered corpses from the spare decomposition bin.

These corpses piled up like a mountain, emitting a stench, making Jade and Miao Miao standing beside them couldn't help but cover their noses.

The hill-like piles of corpses are He Shan's harvest this time. There are at least dozens of corpses of various monsters, and the most conspicuous of them are the corpses of the five huge domain masters.

They are Frost Ouroboros, Thorny Ouroboros, Death Ouroboros, Gale Ouroboros, and Rock Ouroboros.

He Shan turned to the decomposing machine, saw the number five on the side, and then looked at the five huge corpses and the more than 100 tricky copper coins in his hand. He quickly made a decision.

He decided to disassemble the bodies of the five domain master Ouroboros first, and let the disintegrator advance!

After decomposition and promotion, new functions may appear, or some secrets may be revealed, even if it is just a place given to He Shan as an employee, it is also excellent.

Then opened a shop, sold the things of the decomposing domain owner, and then decomposed the dozens of corpses left when he had the money.

There are dozens of corpses, but the quality is actually not high. Except for the two first-order monsters, the thunder ouroboros and the thornball ouroboros, the other monsters are all zero-order monsters, and their value is not very high. high.

Looking at the five huge snake corpses, He Shan decided to decompose them in the order in which they were killed.

The first is the Frost Ouroboros that caused the most trouble for He Shan and others. This snake is the most beautiful of all snakes, with long white scales and long white body.

The decomposition machine seems to have the ability to compress space. After being thrown in, the huge body is sucked into the eyes of a small toilet like water in a toilet.

The huge body was sucked into the decomposition machine. After a while, the decomposition machine stopped moving, and several things appeared in the decomposition tank.

They are a lot of wrapped snake meat, a small pronucleus, a belt, a pair of leather boots, and a ferocious whip.

He Shan took a look at the snake meat. The price was 100 yuan a catty. There was no magical energy in it. The note was that the snake meat was especially delicious because of the ice energy on his body.

As usual, He Shan kept some of this meat for himself, and the rest was sent to the Suiyuan Xiaopu experience store for sale after the two tool men arrived.

And the next few things are very interesting.

Item: Ice releases the pronucleus

Remarks: After using this pronucleus, you can use your body to release the power of ice. Depending on the release form, you can show different effects.

Selling price: fifteen tricky copper coins

This pronuclear is the ability of the Frost Ouroboros. In He Shan's eyes, this is a fairly satisfactory ability, neither too strong nor too weak.

The whip made of snake bones didn't have any special abilities. It was just very hard and could not be broken easily. The price was five tricky copper coins.

The snakeskin belt is called the Frost Belt. After wearing it, it can increase the affinity to the energy of the ice, as well as a certain degree of frost resistance, and the price is also five tricky copper coins.

These two props are quite satisfactory, and He Shan put them aside and prepared to sell them.

As for the snakeskin boots, the ability is a bit interesting.

Item: Boots of Position

Remarks: Friction and friction are the steps of the devil... After putting on this, when avoiding attacks, the action will become more flexible.

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.

If He Shan hadn't seen the evasive abilities of those Ouroboros, he might still think these boots were useless.

But now at the first sight of these boots, He Shan knew that after wearing these boots, he could greatly improve his life-saving ability.

In fact, in He Shan's view, the most powerful ability of those Ouroboros is actually the movement of the snake skin.

The ability to rebound attacks made people afraid to start, but it also allowed those Ouroboros to eat attacks that they could dodge.

So He Shan immediately decided that these boots would be his in the future. If there were better shoes, they would sell them again.

The first monster was completely decomposed in this way, and He Shan looked at the four corpses behind, with a curious look in his eyes.

These corpses had only one ability different before they were alive, so will the things that come out when they are decomposed also have similarities?

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