Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 323: Can't protect anything

Maybe it was because of the big movement just now, and a few weird things got out of a few windows nearby.

   These things look so weird that they can’t be described simply.

   But He Shan knows that they are monsters formed by ‘abstract paintings’.

   "One, two, three, four, five... five in total!"

   A cold light flashed in He Shan's eyes, twisting the right handle of the motorcycle, and Che Guevara flew over with a flash of light.

   Five green leaves flew out and turned into long swords in mid-air, passing through the bodies of these five monsters with unbearable power.

   Then He Shan circled around here, and before the bodies of the five monsters fell downstairs, they put their bodies in the spare decomposition warehouse.

   Then He Shan looked at the little boy: "Retract your head, then hide in another room, and it will be deadly to probe your head indiscriminately."

   " did a good job!"

   He Shan rode away on a motorcycle after finishing talking.

   The boy was stunned for a moment, then retracted into the room and hid in a cabinet in the living room with his sister.

   This kind of destroyed house is relatively safer, and the monsters will take the lead in attacking those places where there are obviously living people.

   After hiding with his sister, the boy's heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

   He Shan riding a motorcycle, easily slaying the monsters among the buildings, was deeply engraved in his mind, even the blackened wall was struck by lightning, he looked very handsome.

   "The magician...that's the magician!"

   "I must become a trickster, otherwise..."

   "In this world, ordinary people can't protect anything!"


   After hearing the broadcast, all the tricksters received a piece of information from the Anomaly Administration.

   Confirmed the disappearance of the boundary of the overlapping area.

   But the boundary disappears, not all disappear suddenly, but gradually.

The    boundary disappeared first, the lowest level overlap area, and now it has reached the fourth level overlap area.

   During this period of time, because of Suiyuan's shop, Lianhai City's magicians have improved in strength, so they can resist it for the time being.

   But as the boundaries of the more advanced overlapping areas disappear, sooner or later the conspirators will be unable to hold it.

   Because in the final analysis, the overall strength of the monsters is much stronger than that of the magicians.

   It's just that they are all bound in the overlapping area, so that human beings have the ability to breathe. Once those restraints are lifted, the demise of mankind is just a matter of time.

   So He Shan and the others didn't run around, but planned to get rid of the monsters here first.

   Each of them has something to do, but not killing all the monsters that run out of the endless corridor is tantamount to letting ordinary people in this area be slaughtered by the monsters.

   This is a decision that every trickster cannot make.

   Every sorcerer who dared to step into the overlapping area to explore is enlightened, and most people are not the soft guys who can shrink back before the war.

   Guevara’s mobility capability allows He Shan to reach the residential buildings quickly.

   All the monsters in the high-rise buildings are solved by He Shan.

   Every time he finds a strange atmosphere on a floor, He Shan will ride a motorcycle directly over it, and solve the strangeness in mid-air.

Most of the monsters near    escaped from the endless corridor, and their strength is generally not strong.

  The ability to paint strangely and strangely is mostly related to painting. It is naturally very dangerous in a place like a museum where there are paintings everywhere.

   But in the outside world, their actions are not so comfortable.

   He Shanlai is responsible for the upstairs, and Bao Lili is responsible for the downstairs.

   Xiaopjie can also fly to a certain extent, so it is more convenient for him to solve the monsters on the lower floors.

   Bao Lili kept attacking the monsters on the road.

  The monsters walking on the road are mostly boarded in the advertisements of the bus station, or simply sculptures that can move.

   Bao Lili turned on Master Huang's mode, and the action was incredible, just like a bouncy ball, moving quickly everywhere, and she was killed when she found the monster.

   while Le Qingyi leaned back a little, she was helping ordinary people who were injured.

   With her healing ability, the fatally wounded can be left alive, and the severely wounded can be turned into a light wound, which greatly increases the chance of survival for those people.

   But this also made Le Qing look the weakest among the four.

   So there are other monsters, and they look at Le Qingyi.

   This is a knight sculpture, more than two meters tall, and his body is all black metal. Holding a long sword and a shield in his hand, he walks in the direction of Le Qingyi step by step.

   Its level is second-order, and its ability does not depend on the painting, and its strength can be perfectly displayed.

   He Shan discovered this scene and wanted to support him in the past, but Le Qingyi shook his head at him.

   "Fighting with monsters, not always, there are teammates to protect me..."

   After healed the leg of the man on the side of the road, she stood up and walked towards the knight.

   The knight let out a muffled grunt, then made a charge posture towards Le Qingyi, and then rushed towards it.

   Le Qingyi shook his head, her body exuding bursts of white light.

   In an instant she has become a white goddess wearing a white robe. Behind the white goddess, there is a rainbow of blue, white, green and red.

   This look shocked Xiaopujie and Pauline who were fighting in the distance.

   Especially Bao Lili, she could not help feeling a little envious when she saw Le Qingyi suddenly becoming so Then she stretched out her hand, and the floating mirror floated to her hand.

   "Floating diamond mirror-sword mode!"

   The floating diamond mirror like a rhombus crystal formed an extremely beautiful long sword in front of her.

   Then Le Qingyi held the long sword in both hands, and used the sword technique learned from Bao Lili to chop and chop towards the metal knight.

   Two giants over two meters tall passed by.

   The metal knight widened his eyes and touched his chest, and then his upper body fell from the body, even if it was a metal body, it was cut off by Le Qingyi with a sword.

   Le Qingyi quickly returned to his normal state. The time to transform into the Snow Goddess every day is limited, and today's battle has just begun.

   Seeing that Le Qingyi easily killed a Tier 2 monster, Xiao Pujie smiled.

   Now he is called an angel of despair, but Le Qingyi can't steal the limelight.

   "Stupid little monsters, in front of me, feel despair!"

   The mammoth coat on his body suddenly floated, revealing the pink swimsuit inside, flying past like an angel, blowing kisses from Xiaopjie’s mouth, attacking the poor monsters.

   Bao Lili and He Shan also continued to kill nearby monsters.

   There are not only the four of them, but there are also many schemists who live here.

   The monster who quickly escaped from the endless corridor was killed.

   He Shan and others raised their heads and looked at the tallest building in this area.

   Hovering there, a tens of meters long, colorful... dragon!

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