Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 311: Indiscriminate killing

Although the strength of these monsters is not strong, the psychological pressure on people is ridiculously great.

   The crickets that can be picked up and played casually, when they grow to the size of large dogs, they don’t look cute at all. On the contrary, they are terrifying.

   These guys can jump several meters in one jump, the exoskeleton spikes on their legs can firmly grasp the human body, and the complex mouthparts can tear off a large piece of meat in one bite.

   But it usually looks very weird. When zoomed in to more than two meters long and more than half a meter high, just the densely packed long legs can make the person who saw this scene die in place.

   As for worms, not to mention, this thing is the weakest, but it is the most disgusting.

   Creatures without legs, and creatures with a lot of legs, are more likely to cause human fear.

   Following Ai Sina's move, the other gimmicks also started.

   Li Fan took out his pocket watch and shook it against these monsters, humming a song while shaking his mouth.

   Seeing a cricket, it was about to bite Li Fan's throat, its movements suddenly stopped, and instead it bite with its surrounding companions.

   There was chaos around Li Fan, and Li Fan himself disappeared without a trace.

  His stealth ability is not the kind of optical invisibility of Zhao Lie, it is much higher in level, even if he dances hula in front of these bugs, these bugs will not be found.

   Next to Yan Jiayu, there are countless flame petals floating around. Whenever the flame petals touch a bug, they will immediately burn.

  The power of the flame petals is not enough, and the speed is not fast, but Yan Jiayu's other ability can bless the flame petals and make them become more powerful.

   In addition, he was holding a small pistol and shot the surroundings from time to time.

   These very strong vitality bugs, ordinary people, even with a submachine gun, may not be able to kill one, but Yan Jiayu must kill one bug with every shot.

  The ability to analyze eyes allows him to see where these bugs are the weakest.

   He Shan flicked his fingers, and the sharp sword flew out. Under the infusion of treacherous energy, three insects were cut neatly after a sword flew over.

   Wei Daoxian, with sword fingers in his hands, opened his mouth, and a brilliance flew out of his mouth, turning into a simple long sword.

   The simple and simple long sword flew cleverly, and a series of six or seven monsters returned to Wei Daoxian's side, without any blood on it.

   After finishing all this, Wei Daoxian looked at He Shan, his chin slightly lifted.

   Flying sword is his most proud ability, so when he saw He Shan also use flying sword, he couldn't help but want to compare with He Shan.

   Of course he didn't mean anything, he just wanted to find a sense of superiority.

   He Shan scratched his hair, and the other seven leaves beside him flew out at the same time, turning into eight different long swords.

   Then He Shan had eight long swords spinning around him and walked directly into the insect swarm. The eight long swords faced these weak insects, it was a scene of random killing.

   He Shan was surrounded by body debris everywhere, but there was no blood, and it fell on He Shan.

   Wei Daoxian looked at He Shan's eight long swords, and then at his lonely one, and suddenly felt a sense of loss.

   "If I had eight long swords...that would be great."

   In fact, He Shan also envied Wei Daoxian. Although he only had one long sword, the power of that flying sword alone was actually stronger than any of He Shan.

   In the face of some powerful opponents, it may have a miraculous effect.

   But this does not hinder, He Shan is cutting the grass, and Wei Daoxian can only kill one by one.

   After playing for a while, He Shan felt that it was not very enjoyable.

   So activated the wicked copper coin ability hidden in the long sword, and a green light appeared on his body, which provided energy to the different wicked swords to the maximum.

   The action of the long sword suddenly changed, the power suddenly increased, and the scene became extremely **** and violent.

   The few monsters who broke through the sword net and approached He Shan were beheaded by He Shan.

   Under the consumption of He Shan's massive amount of tricky copper coins and trickery energy, his killing efficiency alone gradually overwhelmed all of the other four!

   Yan Jiayu put down the gun in his hand and watched He Shan open his mouth slightly.

   The last time he saw He Shan, He Shan was just a little monster who hadn't reached the first-order limit. Has he become so fierce this time?

  Li Fan retired from his invisibility, watching He Shan muttering:

   "This buddy, in order not to let us make money, we are too hard."

   This kind of killing efficiency, other people can barely use it after their old lives, but it can't be as easy as He Shan.

   Wei Daoxian put away his flying sword and smiled slightly.

   When He Shan first took out the eight flying swords, he still had the desire to win. Now that he saw this scene, he didn't want to compare with He Shan at all.

   Before, he was worried that He Shan was not active in the exploration mission in order to do business. Now it seems that He Shan is the strongest one in the exploration mission.

