Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 302: The peace that is about to end

My name is Zhou Tiezhu, and it's almost sixty.

There are still two little babies to take care of. Their parents died three years ago.

The community took care of me and found us a job as a security guard.

I work day shift and will be replaced by another guy in the evening.

However, relying only on the income of being a security guard, it is still a bit difficult to feed the two children, so I occasionally charge some people to come to the sea.

This beach is close to the overlapping area, and normal people can't get in, so the harvest is much more than the outside beach. Those people are willing to come with money.

But now, this business is all over.

Nearly seven hours ago, several sorcerers entered this overlapping area.

I know, this is called exploration.

If they succeed, this overlapping area will disappear.

But I don’t want them to succeed. Once this overlapping area disappears, where can I find such a good business?


The color of the overlapping area faded, and the strange feeling it gave people disappeared, which means that the tricksters succeeded.

"Why do you want to succeed, all fail and die in it, isn't it good?"

"It's all because of you. I lost my job and can't continue to earn fees. I still have grandchildren to support. It's all because of you!"

The old security guard's eyes were red, and black hairs grew from his skin.

Then his hand stretched out to the rocket launcher placed aside.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm here to change shifts. You should go back and rest early." A young man with a big mouth came over with a small bag grinning. He was the night security guard in this overlapping area.

The old security guard didn't turn his head, but said in a low voice: "Xiao Zhang, listen to my uncle's advice, this work is too deep, you can't grasp it, go home today."

Security guard Xiao Zhang scratched his head questioningly, what is this old Zhou head going crazy?

Zhou Tiezhu slowly turned his head, revealing an inhuman face.


Several people, He Shan, rushed to the exit of the overlapping area talking and laughing.

In the Inner Sea Park, there are still many hidden monsters, but because the domain owner has been killed, the value of these monsters has become less valuable than before.

When he reached the door, Long Tao suddenly stopped everyone.

As a killer's instinct tells him that something is wrong here.

He Shan didn't ask him the reason, but turned on the spiritual vision ability to look around.

In a shelter outside the exit, He Shan found the shadow of a life. The life looked like a person, but it seemed to be mixed with some strange things.


A rocket fired from the shelter and flew towards the five people of He Shan.

Le Qingyi stretched out his hand to the front, the floating diamond mirror turned into a shield, blocking in front of the five people.

But Shan Shenwang stretched his hands forward, and the energy of yellow and white protected all five of them.

Before the rocket hit the shield, it exploded in an instant with a roar, and the aftermath of the explosion was blocked by the yellow and white energy, and no trace of it fell on everyone.

When the nine-tailed Corgi was about to take shape, she dissipated it with a deep look, and didn't let everyone see the complete appearance of his abilities.

After the explosion, He Shan rushed towards the hiding figure with a little toe.

The figure fired several shots, trying to stop He Shan's steps, but He Shan moved strangely to dodge all the bullets.

Before reaching the bunker, He Shan stretched out his hand, and a black spiked vine whip stretched out, grabbing a creature with weird hair from the back of the bunker.

The creature flared its teeth and claws, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of the shadow chain claws.

"Look at the clothes on his body, he should be the security guard when we enter the overlapping area. He was still good before, but how come he has become like this now?"

Le Qingyi frowned and said, "He has become a monster? Shouldn't it, this is outside the overlapping area."

"There is still a corpse here, which should have been killed by this guy." Shan Shenwang found the body of security guard Xiao Zhang, his chest being torn apart.

"This... is a bit interesting."

He Shan took out the phone and contacted the Anomaly Administration.

On the phone, he briefly described the situation, and then hung up.

"We will wait here for a while, and the people from the Anomaly Management Bureau will come over."

He Shan knew a few things better than a normal sorcerer, so he knew better how dangerous Zhou Tiezhu was **** by him.

This means that outside the overlapping area, it is no longer safe.

Of course, it is not very safe outside the overlapping area.

Stupid things, strangers, crazy sorcerers, the old sect of the gods hiding in the dark...

But the number of these things is not much after all, and if the power of the overlapping area can affect ordinary people outside... then things like Zhou Tiezhu will likely appear in large numbers in the future.

Maybe the already small living space of human beings will be further compressed.

What this monster represents is far more annoying for He Shan than he himself.

After waiting for about half an hour, a row of abnormal management vehicles arrived. Yuan Ying dressed in black jumped out of the car, looking gloomy.

"Well, it's you again?" Yuan Ying looked at He Shan strangely.

He Shan opened his hand: "I just led the promotion team normally. I don't know why I faced such a situation."

Yuan Ying looked at Le Qingyi's people: "A few of them, have they all successfully advanced."

He Shan froze for a moment: "How do you know?"

"According to our investigation, when the pollution in the overlapping area begins to spread to the periphery, the gap between the overlapping area and the sorcerer will decrease..."

"That is to say, in this kind of overlapping area, it is easier for the sorcerer to improve his strength, and it is easier to advance."

"Don't you find out what's wrong by yourself?"

He Shan closed his eyes and inspected the state of his pronucleus.

It was found that all the things resembling a ‘progress bar’ outside the edges of the three rings had all moved forward.

Normally, such a three-level overlapping area should not have such a significant improvement effect on the second-order sorcerer.

After thinking about it for a while, He Shan suddenly widened his eyes: "Wait, you said that according to your investigation...that is to say, this phenomenon has not happened for the first time?"

Yuan Ying nodded: "It started to appear a few months ago, but it has become more and more frequent recently."

"Bring this monster to us, you guys go to the white car, perform an overall disinfection and inspection, and then you can leave from here."

Regarding Zhou Tiezhu's turning into a monster, the Anomaly Management Bureau does not yet know the reason, so anyone who has been in contact with the monster must take further action.

Looking at Zhou Tiezhu, who was still struggling, Yuan Ying's face was sad.

"I don't know how long this calm will last."

The number of aliens has increased, the boundaries of overlapping areas have become blurred, and the activities of hidden sects have become frequent. This all indicates that the stable pattern of Central Continent will face new changes.

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