Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 291: Suspicious stomach pouch

"Weird decomposition guide (!

If you want to develop your melee combat ability, you have to start with the weakest looking guy.

Among ordinary humans, He Shan has a strong melee ability.

But among these strange creatures of different races, the basic qualities of human beings are too weak.

According to He Shan's speculation, this battle was organized by a big figure in the sly planet for fun.

Weak creatures like humans may not have the qualifications to fight on such occasions at all.

"I'll set up a small goal first, and among these monsters, get the second-to-last term!"

He Shan's blood boiled over, and he wanted to fight a battle, but he was taken aback for a moment, and his expression became strange.

"No, my current strength here should be the second to last..."

His gaze was placed behind his side.

I saw a small glass jar impressively placed in that position.

This glass jar is exactly the same as the jar He Shan used to hold the fantasy fish, even with water stains on it!

In this illusion, He Shan, who has been killed more than ten times, is quite sure that there is no such wonderful jar in the normal illusion!

The existence of glass jars aroused He Shan's interest.

He doesn't want to fight for the time being, but wants to figure out why this jar is here.

It is impossible to understand just by thinking.

He Shan exited the illusion, took a sly copper coin and an ordinary coin, and threw them into the fish tank.

Then He Shan entered the illusion again.

Neither the sly copper coin nor the ordinary coin appeared in the illusion.

"So this jar can appear here, not because of the bug in the power of the fantasy fish, but because of the special nature of the jar itself."

He Shan remembered the origin of this glass jar.

After smashing the gourmet villa, a black talking stomach pouch appeared.

He used this glass jar to fill the black stomach bag, but the black stomach bag finally disappeared strangely. After that, He Shan kept the glass jar.

"Could it be that the black stomach pouch has been hidden in the fish tank, but I didn't find it?"

He Shan once again withdrew from the illusion and used various methods to study this jar.

But no matter how he researches, this jar is just a glass jar.

"The objects affected by the illusion should be conscious creatures... that is to say, in addition to consciousness, this jar is actually a jar in other aspects."

"But why do ordinary jars have consciousness?"

He Shan didn't quite understand it, but obviously, this jar is special.

He decided to use this jar to raise fish first, there will always be results after a long time.

If something is abnormal, or if you don't know what it is in the end, throw it into the disintegrator.

No matter how special this jar is, it is nothing more than a decomposition machine.


I am a stomach pouch.

However, I am no ordinary stomach bag!

I am powerful, part of the Cthulhu servant!

For various reasons, I finally merged with a glass jar.

But believe me, one day I can escape the heavens and bring disaster to this world!

After the black stomach pouch comforted himself, he let out a long sigh.

In the past few months, he was trapped in a dark space.

Can't feel light, can't feel sound, can't feel anything.

It's like a taboo after being locked up for a few months, changing to a normal creature is already crazy.

But Black Stomach was so talented that he survived in the end.

Today he was finally released from the darkness and almost cried out of emotion.

Oh, by the way, he is a glass jar and can't cry.

Although he can only perceive the contents of the jar, the black stomach pouch is still very happy.

As a glass jar, this is already the most advanced enjoyment.

Then a fish came in the jar.

The fish is also good, if you have something to see, at least it won't be boring, but it's a bit annoying to eat fish shit.

But not long before Black Stomach was happy, he found that the fish and water were gone, and he seemed to have appeared in a strange place.

In the strange atmosphere, after waiting for a while, a big foot fell on the jar, and the fragile glass jar was torn apart.

The consciousness of the black stomach pouch returned to the body, feeling the sharp pain like tearing the body, he almost cried.

"Why, dying, I'm just a glass jar, why should I endure this kind of pain!"

After resting for a few minutes, he felt the water and fish in his body disappeared, and then he was trampled to pieces.

The stomach bag of the attendant of the evil god, like this, every few minutes, experience the pain of broken body.


Outside the Suiyuan Shop, the trash can was black-handed, and the lid was opened.

He was happily enjoying the sunshine and the fragrance of flame flowers.

Then he suddenly noticed the appearance of his compatriots and became happier.

But before he was happy, he found that his companion had been staying in one place all the time.

It will neither move nor send a signal to him.

So... the state of that companion is the same as him!

Hei Shou sorrow came from it, they are dignified, why are the body parts of the Cthulhu servants planted in this small shop?

Before he was sad enough, Miao Miao came over with a pile of garbage.

Toughly into his body, a large amount of flesh and blood was inserted.

This time, more than 60 monsters were decomposed, and the amount of flesh and blood cubes was very sufficient.

In addition to flesh and blood this time, there were some strange-smelling gums, which made Black Hand disgusting and wanted to die in place.

Black Hand couldn't help wailing.

"The companion nearby, you should have a stomach sack..."

"It's good for us to change positions. I don't want to taste the taste of these things anymore."


After coming out of the illusion, He Shan let out a sigh of relief.

His body was dripping with sweat, and this battle was truly hearty.

He Shan died ten times, and had a close combat addiction.

As for progress...

Basically no.

Well, it turns out that without a good opponent to practice with, you can definitely make rapid progress in a short time.

He died ten times in a row, only to let He Shan understand that he could die in so many ways.

"If you have time, go and study with Bao Lili, relying on your own recklessness, progress is still too slow."

"The fighting skills created by so many generations cannot be surpassed by brainless fighting."

After a short He Shan took out his mobile phone and sent a group message.

Meet at the entrance of Neihai Park at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning

This information was released by him to the members of the promotion team.

Each team member is a first-order ultimate sorcerer. They want to gain further strength by challenging their own limits and fighting against the monsters of the same level.

And He Shan is the leader of the promotion team this time!

Then He Shan opened the door of Suiyuan Shop, the sun shone in from outside, and He Shan smiled.

"Suiyuan Shop, it's open again!"

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