Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 300: Long Tao is not a dragon


Yuan Run crashed into a house and looked very embarrassed.

In his chubby body, what was actually loaded was not fat but air.

That's why he was able to float on the water so easily at that time.

Moreover, there are several hidden air jets on his body, which can be used to inhale air to obtain propulsion.

The second ability is the air cannon, which can send out impact air masses through the hands, the power of the air masses is enough to break ordinary little monsters to pieces.

But even if he had two such powerful abilities, he was still losing ground in front of his opponents. If it weren't for the special air-filled body with extremely high anti-strike ability, he would now be dead.

A monster with a strange mask and a strange posture.

Masked Lion!

The mask on his face is made of stone with scary markings.

The whole person has a weird oppressive power. Among all the first-order monsters here, his hard power is basically the strongest.

Yuan Run stood up from the gravel and sighed.

"It seems that I have reached the limit, so I won't hold on to it."

"In case Zhenyi accidentally defeated him, I would have some trouble. Endless loop is the best ability for me."

He took out the endless circulating pronucleus, swallowed it into his mouth, and his body began to shine.

Although the masked lion is the strongest among the first-order monsters, Yuan Run is now a second-order sorcerer!

"Knife, one, easy."

Shi Limu fell to the ground with a grudge.

"Knife, two, easy."

Among the slimes, the strongest lion lime fell to the ground.

"Knives, three, lift the weight lightly."

Lime, who was good at manipulating corpses, had his neck all broken and the corpse fell to the ground.

Long Tao hummed a song, jumped lightly, and reaped the strange life with ease.

Those first-order monsters that were killed often had no lower hard power than Long Tao, but they died in Long Tao's hands without knowing it.

"I am an assassin, I have no feelings."

One of Long Tao's abilities is to reduce his sense of existence. It is difficult for the monster to discover his existence before he takes action, even if Long Tao is standing in front of the monster.

It is precisely because of this ability that He Shancai has not paid much attention to Long Tao.

His other ability is a fatal jab.

This move is just a simple jab forward, but this knife will try to aim at the opponent's vitals, and its power is equivalent to He Shan's sly copper coin flying sword at the same time.

In the face of opponents of the same level, as long as the opponent is not prepared, he can even achieve the effect of one hit kills.

"Knives, four, um...this one smells a bit."

Shi Lem fell down with hatred, this ‘powerful’ monster, even in the face of He Shan, had more than 50% chance of escape, but he was still stabbed to death by the dragon.

At this point in Inner Sea Park, the strongest rogue gang in the first-order monsters, the five-color slime team, only the King Slime is still alive.

"Oh, I want to be promoted. How can these monsters be so weak?"

Like Le Qingyi, he didn't carry the pronucleus on his body, so he conscientiously hunted the monsters, but because he won too easily, the four hunts did not have any effect.

So he focused on the strongest person in the slime clan.

King Slime!

King Slime is a blue slime with muscles, with a small crown on his head.

As usual, Long Tao approached the King Slime from behind, wanting to activate the deadly stab ability.

But as soon as his knife was pierced, King Slime turned into a blue bubble and disappeared in front of Long Tao. Two or three seconds later, the muscular slime man appeared behind Long Tao and punched him. Hit it down.


With a big split, Long Tao was seventy or eighty centimeters short on the spot, avoiding King Slime's fist.

Then he rolled around on a donkey, and ran to ten meters away, clutching his crotch, looking at King Slime in horror inexplicably.

"Why can you find me?"

King Slime wiped his nose: "You smell like shit, how could I not find you."

It turned out that when Long Tao killed Shit Lyme, his sleeves were stained with the body odor of Shit Lyme.

Under the action of this strong smell, he lost the ability to reduce his presence, so he was discovered by King Slime.

And through the battle with King Slime just now, he discovered that King Slime should have the ability to move instantaneously, otherwise he would not be able to reach behind him silently.

Long Tao licked his lips, this ability was quite in line with his wishes.

He still felt a little boring for those too simple battles before, and now this opponent is just right!


Da Da Da Da...

Play~Boom Rumble

He Shan carried the rocket launcher and fired a shot at the Biotransformer.

The Biotransformer was still standing still, but He Shan was not discouraged. He took out a light machine gun from the spare decomposition chamber and fired at the Biotransformer.

After he was promoted to the second level, his authority on the anomaly administration was also increased, and he could purchase some relatively strong thermal weapons.

So now he has a lot of powerful things in his hands.

And now He Shan is not bad for money. After Suiyuan Xiaopu is on the right track, he can deposit large sums of cash every day, and he can still pay for the mere ammunition.

After such a long time of indiscriminate bombing, He Shan could be considered to have figured out part of the biotransformation instrument's ability.

This guy can form a special protective film outside the body, and as long as this protective film is not broken, external attacks cannot harm him.

But this kind of energy protection always has a bottom line, and how long can it last?

Le Qingyi clutched his arms and walked to the center of Inner Sea Park, his face changed when he heard the gunshots.

Could it be that He Shan hasn't defeated the monster here yet?

It just so happened that she had already advanced to Tier 2, although she was seriously injured now, but she could also help He Shan in the battle.

But when she walked to He Shan's side, UU reading www. was seeing He Shan holding a light machine gun and firing at the lion Lai Ni.

Lionel Eelni, tied to a stone tablet, was convulsed by countless bullets.

Her expression was bad immediately, especially when He Shan opened fire, it made her feel like He Shan is a perverted murderer.

After emptying a magazine, He Shan took the time to say hello to Le Qingyi: "Looking at your appearance, you should be promoted. Congratulations!"

Congratulations, I changed into a large-caliber machine gun with a very excited expression.

In this gun, there is an armor-piercing blasting incendiary bomb!

Then He Shan fired on the Biotransformer again.

After watching it for a while, Le Qingyi chuckled and sat beside He Shan. The floating diamond mirror floated in the air, and began to shoot one after another at the Biotransformer.

Although she didn't know what He Shan was doing, she was right to help He Shan in this way.

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