Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 231: River Staff of the Dead

The last item of Gale Ouroboros is a blue-black longbow.

Item: Windbreaker Bow

Remarks: Break through the wind, wear Yang in a hundred steps!

The arrows fired by this bow will not be disturbed by strong winds below level 10.

Selling price: ten tricky copper coins

He Shan picked up the longbow and fiddled with it for a while.

Bows and arrows are one of He Shan's favorite toys when he was a child.

There is a kind of plant called wicker growing by the river, and He Shan’s simple bow and arrow is to tie the wicker to the rope.

Although not strong and inaccurate, He Shan had a great time at that time.

By the way, wicker is a very useful plant.

Fresh wicker can be used as a whip, dried wicker can be used as a stick...

After playing for a while, He Shan put the bow aside.

Now that the four domain masters have been resolved, the number of the decomposition machine has become one, as long as the death ouroboros is thrown in, the decomposition machine can be promoted.

But looking at the products decomposed by the first four domain masters, He Shan suddenly found some clues.

That is, every ouroboros, the things that are decomposed, are only related to their first two abilities.

Their same last ability was not reflected in the previous items.

These are four domain masters, and there are close to twenty items, none of which are related to that ability. This is obviously abnormal.

"Now I can only see if this last Ouroboros can be shipped."

The death ouroboros is the most powerful and special ouroboros.

His birth caused a large number of monsters to die in the overlapping area. If it weren't for this guy, He Shan could collect more corpses.

So He Shan is looking forward to what he can bring to himself.

The body of the dead Ouroboros was thrown into the decomposition machine, and the wailing voice of the deceased came from the decomposition machine.

When the decomposition machine stopped, the wailing stopped.

Seeing the contents in the decomposition tank, He Shan smiled. Sure enough, the last monster will give him some surprises.

There is a belt, a pair of boots, a gleaming pronucleus, a horrible stick full of eyes and teeth, a special disc, and a tattoo sticker.

The most conspicuous is a large and excessive square of flesh and blood.

1.5 meters in diameter!

Under a transparent film, there is a mixture of internal organs, minced meat, eyes, and teeth.

Due to the excessive accumulation of death power, most of the body of the Death Ouroboros is completely useless, so the flesh and blood cube is too large.

This thing is placed here, even if it does not emit a bad smell, it makes He Shan disgusting.

So he yelled, called Jade and Miao Miao in, and told them to throw the garbage first.

Two young and beautiful girls, carrying this huge cube of flesh and blood in disgust, walked to the side of the trash can.


The black hand is half the head and one arm of the Cthulhu servant.

But now, he is just a trash can.

After staying here long enough, the black hand began to accept his identity.

What's wrong with being a trash can?

All the items in the vicinity of Suiyuan Shop are slowly being strengthened over time.

In other words, as long as the black hand stays here, without thinking about any conspiracy and tricks, his strength can become stronger a little bit.

And when the Suiyuan Shop is not open, people from the Anomaly Management Bureau will come over to clean up the **** and take it for research.

By the way, they will also clean the trash can.

When the brush with detergent is rubbed on the surface of the trash can, that is the most wonderful time for black hands.

He is willing to believe that the one who washes his body is a pure girl who can serve as a first-class sacrifice.

The most painful time for Black Hand is when Suiyuan Shop opens.

Those nasty guys often throw some weird garbage.

The taste of this **** is ridiculously bad, but Black Hand can only force it to experience it. Fortunately, the flesh and blood cubes are small in size, and only part of his body can feel it.

Forbearance, it will pass.

In order to become stronger, this is acceptable.

The lid of the trash can was opened, and the black hand knew that it was time to throw out the trash again.

"Well, the first taste is like ice cream, the second is like tasting wild fruits, and the third is like eating coconut in the sea breeze..."

Anyway, you can't resist, so the black hand can only have fun.

But Black Hand suddenly felt that something was wrong, as if something big had been squeezed in!

This is a cube of flesh and blood!

But why is it so big, so big that the inner wall of the trash can is full, and a section of it is exposed on the outside!

Moreover, this cube of flesh is too unpalatable, even the black hand can't find any fun here, only the ultimate pain.

Compared with this tuft, Black Hand would rather carry a bucket of stool.

At least he can still taste the taste of enoki mushrooms there...

"You guys come and save me, I can't do it!"


Without the Flesh Cube by his side, He Shan felt much better, looking at the things that the Death Ouroboros had decomposed.

The first item is the Death Belt, which has the effect of weakly reducing the vitality of the enemy. The price is five sly copper coins.

As long as you wear this belt, it is equivalent to causing continuous weakening of the enemy, and it can be regarded as a useful trick item.

Those boots are also walking boots, but the color is black, which is in line with He Shan's temperament, so He Shan prepared to wear them by himself.

That CD is called "Death Video, Snake".

The CD itself has no magical energy, but the content inside may cause a certain amount of spiritual pollution.

Judging from the remarks, what is described here should be the process of an ordinary person twisting into a snake-like monster.

The content of the video is full of despair and pain, and He Shan has no intention to watch it.

He is going to sell this thing to the Anomaly Administration, let them consider how to deal with this thing.

That tattoo sticker is sold for a tricky copper coin.

After sticking it on the body, there will be a moving Ouroboros tattoo, which won't cause any gain to the magician, it's just fun.

The remaining two things are what He Shan pays most attention to.

One pronucleus, one stick.

He Shan first looked at the stick, which was covered with teeth and eyes, like objects from a horror game.

Item: River Staff of the Dead

Remarks: The river of the dead, invades the skin and eats the flesh, eats the muscles and bones, and feels painful!

You can use the staff to cast taboo spells to increase the power of death.

Input the energy of trickery to release a stream of filthy water.

Price: Twenty tricky copper coins!

He Shan had seen the water flow released by the death ouroboros. It felt more terrifying than strong acid, but it wouldn't cost twenty tricky copper coins.

And what makes He Shan a little puzzled is what does the taboo spell in the remarks mean?

Could it be that the sorcerer can become a mage in the game with this staff?

He Shan picked up the staff and closed his eyes.

After a short while, He Shan opened his eyes and looked at the staff to reveal something complicated.

This thing is just a special small water gun for the trickster.

But for guys like the "Old God Sect" who has mastered taboo knowledge, it is an artifact!

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