Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 285: He Shan wakes up

"Weird decomposition guide (!

After the old Sepi died, the whole world came to a standstill.

Whether it is the floating gods in the sky, the spectators in the stands, and those gladiators who are fighting.

Only He Shan, the fourteen figures, and some fat guys who have not disappeared can still keep moving.

"thank you all."

He Shan bowed slightly and thanked him sincerely.

The fourteen figures also bowed to He Shan.

The rest of the fat guys, Qi Qi smiled at He Shan.

Their IQs are not much higher than that of babies, and they can only express their affection for He Shan in this way.

These human beings who had been'bred in captivity' in this overlapping area all gathered around He Shan, and disappeared one by one.

"I don't know how you got into this illusion."

"I don't even know, are you souls or surviving thoughts..."

"But at least I understand now that it's not just fleshy pieces with human appearances that die here."

"Even if you have less than 30 days of life, you are still human!"

He Shancong was in the same mood as he is now.

He always thought that he explored overlapping areas for revenge and to make Suiyuan Xiaopu stronger.

But now he understands that it makes sense to explore the overlapping area itself.

Even if a living person is not rescued and the overlapping area is restored to normal, it is a relief for the human beings who died here.

He Shan's body also became illusory, and he was about to leave this illusion.

Before leaving, he tried his best to remember the world.

There are two so-called illusions. One is the illusion constructed by the performer based on the memory of the victim, and the other is the environment fabricated by the performer based on his own memory.

No creature can imagine, something that doesn't exist at all.

He Shan confirmed that there was nothing related to this crazy arena in his memory.

Then these things may come from the memory of the old color skin!

And what I saw before, the five gods in the sky, the brilliance and twisted sky...

He Shan speculated that perhaps this arena is just a corner of the'clandestine planet', and the spellcaster has seen such a scene with his own eyes, so that he can create such a strange illusion.

"What happened to the five gods that day?"

"Are there many such gods in the sly planet?"

He Shan wanted to look up, but he didn't know whether he could resurrect in the illusion if he died again this time, so he forcibly suppressed his thoughts.

When his body was about to disappear completely, He Shan suddenly thought of something. He still had one thing to do.

He hurried to the side of Hei Lao Si who had killed him several times, picked up a blade-like stump from the ground nearby, and pierced this guy's eye sockets fiercely.

"You killed me more than a dozen times, and now we are both clean!"

"I don't want to help you get revenge, but my goal of revenge is the same as your enemy, so I will help you out at that time."

As soon as the voice fell, He Shan's figure completely disappeared in the illusion.


"Hey, look, there is someone here!" A enchanting monster said, pointing to He Shan's body.

The angry monsters all returned to the center of Inner Sea Park.

He saw He Shan lying alone on the square.

There was a small bubble on He Shan's nose, which seemed to sleep very sweetly.

This weird look made the monsters dare not act rashly for the time being.

They didn't start discussing how to deal with He Shan until they confirmed that He Shan was really asleep.

"Is this human being who burned our territory and ruined our granary?"

Otter Eel looked angry, he wanted to devour He Shansheng.

"How should we put him to death?" Shilem asked.

The Masked Lion, who had no loss, put forward his own opinions.

"I think we should not kill him, but raise him."

"Our granary has been destroyed. We should use this precious human being as a seed to create another granary."

King Slime said gloomily: "With only one human male, it is impossible to rebuild a granary. We also need a human female."

"Kill him, kill him, kill him in the cruelest way!" The Bat Eel said in a low tone.

The monsters began to make suggestions, and those handling methods made the most cruel humans sound like their scalp numb.

Lion Lionel roared, and all the monsters fell silent.

"How to deal with it later, first make sure that this human being can't escape."

With a wave of his hand, two first-order monsters ran over, holding hammers and chains in their hands.

They had to smash He Shan's limbs first, then strip him naked to make sure there were no weapons hidden in his body, and finally controlled them with chains.

No matter how the domain owner decides to deal with He Shan, He Shan's limbs are unnecessary things.

Just when they lifted the hammer, He Shan suddenly opened his eyes and stood up straight, with a burst of green energy in each hand, pushing the two first-order monsters away.

Then he found that hundreds of monsters were staring at him.

He Shan let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were those people who helped him out of the predicament.

Otherwise, when he woke up, he might have broken his limbs and suffered unspeakable humiliation. He might even die without waking up.

But although he woke up in time, he was not out of the crisis.

There are dozens of Tier 1 monsters nearby, as well as a big boss of unknown strength.

"I said, I just passed by here, can you let me go?" He Shan asked with a smile.

Lionel Eel replied with a grinning grin:

"You suddenly broke into our house, slaughtered our children, robbed our finances, burned down the children's classrooms, and ruined our food sources!"

"Do you think it is possible for us to let you go?"

He Shan tilted his head, as if he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

But in He Shan's hand, he had already held eight tricky copper coins.

If he wants to escape from here, he can no longer be stingy with copper coins.

"Then I'm not welcome."

Eight tricky copper coins popped out at the same time, and He Shan's eight long swords flew out in different directions at the same time.

The target of the Blade of Corrupted Blood is the lion lion, Lai and other long swords are attacking indiscriminately.

The long sword infused with the power of trickery has extremely powerful power. Before the lion Lai Eel had time to dodge, he clamped the flying long sword with both hands.

He has the pronucleus of power and speed, so he accurately clamped the flying sword with both hands and resisted the power of the tricky copper coin.

But the blade of rotten blood also cut through the skin of the lion Lai Eel, and lethal toxins were injected from the wound.

The toxin of the Blood Rotten Blade may not be able to kill the Lion Eel.

But He Shan only needs to poison the lion lion eel to be enough!

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