Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 333: He Shan's countermeasures

He Shan has no doubt, as long as he nods now, Li Yuansheng is willing to kneel down towards him.

   This greatly changed his attitude towards Li Yuansheng.

   In his impression, Li Yuansheng has always been a relatively timid guy.

   But in the sense of justice, he has never suffered a loss, whether he risked his life at the beginning and entered the Suiyuan Shop many times.

   Still now, willing to give my life in order to quell this disaster.

   Reason is telling Li Yuansheng that Suiyuan Shop is also a product of the sly planet, and he shouldn't want to rely on Suiyuan Shop to resist the disaster from the silly planet.

   But the opening of this shop again and again made him believe that Suiyuan Shop is on the side of humans.

  Perhaps, he now only has to believe that Suiyuan Xiaopu can take the road.

   Now the entire Central Continent is in disaster, and if the problem is solved one minute later, tens of thousands of people may die.

   Seeing Li Yuansheng's performance, He Shan wanted to agree.

   But he still shook his head: "What do I want your life for? I do know the outside matters... but I'm sorry, I can't do anything."

   Hearing this reply, Li Yuansheng's expression suddenly darkened, and his whole body's energy and spirit collapsed a bit.

  If Suiyuan Xiaopu cannot help, then who else can stop this disaster?

   Although he knew that the crowned sorcerers were working hard, he knew that this change would only last for twenty-four hours.

   But the price paid for these twenty-four hours is something that Zhongzhou cannot afford.

   Li Yuansheng turned around and staggered out of the Suiyuan Shop.

   Since there is no help here, he can only kill the monsters as much as possible.

   "You wait a moment."

   He Shan stopped Li Yuansheng.

   "I only said that I can't solve it. I didn't say that I am unwilling to help. Let's talk to me... About this thing, I may not know as much as you."

   Li Yuansheng turned his head in surprise, and he knew that he didn't wrongly believe in Suiyuan Shop!


   Xiaopujie, wearing a pink lady's swimsuit, slowly fell from the sky, and in front of him was a huge monster that could not move.

   "One, two, are dead!"

   As soon as Xiaopujie's voice fell, the monster fell to the ground.

   There is a twisted mask on his face. This is the abnormal mask he bought from He Shan.

   Abnormal behavior can greatly increase his strength, coupled with a series of auxiliary props, makes his strength one of the best among the second-order sorcerers.

   Ordinary people who were rescued by him cheered at him.

   The name of the Angel of Despair has become famous among ordinary people.

   But it didn't take long for Xiaopujie to see three monsters again. Each of these three monsters was stronger than the previous one.

   He sighed: "When will this end?"


  Le Qingyi returned home and escorted her parents to the closed street.

  Fengren Street is the only place she is sure about now, and it's still a safe place.

   After sending all the people, she came to the Anomaly Management Bureau to report on her own. In such a catastrophe, her ability can save many lives.


   The shop being renovated stopped work. Standing in front of the door of'Life and Death', Ran Xue couldn't help but sigh while looking at the still-stable closed street.

When    was recruited by He Shan, she still thought He Shan was very strange.

   It now appears that He Shan is her nobleman. The water is raging outside, but in the area of ​​Fengren Street, it is calm.

   If it hadn't been recruited by accident, she might have been tortured to death by the monster.

  What is the most important thing in this era?




   No, the most important thing here is safety.

   and closed the streets, gave her the most important safety!

  Of course, there are some strange things in the closed streets.

   But these monsters are standing on the edge of the closed street, maintaining a motionless posture.

   The monster who came in with the intent to kill would soon be captured by the ‘safety refuge’, and the consciousness fell into a world that did not exist.

After Ranxue hesitated for a while, she found a machete and carefully walked to the edge of the overlapping area.

   I heard that you have to kill the monster yourself before you can become a schemist.

   And now there are so many monsters that can't move, can she give it a try?

   She walked up to a slender monster and slashed with a knife.

   One, two, three... After cutting seven or eight in a row, she did not become a sorcerer.

   When it cut to the ninth, a monster with a pure white body, a pronucleus was integrated into her body, and she also became a sorcerer!

   If you want to become a schemist, you must kill the monsters yourself, but killing the monsters that are subdued by others will greatly reduce the efficiency, so seven or eight monsters in succession have not made her become a schemist.

   But at the same time becoming a sorcerer is also related to my subjective mentality.

   In her opinion, she risked her life to try to advance, and killing the monster also had a huge psychological stimulation for her, so she could successfully become a schemist when she was the ninth monster.


   He Shan didn't know everything that happened outside.

   In order to let him help, Li Yuansheng has already said everything he knows.

   As the strongest sorcerer in Lianhai City, Li Yuansheng knew much more than He Shan.

   Originally, He Shan thought that Lianhai City was the worst-hit place, after all, that special dark shadow was in Lianhai City.

   But what he didn't expect was that Lianhai City was actually the least affected place. The disaster that swept across the continent has exceeded He Shan's expectations.

   Other details will not be mentioned for the time being, He Shan already knows how to help solve this disaster.

   First of all, although Lianhai City's manpower is already abundant compared to other places, it is actually far from enough. Therefore, it is best to have a lot of viable combat power to help resist disasters.

   The other is all the crown-level sorcerers in the entire Central Continent. Through a peculiar formation, they have connected their powers together to delay the arrival of disaster.

   As long as it can survive twenty-four hours, this catastrophe will naturally pass.

   So He Shan said to Li Yuansheng: "In Lianhai City, I will try my best to help. It can play a role to some extent. Don't worry about this."

   Li Yuansheng breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then He Shan said again: "Regarding the disaster in the entire Middle Continent... If you want me to help, you have to find a way to connect my power with those crowned sorcerers."


   Li Yuansheng hesitated, this is no longer something he can do.

   Although he still believes in anything good, others say nothing.

   For the crowned sorcerers, it is too risky to connect a strange and powerful person who is suspected to be strange and strange to them.

   "If you can connect me with them, then I might be able to help. If you can't do it... I can only help Lianhai City as much as possible."

   "Just say this, you can do other things."

   He Shan issued an eviction order to Li Yuansheng.

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