Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 243: 6 continents

Li Daofu turned his head, looking rather impatient.

"You are special, there is no sin on your body, so I don't want to kill you."

"But you'd better not continue to irritate me, or I will treat you as a sinner. The world is already rotten, and even if you are missing a good person, it won't get worse."

He Shan shook his head and said:

"Previously, you want to kill Downs. I have no objection... But many of the corpses downstairs are pure innocents."

"Since you have slaughtered indiscriminately, in my opinion you are no different from those monsters."

"Don't pretend to be awe-inspiring justice, it will only make me feel sick, you still don't tarnish the beautiful image of justice in my heart."

The seven long swords that had been floating beside He Shan all crossed at the same time, their swords pointed at Li Daofu.

"In addition, you'd better not make a mistake in your position. Whether the battle between us should continue is not up to you, but to me!"

Li Daofu's expression became gloomy: "Then, there is no need for us to negotiate."

The scorching sword flew out directly, stabbing fiercely on the golden light around Li Daofu, the scorching flame engulfed the surroundings, and a sly copper coin disappeared into the air.

The flames that burst out were more powerful than ordinary rocket launchers, not to mention the lethality of the flying sword itself.

He Shan launched an attack outrageously: "I don't want to talk to you, it was you who said something inexplicable to me first!"

After the flame dissipated, another sharp sword flew over.

The characteristic of the sharp edge sword is the ultimate cutting, the penetrating power is the strongest of He Shan's long swords, as long as everything in this room is affected by the sharp edge sword, it will be cut off.

Li Daofu was attacked one after another, and couldn't help but retreat, and some small wounds appeared on his body.

Although his defense was strong enough to pervert, he couldn't completely resist He Shan's attack in the end.

He tried to fight back several times, or to emit a golden light, or to punch and kick at close quarters.

But He Shan held a black gold long sword, and with every forceful swing he could release a black gold sword energy.

That sword energy can easily disperse Li Daofu's light, making him unable to get close.

He Shan once again provoked a fight with Li Daofu, not because of a completely different position, but because he saw the hope of victory.

Li Daofu's strange power didn't seem to be effective on He Shan, so Li Daofu was just a magician with perverted defensive power in front of He Shan.

For He Shan, who has an energy core, opponents of the same level can't beat He Shan with exhaustion.

Moreover, apart from Downs, Li Daofu was originally a problem that He Shan needed to solve. Now that he has this opportunity, He Shan will not let it go.

One flying sword, two flying swords.

Li Daofu kept retreating, and almost all the walls of the top floor of Hairen Company were destroyed.

The golden light and the flying swords of various colors collided frequently.

"This magician is obviously only Tier 2, why is it so difficult to deal with!"

He stared at He Shan, his anger rose.

If He Shan is not a sinless good man, if he does not have seven magic props and long swords, if He Shan's ability to continue combat is not so outrageous...

As long as one condition is not met, He Shan can't suppress Li Daofu.

He will be torn to pieces by the power of reversal of balance, like the previous sorcerer, turning into a fragmented corpse.

But there was no if in the battle, so the golden light on Li Daofu's body also began to dim, and he was about to be unable to support it.

The power to reverse the balance comes from the energy that Li Daofu usually has when he kills the wicked.

As long as he keeps killing the wicked, Li Daofu will always become stronger, and the battle with He Shan will be completely exhausted.

Finally, Li Daofu made an oversight and was hit directly by the sword.

The terrifying kinetic energy carried on the hard-edged sword completely shattered the golden light on Li Daofu's body, and his whole person flew out upside down.

Li Daofu knelt on the ground, clutching his stomach, and it took him a long time to barely stand up, watching He Shan roaring angrily.

His voice was thick, with a weird sense of overlap, as if two people were talking together.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"You are destroying the hope of this world, only I can save this world!"

He Shan stopped attacking. The current state of Li Daofu was very wrong. The person speaking was not Li Daofu, but something else.

"So you save the world by killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

Li Daofu snorted coldly: "If you don't make sacrifices, you won't be able to win. For the survival of the world, those people must sacrifice."

He Shan has always been very curious about the strange planets and the overlapping areas.

All kinds of guesses on the Internet are endless, but all of them are just guesses, and none of them are completely reliable.

And now Li Daofu showed a look that he knew the secrets, so He Shan was very curious about what he knew.

"Anyone who talks nonsense with nothing, you can't even beat me as a Tier 2 sorcerer, and you are still talking about saving the world. Should you go to the hospital and check your brain."

Li Daofu shook his head: "This world is already dying, but now it's just lingering."

"Li Zhou, once the most powerful, has been reduced to a paradise of monsters because of the existence of the 20th level overlapping area."

"Yingzhou, which is adjacent to Zhongzhou, was swallowed by huge waves and sank completely to the bottom of the sea. Unspeakable sea beasts were rampant everywhere."

"In the northern Xiongzhou, there are huge crooked things like a sky cover, and ice and snow swallowed everything. Only a few humans survived, but those surviving humans... are still humans?"

"The British State was still resisting at first, but then most of the overlapping areas were all connected together, like a splicing of dozens of super-large overlapping areas. The humans there are used to the overlapping areas, but those humans put them in Coming from Central Continent, it's not much different from Yaoyi."

"The situation in the sandbars is better, but the sandbars are too weak and barren. It is only because the overlapping areas appear with the lowest frequency that they can barely maintain it until now."

He Shan nodded, looking at Li Daofu, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

Regarding the situation of the other five continents, it is considered confidential in Central Continent, and ordinary conspirators have at most half-knowledge about it.

He Shan also knew these things because of the special computer of Suiyuan Shop.

These things Li Daofu said were not something that an ordinary sorcerer should know, so he was not talking nonsense, but really knew some secrets.

"The hope of the world lies in Zhongzhou, but how long can Zhongzhou last, relying on you sorcerers?" Li Daofu gave He Shan a contemptuous look.

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with the schemist, you have not been beaten by me, the schemist, you have to delay the time by mouth shots."

"What you use is just the power abandoned by the treacherous planet, just like wild dogs rummaging through the trash can for food!"

"Even if wild dogs can fill their stomachs with trash cans, they can't beat humans."

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