Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 357: 40 brawny

The last thing left is a toxin appraisal device, which can identify whether various items contain toxins.


   Whether it is a liquid or a gas solid, it can be detected with a toxin detector.


   This is a good tool, He Shan saves it and prepares to use it himself.


   So far, the five holy emblems and monsters have all been decomposed, and it cost He Shan two hundred and fifty tricky copper coins, and the value of the total sale of these things is estimated to be more than 500 tricky copper coins.


   Now in He Shan's hands, there are still six hundred and fifty tricky copper coins.


  The monsters waiting to be decomposed, there are samurai monsters, rain master concubines, painted monsters, and the miscellaneous monsters brought back by Miao Miao.


   After assessing the number of tricky copper coins in his hand, He Shan chose to put the Yushi concubine and the warrior monster aside first.


   First break down the monsters and the messy monsters.


   First of all, it is the painting of monsters. There are two second-order monsters and twenty-four first-order monsters, which cost a total of 280 copper coins.


These monsters have contributed ten painting pronuclei to He Shan, and ten different pronuclei, as well as various special props, such as fragrant milk tea, **** battle axe, soul eater chain, magic little yellow duck, etc. s things.


   There is only one thing worthy of He Shan's attention.


   It is a small machine that can be used to stick to the wall. It can be used to change the wall color of a house at will, so that He Shan's house can change the style of painting every day, which is one step closer to perfect furniture.


   The last thing to be broken down is the messy monsters that Miao Miao brought back.


   There are many types of these monsters, and the strength is generally not strong. He Shan can only choose to break down one by one.


  It's like what King Kong doesn't damage the monsters, you can see the monsters far and wide, the power is infinite, the water sprays, the fire sprays, the invisible monsters, the treasure gourds...


   These monsters gave He Shan a lot of things, including weapons and armor, props and potions, and pronuclear gems... I won't list them all here.


   With these items and the pronucleus, Suiyuan Shop has changed its appearance directly, with a dazzling array of goods that make people overwhelming. The vast majority of tricksters can find what they want here.


   Now this is really a shop, instead of just having stall-level goods like before.


   But among these things, He Shan can use only a few. After all, he is now in a costume of gods, and he doesn't like the things that come out of ordinary monsters.


   The only thing that is useful to him is the three different long swords he obtained from the three monsters.


   A sword has a blue body and lightning flashes across it. The speed of this sword is much faster than that of a normal long sword. It is called the Lightning Sword.


   When another long sword was swung, an afterimage flashed across it, which could be used to confuse the opponent. It was called the Wandering Sword.


   The last flight was silent, and the trail was like a phantom, named Shadowless Sword.


   He Shan used these three long swords to replace three relatively weak swords and re-formed a queue of twelve flying swords, which greatly enriched the richness of He Shan's manipulation of long swords.


  Anyone who fights against He Shan must face these long swords of different abilities.


   After all the decomposition was completed, He Shan only left about fifty tricky copper coins in his own hands.


   So he asked Jade and Miao Miao to clean up the shop and prepare to open again.


   This time, He Shan went to make money.


   After that catastrophe, Suiyuan Shop became famous.


  Moreover, there are more sorcerers living in Fengrenjie than before, and their desire for power will definitely be stronger than before, so He Shan feels that this time the business will be very good.


   The lantern at the door was lit, and He Shan opened the rolling door.

   The red flame flowers outside bloomed in every green area of ​​Fengren Street, adding a strange beauty to Fengren Street.


  While He Shan was enjoying the beautiful scenery, He Shan saw a group of menacing bald and muscular men, under the leadership of Li Yuansheng, walking neatly to the door of Suiyuan Shop.


   He Shan was stunned immediately, what's the situation with these brawny men?


   The average height of the strong men is at least two meters. They are all strong muscles, blood vessels and veins are all bulging, as if they are about to break their clothes, and they have a strong sense of strength.


   After seeing these brawny men, Jade silently retreated to the back of the Suiyuan shop. She didn't want Miao Miao to know that these brawny men were actually made by her.


When    walked to the door of Suiyuan Xiaopu, these brawny men stopped, bowed to He Shan at the same time, and shouted loudly.


   "Thank you for your help, we are here to pay off the debt!"


   The voices of these brawny men spread throughout the Fengren Street, making the streets in the morning suddenly lively.


   Kang Zhazha, with a cigarette in his mouth, was standing on the balcony basking in the sun. When he saw the cigarettes in these strong men's mouths suddenly fell, he subconsciously covered his ass.


   These brawny men reminded him of some philosophical scenes.


   with a cigarette **** of Mars, it happened to fall on a green bird's nest...No, it was on the hair of a green-haired old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle!


   The hair burned, and there was a scorched smell, and the old hair screamed in horror.


   "My hair, **** good god... The old man has become like this, you still don't let me go!"


   Cao Mao, who was full of anger, twisted and grew crazily with Martian hair, spreading irregularly.


   And these hairs silently lit a curtain hanging outside a house.


   In the curtains, a man with thick lips wearing only pink lingerie is dancing intoxicated with headphones.


   On the opposite floor of this thick-lipsed man, a chubby man was giving lessons to his students, only to find that his students had their mouths as big as eggs and didn't listen carefully at all.


   He took out a pointer with a weak current and yelled at the students: "Why don't you take the class Could there be a pervert dancing in pink underwear outside?"


   The students pointed outside and said, "Teacher, you are right."


   The fat teacher turned his head and looked at the scene with the spicy eyes, his mouth opened to the size of a light bulb...


   In short, because of the neat shouts of these strong men, Fengrenjie suddenly became active, although there was something wrong with the way of being active.




   In a dark room in a building opposite Suiyuan Xiaopu.


   There was a boss chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, on which sat a middle-aged man with white temples.


  He is the president of New Fada Real Estate, Liu Fa Da.


   Liu Fafa looked at the scene of Suiyuan Shop, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


   Behind him, stood a young man in white clothes. The young man looked at Liu Fafa with an expression of admiration.


   Before Liu Fafa asked him to give out 50 sly copper coins and a dozen sly silver coins to Suiyuan shop, he still felt it was a bit wasteful, and they didn't need to please the Suiyuan shop.


   Now that he sees such a scene, he knows how naive he is.


   Suiyuan Shop has such a good relationship with the Anomaly Management Bureau, and they are also local snakes here. Only when they have a good relationship with Suiyuan Shop can they do business here steadily.


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