   The number of worms and monsters was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Asina's mood also recovered a little.

   She looked at the sight of flesh and blood flying beside He Shan, her mouth stiffened.

   "You should remember, he said that this is the first four-level overlapping area he explored!"

   The four people were silent at the same time. When they first explored the fourth-level overlapping area, how could they do that?

   Wei Daoxian smiled freely: "Maybe this is a genius."

   "Among the first group of sorcerers three years ago, the same exploration, the same desperateness, some are already crowned powerhouses, some are inferior to you and me."

   "The gap between people and people is sometimes bigger than people and pigs."

   "Like the desperate angel who has recently risen to fame in Lianhai City, isn't it also a genius of trickery like He Shan in front of you?"

   In fact, He Shan's operation seems exaggerated, but in fact, when he faces the boss, he can display this kind of strength.

   And the reason why he wastes energy so much is to improve his abilities as soon as possible.

   When he came out of Inner Sea Park, his heart was inexplicably urgent, always feeling that something was about to happen.

   When the population of insects is less than half, all the insects will recede like a tide.

   If you continue to face head-on with these magicians, they will eventually be wiped out.

   He Shan finally stopped, and a faint blue smoke appeared on the eight long swords. This was the high load caused by the high-intensity operation. If it were an ordinary long sword, it would have already collapsed.

   But the harvest is gratifying, He Shan can feel that every one of his abilities has made a lot of progress.

   He looked at the four of them with surprised eyes, and smiled at them.

   "Then now, we should talk about business."

   Everyone briefly distinguished the corpses on the ground. He Shan killed most of the bugs, and He Shan put the relatively complete bug corpses into the spare decomposition warehouse.

  The remaining corpses all went into the belly of the corpse bottle.

   And the corpses of bugs contributed by others are relatively less, and the monsters who lack arms and legs, He Shan also bought less money.

   The four killed a total of about 80 insects and monsters, but the complete body of monsters was only about forty.

   He Shan distributed five bottles of spiritual fluid or corpse poison to everyone, and put all the corpses away.

  As for this distribution method, everyone has no objection. Although the monsters killed by Asina are all broken, the monsters killed by Li Fan are all intact, and the two are lovers.

   Just in this wave of battles, He Shan has harvested at least one hundred complete monsters and a large number of corpses that can be used to make corpse wine.

  Although these corpses are mostly zero-order or first-order monsters.

   But after decomposing all these corpses, Suiyuan Shop can burst into another wave.

   With the spirit liquid or corpse poison given by He Shan, the eyes of the four of them became more pleasing to the eyes of He Shan, both powerful and beneficial to everyone. Who doesn't like such a schemist.

   "It’s dry rice, it’s dry rice!"

   "A person who does a meal, a soul of a meal, a large iron basin is used for the meal."

   "Are you ready for today's nuclear rice? The king wants to drink three cups of uranium tea!"

   "The old man caught a big fish with four legs and made a tritium fillet for the king..."

   Towards the sea, a large group of people walked towards the center town.

   The group headed by this group is a three-meter Yingzhou warrior, wearing a red kimono with a bandage on his skin, and his left eye is blocked by hair.

   Other people's clothes are colorful, but most of them have the same characteristic, that is, one eye is blind.

   Judging from the slight green light through their skin and the samurai sword on their waist, their shared ability should be the green fluorescent power and the special sword drawing technique.

   But this also means that among the seventy or eighty first-order monsters, the one with the lowest strength is all first-order monsters!

   In addition, some of them carry fish and some carry bugs. It can be seen that the bugs He Shan and the others have fought before are just food for these warriors.

   "If you don't need eyes, you can actually donate to people in need..."

   He Shan complained and hid in the dark with Yan Jiayu.

   These warriors are strange, each one is an elite, and it is no good to head-to-head with these guys.

  The monsters returned to their old nest and saw a messy camp of wanderers, and they immediately became angry.

   "Who is it! Who is it!"

   The tall red samurai knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

   "Ah, Ben Trisang, I can't drink your uranium tea anymore. Who did such a cruel thing?"

   A green warrior, after investigating the traces of the scene, said to the red warrior: "Majesty, the worms have been here, but the worms have suffered heavy losses. Humans should have invaded them."

   Another samurai in yellow clothes lay down on the ground, and his ears began to alienate and expand.

   A sound that was so small that normal people could not perceive it reached the ears of the yellow warrior through the ground. The yellow warrior stood up and said, pointing in the direction where He Shan and others were hiding.

   "Majesty, those humans, hide there!"

   He Shan and others suddenly fell into an ice cave.

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