Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 376: New employee

Ye Yu, who was deeply stimulated, stabbed Liu Zhusu's body with a knife.

"You bastard, how dare you..."

Liu Zhusu wanted to resist, but the inexplicable power directly pressed on his body, making him extremely weak in resisting, like an ordinary person with no ability.

But Ye Yu directly turned on his abilities and stab Liu Zhusu with all his strength.

With one knife, two knives, and three knives, her hand is like a pile driver, fast and accurate.

In less than ten seconds, Liu Zhusu was stabbed into a watering can.

The strength of the holy emblem-level sorcerer gave him vigorous vitality, and ordinary stab wounds had little effect on him.

But this strength happened to make him feel great pain.

Ye Yu stabbed and cursed constantly, and the negative emotions disappeared with Liu Zhusu's life.

He Shan showed a relieved smile on his face.

When he saw Ye Yu’s expression in Liu’s mansion, he knew that the girl’s heart had actually collapsed at that time. If he could use the life of this scumbag to make her state better, He Shan Very happy to.

This kind of scum life has this effect.

It's a pity that he was chopped up like this, and it would be unsuitable for children to hang on the street lamp, so He Shancai put out the idea of ​​hanging the house on the street lamp.

In the end, Liu Zhusu was stabbed to death by Ye Yu, and the whole person was like a mass of rotten flesh, without any human form.

He Shan covered his mouth and walked in front of Liu Zhusu.

"The corpse becomes like this, it should still be usable, I won't waste your value."

After that, Ye Yu, who was covered in blood, knelt directly on the ground, and fell on He Shan's lap and burst into tears.

She was crying very sad, and she couldn't see how harsh Liu Zhusu was when she smashed Liu Zhusu's body for a long time.

But compared with the pain at the beginning, the bitter cry now is a little bit more relieved. The biggest nightmare of her life has been killed by her personally.

He Shan is also an individual anyway, and will not push the girl away at this time.

When she gradually stopped crying, He Shancai asked softly: "Next, what are your plans?"

Ye Yu was stunned for a moment, what could she have planned?

Her family and friends were all killed by Liu Zhusu, and she never wanted to go back to that place again.

Even during the period under Liu Zhusu's control, she was full of fear for everyone. She could only sigh and said, "I'm homeless."

He Shan thought for a moment: "If you don't dislike it, you can work with me..."

After he waved his hand, a piece of paper appeared in his hand, which was an employee contract.

This contract is integrated with the piece of paper pasted on the decomposition machine.

It was just that He Shan used her special power to realize her name. As long as she voluntarily signs this contract, she will be regarded as an employee of Suiyuan Shop in the future.

After receiving the contract, Ye Yu watched for a while and cried again.

Then he wrote his name on it while crying.

Now, she has only this choice.


Eventually, Ye Yu became an employee of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

However, He Shan did not leave her to work in Suiyuan Xiaopu, but let her manage a store separately.

This store has not been officially established, but it will be established in the future.

Ye Yu is a human being after all, and He Shan doesn't want to call her like two Jadeites.

And it won't, reveal the core secret of Suiyuan Shop in front of Ye Yu.

He was just Ye Yu and found a place to stay, and then hired a new employee for Suiyuan Xiaopu.

Suiyuan Shop's formal work does not require her to intervene.

This made Jade and Miao Miao complain.

They are already so busy. This black-hearted store manager is not without anyone. Why can't we hire two more sisters to help them with work?

But He Shan obviously wouldn't consider their opinions.

He Shan is preparing to open a new shop, which is a trading market for concubine props.

At this time, He Shan's hands accumulated a large amount of common trickery items obtained from the monster.

These things are in a mess, there are all kinds of things, and the quality is uneven.

He Shan couldn't sell it in the Suiyuan Shop, but it seemed a bit wasteful to keep it stacked there, so he planned to let Ye Yu take care of these things.

It’s like ‘Farting Underpants’, ‘Special Green Onions for Nose Insertion’, ‘Steel Needle Toilet Brush’, ‘Spiked Teeth Scratch’, ‘Smart Hand Washing Toilet’...

As long as Ye Yu could get rid of these things, he would have been a great help to He Shan.

In terms of price, as long as it is not too cheap, it can be sold.

These props can not only increase the strength of Lianhai City's sorcerer, but also add a place for He Shan to collect crafty copper coins.

After arranging a place to live for Ye Yu, the eggshell at the door of Suiyuan Xiaopu had grown to one person's height, and it was covered with cracks.

Five worm nest guards stepped out of the eggshell and stood with the other worm nest guards.

His memory and strength have not been affected, and he can still perform tasks as before.

In addition, there are still many surplus clothes made by the tailor last time, and they can easily return to their original appearance.

However, He Shan thought about it, and gave each Worm Nest guard a decomposed samurai sword.

In the battle against the Liu clan, He Shan saw the powerful combat ability of these Wormhouse Guards, but the short blade of the Serpentine Blade limited their power.

It is a weapon with a long blade like the samurai sword, which is more suitable for the play of the guarding ability of these worm nests.


After Liu's fall, the Worm Nest guards went to Liu's mansion several times to raid.

There are countless good things from Liu's family, and even the rockery outside the mansion has been removed and placed in a flower bed in Fengren Street...

This time the raid ended, and the public facilities in Fengren Street became slightly better.

And the residents here, without the harassment of those in black suits from Fada Real Estate, their lives have also improved a bit.

But soon, their mood is not so good.

Because Suiyuan Xiaopu started to send people to buy their house.

Although He Shan's price is very impressive, these people still don't want to sell their houses.

In fact, if you think about it in another way, He Shan himself is not willing.

Why is my own house, you want to buy it if you give it a high price, but I don’t want to sell it?

Also, the people who bought the house by Fada Real Estate came to Suiyuan Shop and pulled a banner at the door to want to get their house back.

Everyone knows that the house on Fengren Street is good. They didn't dare to provoke Fada Real Estate before, but they were very confident when they asked for a random shop.

But He Shan didn't care about these trivial matters at all. After Li Yuansheng knew that someone had blocked the Suiyuan shop, he immediately took people to evacuate the crowd.

And they communicated with them ‘unknown’. After a few days passed, everyone in Fengren Street agreed to sell the house to He Shan.

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