Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 360: Interrogation and release

"You said you were doing something righteous?"

In the anomaly management bureau, Yuan Ying looked at He Shan rather sadly.

There was a terrible incident of conspiracy fighting in the city, and their Anomaly Management Bureau Operations Section immediately arrived on the scene.

When they arrived, they found that the perpetrator was sitting at the door of the coffee shop, while the victim was hung from the street lamp at the door, with a swollen nose and a swollen nose and he couldn't see what normal was like.

"What righteousness did you see, and what did you do for it? To beat someone to death, you said you were doing it for justice?"

Yuan Ying patted the table vigorously and questioned He Shan. It was the first time she saw a sorcerer with an attitude like He Shan after the trouble.

He Shan took it for granted: "As the saying goes, when the road sees injustice, draw your sword and help each other."

"I saw that I was bullied, so I beat him up. The noise seemed to be a bit louder, but I will compensate for the loss of the boss next door."

Yuan Ying sighed: "If you see righteousness, did you explain it like that..."

"According to the coffee shop staff, you were having a friendly conversation before, and you suddenly beat this... well, Liu Zhusu."

He Shan waved his hand: "The waiter is from Liu Zhusu. He will definitely not speak to me."

"This Liu Zhusu wants to use a certain ability to confuse me. Fortunately, I was able to counteract it in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. Maybe I will die of mold in a corner."

Yuan Ying couldn't help but retorted: "How do you want me to believe, how can someone confuse someone who is better than him when they meet? Is he going to die?"

He Shan scratched his chin: "This guy should be quite strong."

At this moment, a member of the Second Operation Division walked in and whispered a few words to Yuan Ying.

After Yuan Ying listened, her face suddenly changed.

That Liu Zhusu turned out to be an unregistered sorcerer, and his strength had reached the level of the holy emblem.

Normally, sorcerers are obliged to register with the Anomaly Administration.

At the level of the holy emblem, if you don't establish a certain contact with the anomaly administration, you will still be judged as an illegal concubine.

Upon receiving this piece of information, Yuan Ying immediately believed He Shan's words.

It's not surprising that such an illegal trickster does anything.

The reason most tricksters do not register with the Anomaly Administration is that they want to use their abilities to do shameful things.

Like Luo Shan, there are only a small number of sorcerers who want to solve cases freely.

She looked at He Shan in shock: "That's a holy emblem-level sorcerer, how did you beat him and win so easily?"

"Unexpectedly, terrain restrictions, ability restraint...As long as the conditions are right, the Holy Emblem Sorcerer is not invincible." He Shan said naturally.

He once killed a Saint Emblem level monster by himself, so he was very confident when he said this.

Yuan Ying looked at He Shan, and it took a long time to get over. She still remembered that when she first saw He Shan, she was just a newcomer with some potential.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, he had defeated a master at the same level as her.

Now in Lianhai City, under the recognized holy emblem, the strongest is the Desperate Angel Xiaopujie.

But in Yuan Ying's view, He Shan was the real strongest person, and she didn't look away at that time.

"You can go back, and leave the rest to us."

He Shan got up, and when he was about to walk out of the interrogation room, Yuan Ying asked He Shan.

"When you did it, didn't you worry about retaliation? Although the former big consortium is now declining, after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse."

"Like the Liu family, suddenly moved all the properties to Lianhai City, even we are quite jealous."

He Shan twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said to Yuan Ying: "Retaliation...I really didn't think about it so much. I didn't kill him on the spot. I was already very restrained."

"Moreover, I think that your Anomaly Management Bureau will not let Liu's people do anything wrong in Lianhai City."

Yuan Ying smiled: "The situation you reported is very important. We will take action against Liu, but this requires a process. Recently, it is better for you to keep a low profile."

Now the biggest force in Central Continent is obviously the Anomaly Administration.

The remnants of the old age like Liu's, although they still have a certain influence, it is the abnormal administration that gave them face.

Once the Anomaly Management Bureau found out that they had a secret conspiracy, then they were almost destroyed.

He Shan walked out of the anomaly management bureau and sighed in his heart.

He said just now that he has exercised considerable restraint, which is really not nonsense.

If it were not for the tricky copper and silver coins that Liu Fafa had sent before, he would have killed Liu Zhusuge on the spot.

But these tricky copper coins can only buy Liu Zhusu's life once.

After returning, He Shan will conduct a thorough investigation of Liu's actions in the Fengrenjie.

If He Shan finds some tricks, He Shan will make them regret, and next time he will not be soft.

Although He Shan does not like normal business behavior, he will not be so repulsive.

And Liu Zhusu's hypnosis of He Shan has already touched He Shan's bottom line. He does not allow anyone to use nasty means to encroach on his interests in his territory.

As for defeating Liu Zhusu, it was a trivial matter.

In that environment, he could easily burst out of the maple leaf mode, equivalent to the melee ability of the holy emblem, and Liu Zhusu was completely unable to react when suddenly violent.

After riding the motorcycle, He Shan found that Youruoyouruwu's eyes were staring at him closely.

These eyes should also belong to the Liu family. Liu Zhusu is definitely not the only sorcerer in the Liu family, and it is not enough to rely on He Shan as a second-order sorcerer to fight against such a clan.

But the skin of this second-order sorcerer is actually just a layer of cover.

In Lianhai City, in Fengren Street, He Shancai should be the most authoritative person!


After some negotiations, Liu Zhusu was released ahead of a man and a woman, and two sorcerers helped Liu Zhusu into an extended car.

In the car, a woman with a little hollow color rolled up her sleeves and exposed her white wrists, then took a knife and slashed her arm.

The blood with white particles dripped into Liu Zhusu's mouth.

The injury he suffered from He Shan quickly healed, and within ten minutes he recovered seven or eight minutes.

After that, Liu Zhusu violently pushed the woman aside, picked up the mirror and looked at his face. He had less than half of his teeth left, and there were huge wounds on his face.

He has been completely disfigured!

"Mud legs, untouchables, **** poor ghosts, don't know how to promote!"

Liu Zhusu, who was out of control, kept cursing He Shan.

"Retaliation, I want revenge, I want to let him die!"

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