Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 335: Theme-Worm's Nest

He Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the theme of Chapter 335 of the text volume of the Weird Decomposition Guide-Worm's Nest witnessing Jade leaving.

   Whether it is the crown-level jade or the fifty-one pronucleus, it can help Lianhai City out of the predicament.

   Let the jade go out to donate the pronucleus, although it was borrowed, and also let the jade take measures for the other party's debt, but in fact, He Shan is still at a loss.

   After all, no one can guarantee how many of these 51 schemists will survive to collect ten scheming copper coins.

   In addition, if someone wants to fall back on the bill, then it will be a hassle.

   But after all, it was to save people as much as possible, so He Shan didn't care about these things too much.

   Then He Shan looked at the door: "Miao Miao!"

   Miao Miao, who was watching the door, suddenly stood up.

   He Shan couldn't help but smile: "Don't panic, I didn't think I saw it before, so I won't bother you, I just ask you to do something for me."

   "Guaranteed to complete the task!" Miao Miao breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up straight and saluted He Shan.

   He Shan threw a ring in the past. This was a space item seized from the lion's body.

   "Now there should be a lot of immortal monsters around Suiyuan Xiaopu. Go find the ordinary people who live here and let them kill these monsters."

   "After they start, we will collect these corpses."

   After listening to He Shan's request, Miao Miao set out to perform the task.

   Actually, there are more corpses outside of the closed street, but with Miao Miao's strength, she may not go back after going out, so it is better to let her work in a safe place.

   Then He Shan looked at the rest of the things.

   First, it was a pile of armors. He Shan simply counted them. There were ten sets in total.

   These ten sets of armors, called bug armors, can provide good defensive power after wearing them, as well as slightly improve physical functions.

   But the disadvantage is that after putting it on, it looks like a cockroach...

   Then there are a bunch of inexplicable foods, fried worms, crickets, scorpions...

   There are also dozens of boxes of compressed energy blocks. These energy blocks are made from the dead bodies of insects. Eating one block can supplement the calorie consumption of the day.

   a piece of ten yuan, a box of one hundred yuan.

   Like this kind of large quantity and not very effective, He Shan always has to send it to Suiyuan experience store to sell.

   Next are eight pairs of cricket boots, all in pitch black, as if covered with exoskeleton. They look a bit handsome and can greatly improve their jumping power. A pair of five sly copper coins.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Sixteen sets of worm vests. The material is as disgusting as the skin of worms. It can defend against sword cutting and bullet shooting. It is equivalent to a thin body armor. One piece of three tricky copper coins.

   Twenty-four scorpion daggers, all scarlet, covered with scorpion-like spikes, these daggers are very sharp and contain a certain amount of poison, and the price is also three silly copper coins.

   These things are the products of normal decomposition. Although they are not as important as the pronucleus, they can also exert powerful effects in the hands of the right trickster.

   The remaining two things are a bit interesting.

   are a flute and a dark green miniature Suiyuan shop.

   He Shan first looked at the dizi.

   Item: Worm flute

   Remarks: By blowing this flute, you can control all ordinary insects within a radius of one kilometer.

  Price: 30 tricky copper coins

   Looking at this flute, He Shan's eyes were revealed.

   Don’t think that this flute can only control ordinary insects, but the range is all insects within one kilometer. Even if these insects are only used to attack, they are not comparable to ordinary low-level monsters.

  Imagine, within one kilometer, if there is something like ‘red fire ants’, ‘killer bees’...

  Moreover, insects are not only used to attack, you can use them to track down, guard, and explore... This is simply a super practical prop.

   "But is this thing so useful? Let me try it."

   He Shan took a deep breath and played the flute.

   The extremely unpleasant and harsh tone came out of the flute in He Shan's hands, and the effect was called disturbing.

   This is not the pot of the flute, it's just that He Shan has poor playing skills.

   Through this flute, he contacted all the insects within one kilometer, and then He Shan gave the order.

   "All the mosquitoes, commit suicide to the Lord!"

   After he gave the order, all the mosquitoes nearby flew like crazy, some dived into the water, some took the initiative to find natural enemies, and some wandered in front of people without sucking blood or avoiding...

   In just a few minutes, the mosquitoes with a radius of one kilometer centered on He Shan were immediately extinct!

   "Good things, good things, if they can do suicide, other things should be possible too."

   He Shan put away the flute contentedly. From now on, he will not be disturbed by mosquitoes again.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Then He Shan looked at the last thing. The whole thing looked like a miniature dark green random shop, but the texture was too rough. No details can be seen on the outside.

   So He Shan saw the message of this thing through the Suiyuan Shop.

   Item: Worm Nest Theme

  Note: After using this theme, you can change the decoration style of Suiyuan Shop to Worm's Nest, add ten Worm's Nest guards, and the theme can be switched at any time.

  Price: Priceless


   This is the first time He Shan has seen this type of object.

   Maybe it's because a hundred monsters are broken down at a, this thing will appear.

   Regarding the price of this item, He Shan is also understandable. After all, it is useless to put it anywhere except Suiyuan Shop.

   He Shan is very curious, what is the so-called Worm Nest style, and what is the Worm Nest Guard.

   So he immediately used this theme.

After the theme of    was activated, the entire Suiyuan shop suddenly began to change.

   First of all, the original snow-white walls turned dark green with patterns like insect exoskeleton. The ground was turned into a yellow honeycomb-like material, and the shelves were also converted to exoskeleton material.

   Everything that comes with Suiyuan Shop, the lights, glass, counter, even the computer and He Shan's clothes, have undergone certain changes.

   The chef's uniform on He Shan turned into a black and green robe, and the beak mask on his face turned into a black veil.

After    changes, the style of the entire Suiyuan Shop has undergone tremendous changes.

   Even He Shan himself is a little uncomfortable.

   Ten one-meter-high eggs appeared on both sides of the steps outside the door of Suiyuan Xiaopu. He Shan could feel that there was a life gestating in the eggshell.

   These ten new lives are growing at an astonishing speed, and it is estimated that they can break out of their shells within an hour at most.

   A green poodle with black stripes curled into the corner with its tail sandwiched between it.

   This dog is a pet decomposed by Xipi lion. It is now raised by Miao Miao. After seeing the changes in Suiyuan Shop, he was scared to hide.


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