Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 313: Bugs in the eye sockets

He took a deep breath, and the flying sword flew out of his mouth, and then he spit out a raging fire on the flying sword, and the flying sword directly turned into a majestic fire dragon.

The power of this fire dragon was not inferior to He Shan, who had slaughtered the Quartet before, and gave the surrounding monsters tremendous oppression.

In the realm of the second-order sorcerer, they have some special abilities, and their strength exceeds the average monsters of the same level.

"You can't keep the newcomers in the limelight, let me be the best!"

He pointed his hand at the green samurai, and the fire dragon flew towards the green samurai.

"Sword Style: Scarlet Flame Dragon"

The green samurai narrowed his eyes, and when the katana was swung, a stream of water was brought up around him, and a water dragon composed of water was wrapped around him.

He is the left and right hand of the red warrior, not an ordinary monster.

But at this moment, Wei Daoxian stretched out his index finger to the green samurai, and said: "Set!"

A golden light shot out, shining towards the green samurai.

The green warrior snorted coldly, and the water dragon beside him blocked the golden light, and the golden light disappeared instantly.

Just when he wanted to use the same method to block the fire dragon, he found that his water dragon couldn't move!

He could only look at the fire dragon, passing through his chest, and roasting his chest directly.

Wei Daoxian wiped his sweat, his third ability was this weird fixation technique.

Compared with Xiaopjie's hold and blow kiss, hold technique is faster and more effective, but the consumption is ridiculously high. Only this time, Wei Daoxian consumes a lot.

But all this is worth it. The backbone of the samurai is killed and their tactics become messy.

As for the tricksters, they used their strength to fight.

Yan Jiayu's eyes flashed silver, and he had already activated the third stage of eye analysis.

The first stage is to see the weakness, the second stage is to have no perspective vision, and the third stage is to see the route of the attack in advance!

Holding a pistol in each hand, he shuttled among the monsters, no matter where the attack came from, he could easily escape.

And every time he shoots, he hits the weakness of the monster, and the action is gorgeous like a character in the movie.

The lethality of the pistol is not enough to kill these monsters, but his second ability is to accelerate, which can make the speed of bullets faster!

Coupled with the compensation of the flame petals, Yan Jiayu became a terrible killing machine.

Li Fan is sometimes invisible and sometimes visible, and every time he appears, there must be some monsters and be instigated by him.

Although there is no big scene in his battle, it feels creepy.

Aisina tried her best to mobilize thought power, and almost no warrior demon abilities approached him...

Among all the warrior monsters, there are only six or seven second-order monsters, with a third special ability, so they have become the focus of the magicians.

After killing all these second-order monsters, the remaining first-order monsters are not to be feared.

After the battle was over, the land was filled with the corpses of the warriors and the samurai swords that were bent or broken on the ground.

Except for He Shan, the other four people were all wounded and gasping for breath.

It is a huge burden for them to explode with all their strength.

But He Shan is relaxed, and can even run two laps energeticly. The energy core ability and the tricky copper coin ability give He Shan a strong battery life. It can be said that He Shan can display a huge combat power as long as he has money.

Before He Shan was poor, he didn't have many tricky copper coins in his hand, so he fought with fear.

And now he holds more than 800 sly copper coins in his hand, and wants to exercise his second ability, and his strength is also quite terrifying.

He Shan took a break and was about to say something, when he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

All the corpses of the warriors and monsters were all in concealed chaos, which made the five people nervous together.

"It's these guys who are not dead yet?"

A rustling voice came from the corpse, which made everyone's scalp numb.

He Shan vigilantly controlled the hard-edged sword and flew over, pushing a corpse away, only to find a bug in the corpse's eye socket!

This worm is very similar to the one on this tritium crane for the first time, and it is now burrowing underground.

But when He Shan discovered it, the bug suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye it got below the ground.

The other corpses also twitched, and all the insects were transferred.

He Shan frowned and looked at the ground. He slammed a sword on the ground, and a hole appeared in front of him. Below this was the sewer. Those bugs did not know where they had moved through the sewer.

He shook his head and sighed: "Although I don't know what the bug is, but our second distribution of spoils has begun!"

A total of seventy-four monsters came to chase them.

Among them, there are eight second-order monsters and sixty-six first-order monsters.

However, the battle was fierce, and no one had the ability to keep all these monster corpses.

Therefore, in the final complete body, there are only forty first-order warriors and five second-order warriors.

The remaining corpses of the indistinguishable monsters were all put into the corpse flask by He Shan.

In fact, now that they have the ability to decompose in batches, these corpses can also be decomposed into items, but He Shan is unwilling to do this.

One is because he needs the corpse to brew spiritual liquid and corpse The second is because the spare decomposition chamber does not have the ability to pick up corpses in a large area.

If he wants these corpses, he has to collect the corpses little by little, which will not only delay time but also make others suspect.

This time the number of other people killed and wounded was not low, so He Shan paid a lot of spiritual fluid and corpse poison.

After allocating the ownership of the spoils, everyone looked at the center of the shipyard.

There is only one monster left there!


Heyuezhen is the name of a swordsman in red.

Before he became like this, he was the heir of a swordsmanship dojo in Yingzhou. The genre of swordsmanship he learned was called Fudiliu.

That is, the genre lying on the ground, the lower you lie, the stronger the attack.

It is precisely because of the real existence of Nuclear Moon that this overlapping area has this special rule.

After dispatching all his subordinates to chase outsiders, Heyue really sat on the ground, leisurely tasting uranium tea.

Ben Tritium Crane is no longer there. If you don’t hurry to enjoy these teas, you won’t have to drink them in the future.

As for whether there will be any problems with his subordinates, that is not in the scope of his consideration.

Dozens of Yingzhou warriors faced five sorcerers.

How to lose?

However, just as he was drinking happily, he saw five sorcerers walking towards him side by side.

All of these five people had some injuries on their bodies, but none of these injuries were serious, and his subordinates were nowhere to be seen.

This caused a trace of anxiety in Heyue's heart. Could it be that the samurai under him were really all ruined in the hands of these guys?

He Shan looked at the red warrior Heyue with excitement, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

When the third-order holy emblem demon is decomposed, what will appear again.

He is looking forward to it!

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