Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 239: Night Attack of the Man in White

Among ordinary people, Downs is already considered a person with a face and a face.

But the weakness of his own strength still made him full of desire for strength.

He didn't dare to fight in the overlapping area and stayed away from the power of the magician.

He didn't want to just become a Tier 0 sorcerer, so in his opinion, the best way to gain power is to obtain abilities that are not human beings through the taboo rituals of the Old God Sect.

That's why he wanted to climb up in the old religious group, because only by contributing enough followers can he be qualified to perform that kind of ritual.

Then he opened a box in which there were five sly silver coins and a whole hundred sly copper coins.

He knew that the source of the power of the Old God Order was these currencies that emerged from the overlapping areas, so he had been collecting it secretly. Once he completed the transformation through rituals, these tricky coins would become his capital.

At this moment, a long-haired female secretary with a slender figure and enchanting posture walked in with high heels and handed Downs a tablet computer.

"Boss, someone sent this over just now, I think you need to take a look."

Downs took the tablet, and on it was a short video recorded by a man with a fierce look.

The man put his face close to the camera, making every expression on his face extremely clear. The expression on his face was extremely hideous, and Tangs couldn't help moving the screen away from him.


"This is the number of people forced to death by Hairen Company."

"Tonight, there are forty-two people in your Hairen company. Don't even want to leave any of you. I am Bloodfang...I am a representative of justice!"

Downs threw the tablet on the side table and yelled in a low voice.

"Crazy, where's the lunatic, haven't you graduated from school?"

"Call the Abnormal Management Bureau. We pay a lot of taxes every year. This kind of madman should be handled by them."

The female secretary nodded, picked up the phone and dialed the anomaly administration.

"Beep, beep, beep, hello, this is abnormal... Do you think you will hear this, no... I said, none of you can run tonight."

The voice in the previous video also appeared on the female secretary's phone, scaring the female secretary to throw the phone aside.

Downs stood up, his face changed drastically.

He knew that this was the signal here, which was disturbed by some special ability.

"Call a landline!"

As soon as the female secretary picked up the phone, she looked at Downs bitterly: "The phone line was cut..."

Downs' face was pale, and now he suddenly regretted it.

Because this industry is not very visible, Downs established the headquarters in a very remote place.

In this way, when some problems cannot be dealt with, they can directly kill the person who caused the problem.

But such a move actually harmed Downs.

Faced with the current situation, Downs couldn't think of where to escape for a while.

At this moment, the tablet computer on the desktop lights up again, and what is playing on it is a picture of a camera.

In that picture, a figure wearing a white long dress and a white hood is walking towards the front door step by step.

Downs comforted the panicked female secretary and said: "It's okay. Our security team is very strong. There are three Tier 1 sorcerers, enough to kill this inexplicable guy."

While comforting the female secretary, he was actually cheering himself up.

Secretly praying in my heart, the person who came to get the staff came soon.

There are only three Tier 1 sorcerers, and those ordinary security guards, which really can't give Towns the sense of security he wants.

"Who are you, stand there, don't go forward." A security guard shouted at the man in white.

The man in white did not stop, and while walking, he took out a roll of white cloth from his bag, with a steel bar on each end of the white cloth.

He inserted the two ends of the steel bar on the ground, just forming a white banner.

Seeing that the white-clothed man did not listen to the dissuasion, the security guard walked over cursingly, and took out an electric baton with his right hand to inflict violence on him.

This group of security guards are used to domineering here, and beating people is already a very gentle style.

"The weight is about 60 kilograms, so the blood volume should be four liters, which is a bit less... but it's enough."

"Why are you doing this? You want to get a stick, don't you?"

The security guard hit it down with a stick. The stick carries electricity, but it won't cause the person to faint, which will only cause a lot of pain.

The white-clothed man shot like lightning, grabbed the security guard's throat, and lifted him into the air.

"Big brother, big brother calm are still young, don't walk on the road of crime."

The security guard who was very prestigious just now was so scared that he almost peeed.

Because the man in white had a very vicious face and a pair of golden pupils, it made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The white-clothed man was expressionless, and then directly tore the security guard's throat with force.

Then he used the security pipe to write eleven characters on the white cloth.

‘A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, blood for tooth stay! ’

The other security guard was almost shocked. Many people had come here to make trouble before, but where did they see such a brutal scene?

He pointed the gun at the man in white: "Don't come here, I'll shoot when I come back."

The man in white shook his head, and then ran to the security guard at a speed faster than that of a cheetah.

Before the security guard could pull the trigger, the man in white rushed in front of him, held down his head, and pressed it against the wall.

The hardest part of the human body rotted like a watermelon, and a pit appeared on the hard wall.

The man in white looks at the camera: "None of you can run away, I will come to you."

Downs stepped back two steps, collapsed on the chair, cold sweat on his face.

He held the river staff of the dead with both hands. Although he didn't know how to use it, only this thing could give him a sense of security.

The movement of people in white entering the door has attracted the attention of the security team.

A large group of security guards stood in front of the white-clothed men with all kinds of weapons, and then frantically pulled the trigger.

Countless bullets poured out, but a golden scale appeared in front of the white-clothed man, and all the bullets were blocked by the dim light emitted by the scale.

The white-clothed man opened his arms with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Damn Downs, the owner of this company, and **** you security guards for helping you to abuse...Next, let's enjoy the feast together!"

He was like a heavy artillery shell, directly hitting a security guard's body, and the security guard's body was directly smashed into pieces.

Other security guards who were frightened, some kept firing, and some ran away.

But no matter how they choose, their ending cannot be avoided. This is a **** feast hosted by a man in white.

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