Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 288: Good things should be exclusive

"Weird decomposition guide (!

The old security guard is engaged in a fierce psychological struggle in his heart.

Originally, there was only a glimpse of the dark thought, like a wildfire that was ignited, and it was burning.

No one, including himself, noticed that the hair under his clothes was growing rapidly, and his nails and teeth were also changing sharply.

After a while, He Shan jumped up and grinned.

No matter how difficult the process was, he escaped from the overlapping area.

He patted the old security guard on the shoulder and said, "If the security guard I met before saw that I was in a crisis at the door, he would definitely get on with the bazooka."

"Uncle, it's time for you to enhance your business ability, or you will be eliminated by the young people."

He Shan was just joking, after all, he didn't expect ordinary people to save him.

The old security guard really looked at the bazooka.

But in the end, reason defeated the madness. He realized that even if he was holding a rocket launcher, he was not the opponent of the second-order sorcerer, and the abnormal changes in his body stopped.

But there is still something growing in his body...

He Shan bid farewell to the old security guard, rode a Chevala, and drove towards his home.

With sparks and lightning all the way, He Shan returned home.

After a brief wash, He Shan felt tired and unbearable, and went straight to sleep.

On this day, his consumption was very high, especially the use of eight tricky copper coins at the same time, which made him seriously overstretched.

When he started to relax, the whole person seemed to be disabled.

When he woke up the next morning, He Shan still felt a little muddled.

Had it not been for the effect of the emerald queen's pillow, which gave him a good sleep, he might not even be able to wake up now.

"Next time you can't release eight swords at once. It's too much to suffer afterwards."

He Shan complained for a while, did not continue to sleep, but simply ate a portion of snake soup, and came to Suiyuan shop.

Today he has two things to do, one is to break down the gain this time, and the other is to check his body to see if there is any problem.

He Shan was very vigilant before entering that illusion inexplicably.

He could feel that the power that caused him to enter the illusion was still hidden in his identity.

If this force is not resolved, He Shan dare not explore the overlapping areas again.

As soon as he stepped into the Suiyuan shop, He Shan greeted the surprised eyes of the two waiters.

In the past, the interval between He Shan's opening of the store had to be at least five or six days, but this time it was less than two or three days.

He Shan did not explain, but rubbed Miao Miao's head and threw a pile of materials to her. These materials were all collected in the village of Neihai Park.

Miao Miao can forge these things into props with magical energy. Although they are not as high-quality as the decomposed ones, they can also enrich the shelves of Suiyuan Shop.

Then He Shan closed his eyes and began to check his physical state.

In the Suiyuan Shop, He Shan possesses the power of a god.

He cannot use this power to directly strengthen himself, but it is very easy to check whether the body is abnormal.

He soon discovered that there was a strange mental power remaining in his body.

He Shan stretched out his hand, this mental power was driven to the tip of his finger, and then sealed in a small glass bottle.

This spiritual power was cleared, and He Shan felt relaxed, and only then began to prepare to break down the harvest.

This time He Shan burned and looted in Neihai Park and gained a lot.

There were thirty-four slime corpses alone.

They are 30 ordinary slimes, two Tier 1 Slime Guards, Tier 1 Division Lime and Tier 1 Wet Lime.

There are twenty-seven eel monsters, twenty-four ordinary eel monsters, two first-order eelmen guarding, and one Otter mist eel.

The last one is the lonely lion race, massaging lions.

When Qi Weng, the deacon of the Old God Order, had been disassembled, He Shan had two hundred and forty tricky copper coins left in his hands.

Selling the goods that day, I earned about two hundred and forty tricky copper coins. This time, fighting and storing the corpses of the monsters in the Inner Sea Park cost about 80 tricky copper coins.

So now He Shan still has 400 tricky copper coins.

Decomposing these monsters is enough.

Although there are a lot of monsters, after batch decomposition, He Shan will not be able to decompose one by one.

With so many monsters, He Shan only needs to decompose it three times.

The first thing to be broken down is all the slimes. Although their strengths and abilities are different, they can be regarded as monsters of the same kind.

All the slimes piled together, like a giant slime ball over three meters high.

He Shan didn't want to do it himself, so he asked the two waiters to work as coolies to send these slug-like things into the disintegrator little by little.

After all the monsters entered the decomposing machine, He Shan put another one hundred and fifteen copper coins into it, and the decomposing machine finally started operating.

Decomposing the slime's voice, harp, like a constant nasal stirring, He Shan sounded a bit disgusting.

But when He Shan saw the contents of the decomposition machine, he didn't have any nausea and was only happy.

Thirty-four slimes were monsters, decomposing a lot of things.

Just by looking at it, He Shan knew that he had made another profit this time.

The most conspicuous first is some furniture.

They are a blue double mattress, four blue square cushions, and a blue table lamp.

The mattress was called the'Slime Mattress', and it looked like a large piece of blue transparent glue, and it felt as smooth as human skin.

Gently poke on it with your hand, and the whole mattress will shake tremblingly, like a balloon filled with water.

The temperature of the mattress is not much different from that of a person's body temperature, and you will not feel too cold or too hot when you lie on it.

He Shan jumped on top and kept rolling around, feeling very comfortable.

In addition to the above features, slime mattresses have some special advantages.

The bed will not breed mites, it will self-clean once a day, the dust and dirt will disappear without a trace, and it is extremely stable on the bed, no matter how much movement is done on the bed, the mattress will not slip...

In short, it is almost a perfect mattress!

Only dozens of slimes can break down such a large household Jade and Miao Miao on the side saw this mattress, they walked over and scratched the mattress. .

There was light in their eyes, and the word ‘wanted’ could almost be seen.

Now they are no longer considered strange, they also want to pursue a better life.

But He Shan indifferently pushed the two of them away. Such a good bed should be completely his own.

Even more, Jade asked shamefully that he could sleep on this bed with He Shan.

But He Shan refused directly. How could such a good bed be shared?

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