Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 297: I have a lot of time

The Biotransformation Apparatus is a special trick.

The target of its transformation is the corpse of the creature, and the corpse wine is brewed from the corpse, so it can also be transformed by the biotransformer.

The transformation of the Biotransformer cannot be interrupted.

So without interruption, if the raw materials have changed, will the finished products also change.

Lion Lai Eelni, who was pursuing He Shan, suddenly stopped.

"What did you add to it?"

He Shan didn't answer, but continued to keep a distance to avoid being chased by the lion Lai Mani.

Lion Lionel suddenly laughed wildly: "This thing is really wonderful!"

On his body, black power emerged, rushing towards He Shan like a cannonball out of the chamber.

He Shan hurriedly flew out two long swords, but together with the two long swords, he was punched and flew out by the lion Lai Manni.

"It hurts... the rib should have been broken."

He Shan took a deep breath, immediately adjusted his state and faced the lion Lai Eelni again.

The corpse wine itself has huge energy, so after inhaling the corpse wine, it is normal that the lion lion eel will be stronger than before.

But at the same time, corpse wine is also poisonous!

Lionel Eelny didn't notice it himself, part of his skin began to turn pale, and corpse-like markings appeared on his face.

The originally powerful force quickly faded.

After a while, Lionel Eelny was already unable to move. Most of his body became gray-black, and the gray-black areas were dead flesh like a corpse.

Seeing the appearance of Lion Lai Mani, He Shan was delighted, but also a little sad.

Although the corpse wine has huge energy, its side effects are equally chilling.

Now he only distributes corpse wine in a small amount, and he is cautious about each distribution, so corpse wine will not cause any problems, and it will also be helpful to the concubine.

But after a large number of sales in the future, there will be cerebral palsy incorrect use of corpse wine.

When the time comes, he, the seller of corpse wine, will he spread some responsibilities?

He sells corpse wine in his own name, not a random shop, he must care about the opinions of others.

"The soldiers will cover the water, maybe before selling, I can find a way to solve this problem."

After He Shan made sure that he was safe, he walked slowly to the pile of corpses and used the spare decomposition chamber to collect the corpses.

After losing the energy supplied by the corpse, the Biotransformer fell to the ground.

Before He Shan walked to the Biotransformation Apparatus, he wanted to study how this thing works.

But suddenly, several thin tubes appeared, trying to pierce He Shan's skin.

Under the power of the walking boots, He Shan twisted his body a few times and escaped these tubes.

But the scene just now made He Shan a little frightened. In fact, he had been prepared for an attack by this thing a long time ago, but the prepared energy shield was pierced by the emerging tube almost in the blink of an eye.

After a wave of attacks, the Biotransformer turned into a metal sphere again, and it looked calm and peaceful, as if he didn't do the attack just now.

He Shan only felt hysterical malice on this sphere.

If the monster can still control this strange machine to some extent.

So when humans face this machine, they will only attack indiscriminately.

This is a trick!

He Shan approached several times again, testing out the attack range of this thing.

Then he took out a small Mazza outside the attack range, and placed a box of munitions next to the small Mazza.

He looked at the biotransformation instrument and smiled: "Although you are a trick, I can't move you temporarily, but you won't have unlimited energy. I have eleven hours left. You absolutely can't consume me."

Normally, after the Anomaly Management Bureau encounters the artifact, it will either adopt special means to contain it or destroy it.

It is very rare for people like He Shan to hold a large amount of ammunition and plan to bombard the deceit all the time.


Le Qingyi, dressed in white, walked on the moist grass.

Under the shining of the sun, her white porcelain skin seemed to glow.

At her feet, there were a few mutilated bodies, all of which were monsters who wanted to attack her.

In the face of these monsters, Le Qingyi didn't need to take any action, and the floating Lingjing could solve it by himself.

But she has a doubt, why do most of the monsters in this overlapping area have bad legs and feet?

This question made her puzzled.

She collected these corpses into the space equipment, and prepared to go back and take them to He Shan.

Then she continued to move forward, her goal was very clear, which was a powerful monster.

Powerful enough to let her get rid of the auxiliary positioning, and at the critical moment can play the combat ability of the main combat personnel.

Generally, a sorcerer with her abilities will rely heavily on the protection of other sorcerers.

But Le Qingyi didn't want that, she didn't need anyone's protection.

Walking to the entrance of Lion Man Village, Le Qingyi found that there were not too many monsters here, and there was a burning building here.

A green-haired lion, carrying a suitcase, stands in front of the building, wiping tears in the flames.

"No, my country is gone!"

"I can't do my favorite education business anymore!"

"Hey, the demon student doesn't want to die since ancient times, so he can save his body for a long journey!"

Xipi Shi has already packed his things. He has a hidden cellar in Inner Sea Park, where he stores a lot of food, and he is going to hide in the cellar.

In the cellar, he can live for at least a year and a half.

Now in Neihai Park, no one respects him as a teacher. If he continues to stay here, he will be quickly killed by other monsters.

As soon as Xipishi turned around, he saw Le Qingyi standing behind her.

"Human, female, white and tender, delicious!"

He is in the cellar, with a lot of food, but how can fresh humans taste good?

So he did not hesitate to launch an attack on Le Qingyi.

In order to save time, he immediately used his abilities, and a huge watermelon rind appeared.

Le Qingyi's face changed immediately, not because she couldn't beat the Xipi Lion, but because she didn't want to get the ability of the Xipi She shuddered when she thought of her staring at a watermelon rind. .

After a while, Xipi Lion's eyes squatted on the ground, pretending to be a gold star.

Le Qingyi wiped her forehead a little, she was not a combat schemer after all, and it was a bit difficult to deal with monsters like Xipishi.

But she won in the end, and she won beautifully.

After the albinism virus was strengthened, her body had surpassed the average person, even compared to the current He Shan.

Coupled with the precise marksmanship, the assistance of the floating diamond mirror, and the attack of the snake whip, it is easy to defeat a monster like the Xipi Lion.

However, winning the Xipi Lion did not make Le Qingyi much pleased, because there was a strange-looking eel monster who was more than two meters tall and was approaching her.

She has heard He Shan's introduction, this is one of the top first-order monsters here.

Otter Eel!

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