Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 281: Cut 3 concubine

"Weird decomposition guide (!

Lion Lai Eel is a three-ethnic mixed creature.

Even the name is a certain illiterate guy, using the names of three races to piece together without scribbling through the brain.

But because of this, his aesthetics is weird.

Can appreciate the beauty of women of three races at the same time.

So the three most beautiful ‘women’ of the three tribes became the concubines of the lion Lai Mani.

When he was at home, he played mahjong with his three wives.

When not at home, the three wives fight against the landlord. The life of the royal family in Neihai Park is very harmonious, and there is no intrigue.

He Shan observed through the window for a while before pushing the door directly in.

Where he wanted to go, he couldn't get around these three "princes", so he had to get rid of these three guys before moving forward.

The door was pushed open, and the three banshees froze for a second, and then began to attack at the same time.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Inner Sea Park, except for the lion Lai Mani and the three of them, other monsters are not allowed to enter.

No matter who the visitor is, he must die!

The sturdy lioness rushed to He Shan's side first, and her two sharp claws waved quickly.

But her movements were too obvious, He Shan flashed green light, flashing all the attacks.

The name of this female lion is called a massage lion.

The most enjoyable time for Lionel Eelni is to be massaged by this lioness. It feels like letting people take off.

Massage is the ability to massage a lion. This ability can not only relieve fatigue, but also break up people's muscles and bones, and let people fall into fatigue.

Among the three monsters, she was the most dangerous one, so He Shan couldn't let her hit.

The other monster who rushed forward was the glamorous slime girl.

Her name is Wet Lyme, and her body is slippery, like fresh jelly.

He Shan kicked her both feet, both of which were slid away by her skin, without causing any harm.

In addition to her special body like a gel, she also has a trick of'slippy limbs'. Most of the attacks that hit her body will automatically'slide away', and she can move anywhere like skating. .

This trick gave her extremely strong defense, so the damage was almost nothing, but it was also quite difficult to deal with.

The last female eel man did not step forward, but stretched out her hand to release a thick mist.

This basement room quickly became foggy, and I couldn't see my fingers.

She is the ‘Otto Mist Eel’, the younger sister of the Otto Eel. In addition to enhancing her speed, she also releases mist.

The reason why Lionelny likes her is that she can use fog to enhance the atmosphere.

Otto mist eel interference, wet lyme defense, massaging lion attack, the three banshees lived together for several years, and they cooperated very well with each other.

Ordinary second-order sorcerers, in the face of this situation, are estimated to be in a hurry.

Several first-order monsters with different abilities joined forces to kill a higher-level powerhouse, which is nothing new.

But He Shan didn't panic at all.

I would also like to thank Xipi Lion, if it weren't for him, He Shan would not know the abilities of these three female demons in advance.

After the fog appeared, He Shan activated the ability of walking boots.

Among the three female demons, He Shan is the most afraid of massaging a lion, because once hit by her, his strength may be permanently reduced.

A paw was grabbed from the back of He Shan's side, but it was vacant, and He Shan squatted directly on the ground.

The power carried by this claw dispelled the nearby fog, allowing He Shan to see the location of the attacker clearly.

He also stretched out his hand to the massage lion, and a black shadow sprang out from his hand like a swimming dragon, bit the abdomen of the massage lion, pushed it to the edge of the wall, and bitten it frantically.

This is the ability of the shadow of gluttony!

However, because the massaging lion was too strong, the Shadow of Glutton didn't kill her, but just stood in a stalemate with her.

After temporarily dragging the lion massage, He Shan closed his eyes and activated his spiritual vision.

I saw the Otto Mist Eel hiding in the dark and manipulating the mist.

The second thing to be solved was this Otto Mist Eel, without her mist interference, it would be easy to deal with the remaining two monsters.

Two sly copper coins popped out, and two searing swords flew in the direction of Wet Lime and Otter Mist Eel respectively.

These two heat waves turned the fog in the room upside down.

This is also one of He Shan's goals. Even if the Scorching Sword does not hit the target, the high temperature on it can temporarily crack the fog in the room.

However, He Shan somewhat overestimated the ability of the Otto Mist Eel. She was hiding behind the mist with contentment, without even noticing He Shan's attack.

When she saw a burning iron sword flying over, it was already too late.


The Otto Mist Eel directly turned into a fireman, and the fog in the house immediately dispersed.

On the other side of the slime, some bubbles also appeared around his waist.

The Scorching Sword was inserted on the wall on the right. It seemed that when the Scorching Sword hit her body, it was ‘slid away’ by her ability, but the high temperature on it still hurt her.

On the other side, the shadow of gluttony, which was stalemate with the massage lion, had run out of strength and disappeared, and the **** massage lion on his arms and stomach stood up.

Without thinking about it, he turned and fled.

The encounter for a short time just now made her realize that the human who broke in suddenly was an opponent of the same level as her husband, Lion Eelny.

She stayed here to have no effect, she could only wait to die.

He Shan smiled, took out an object from the spare decomposition bin, and smashed it to the ground.

Then a green light flashed under his feet, and he chased the massaging lion.

The Lions don't have the talent to increase speed, but the tremendous strength makes them run slowly.

The cadence and stride length determine the running speed.

Although the frequency of the lion people's legs upside down is lower, they work very hard every step, and they can run a long distance in one step.

She took a dozen steps and reached the ground in the blink of an eye, with a touch of joy on her face.

But the next second, a purple beam hit her back waist, knocked her whole body up, and fell heavily to the ground.

Maybe He Shan didn't run as fast as massaging the lion, but the energy beam of the amethyst sword was much faster than her.

After putting away the body of the massaging lion, He Shan returned to the basement. At this time, the wet lime had been subdued.

The thing He Shan broke before is a jar with a black-haired magic puppet.

Against this slippery opponent, the hair of the black-haired magic puppet is the best to use.

No matter how slippery her body is, as long as she can't change the size, she is destined to be unable to escape the control of the black-haired magic puppet.

Seeing the wet Lime **** in a strange posture, He Shan smiled and caught her in the spare decomposition bin.

He Shan then simply cleaned the room, and found more than twenty tricky copper coins.

Then he walked to an iron gate. Behind this place is the source of those pipes.

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